
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

13th, January 2011 Reviews 3

The Regent's Street Bomber Does Accessorize: Photos

Some irony that the self-billed bomber chose make his stand in a Regent’s Street branch of Accessorize. More »

13th, January 2011 Reviews 15

Biased BBC Hails 'Post-Partisan' Barack Obama And Slams Sarah Palin

On the BBC’S GMT show, George Alagiah introduces Barack Obama’s address in light of Gabrielle Giffords shooting... More »

13th, January 2011 Key Posts

Swine Flu Scam: Get Yours At Your Local Hospital

emma Ameen, 28, and her husband, Zana, switched off life support to their daughter, Lana, just two days after she caught a cold on Christmas Eve... More »

13th, January 2011 Reviews

Jared Loughner Was Shooting At The World: Sarah Palin And Obama Cleared

Loughner wasn't inspried bySarah Palin or Barack Obama. He was just angry at everything... More »

13th, January 2011 Strange But True

Seattle Superhero Phoenix Jones Heads To Iraq

Seattle's superhero, has had his super nose super broken by a perp... More »

13th, January 2011 Key Posts 25

Luka Magnotta Is The YouTube Kitten Killer? The Eric Clinton Newman Story

Luka Magnotta, 25, is, allegedly, the man filmed pushing two kittens into a plastic bag and then suffocating them... More »

13th, January 2011 Key Posts 3

Joanna Yeates's Entertaining Death: Will The Media's Secret Lover Destroy The Victim?

Other than TV programmes, the only show the nation watches together is death... More »

13th, January 2011 Reviews

Jared Loughner: The Inevitable Marijuana Debate (With Obama's Bong)

Loughner was called a stoner by an older school colleague. Cue the inevtable marijuana debate... More »

12th, January 2011 Sports

Liverpool Lose To Blackpool In Photos: Kenny Dalglish Is the New Kevin Keegan (Again)

Are Liverpool in danger of turning into Newcastle – a team with delusions of glory? Is King Kenny once more the replacement for Kevin Keegan..? More »

12th, January 2011 Key Posts 2

Jordan Rice Is The Unbearable Face Of The Australian Floods

In Toowoomba's flooded high street, Jordan Rice is with his brother Blake and mother Donna. They are stranded... More »

12th, January 2011 Strange But True 2

Gays Kill Dozens Of Romanian Birds With Alcohol

Did the gays get the Romanian birds drunk before killing them? And we mean birds in the literal sense..? More »

12th, January 2011 Reviews

Lancashire Telegraph Sees Mosques, Mosques And More Mosques

Yesterday the Lancashire Telegraph ran a non-story about a former care home becoming a mosque and having a dome stuck on the top... More »

12th, January 2011 Key Posts 16

Michaela McAreavey Murder Linked To Anni Dewani

Michaela McAreavey has been murdered at the Legends Hotel in Mauritius. She was on her honeymoon. This is grim news. But why is the media interested?... More »

12th, January 2011 Strange But True

Romania Classifies Five Pigs As A 'Luxury Item' In Benefits Clampdown

In Romania, the Government equates five pigs to one fridge. Five pigs are also worth the same as one TV, a bicycle, a desktop PC, a camera... More »

12th, January 2011 Celebrities

Peter Brandt II Explains These Stephanie Seymour Photos

When we saw those photos of model Stephanie Seymour and her son, Peter Brandt II on the beach, we thought she was with her boyfriend... More »

12th, January 2011 Key Posts

PC Mark Kennedy Forced Into Hippy Sex And To Agree With George Monbiot?

As the debate wonders if the spy became an agent provocateur, and other plotters vie for the film rights, a woman called Anna says she shagged Mark Stone... More »

12th, January 2011 Celebrities

Ivanka Trump's 'Delicate Aesthetic' In Hello!

Against a “moonlit Manhattan skyline” Hello!” meets with Ivanka Trump, who “positively glows”... More »

12th, January 2011 Film

Glenn Close Is The Feminine Mr Nobbs: Exclusive Photos

That man in the bowler hat in Glenn Close. She’s playing the eponymous hero in the film Albert Nobbs... More »

12th, January 2011 Flashback 5

Paris In World War 2: Photos Of The Nazi Joie De Vivre

When Paris fell to the Germans in world war two, what was life like in the city of lights? Paris-born photographer André Zucca took photos... More »

12th, January 2011 The Consumer 1

Hotel Chain Days Appeals To Onanists? Do No Disturb Resident With Lap Top

Anyone else think he’s looking at the company accounts..? More »

12th, January 2011 Reviews

Jared Loughner: Randy Loughner, Zane Gutierrez And Buckwheat

With six dead and Gabrielle Giffords among many in hospital, and the media exercising little or no caution, we learn from Zane Gutierrez more about the alleged killer... More »

12th, January 2011 Celebrities

James Van Der Beek's Daughter Olivia Arrives In A Vacuum

Mum Kimberly says James named his new daughter “after our special tree”... More »

12th, January 2011 Celebrities 1

Elen Rivas And Peter Andre's First Data: Intimate Photos

Peter Andre and Elen Rivas are “CRAZY ABOUT EACH OTHER”... More »

12th, January 2011 Strange But True

Swiss Town Vows To Kill Pet Dogs Unless Owners Pay Tax

"They do not suffer. Lethal injection is sentimentalism..." More »

12th, January 2011 Strange But True

Mother Sonal Waghela Faints At Sight Of 'Alien' Baby

The mother, Sonal Waghela, fainted when she saw her baby - that looks, to som,e like an alien... More »