
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

10th, January 2011 Reviews 1

Overseas Press Club Of American Rejects Julian Assange

The Wikileaks founder is not popular with all of his chosen profession... More »

10th, January 2011 Music 3

Michael Jackson's 25 Most Used Words

What do you think are the 25 most common words in Michael Jackson's songs from 1979 to 2009..? More »

10th, January 2011 Technology

Jared Loughner: The Fake Facebook Accounts

Richard Bartholomew looks at the fake Facebook sites set up in Loughner's name that aim to make capital from a nutcase who murdered six peoples, shots 14 more and ruined many lives... More »

10th, January 2011 TV & Radio

American Idol To Be A 3D Cartoon

The singing contest now features animatronic likenesses of Jennifer Lopez, Ryan Seacrest and Randy Jackson... More »

10th, January 2011 Key Posts

Renato Seabra Confesses To Corkscrew Castration - Mum Disagrees (Photos)

Says mum: "My son, being a golden boy, who is so good, he didn't do this"... More »

10th, January 2011 Strange But True 6

Woman Rapes Boy In X-Box Live Room

Ann Hicks, 36, of Lake Forest, California, is accused of having sex with a 13-year-old Maryland boy she met in a X-Box live chat room. More »

10th, January 2011 Money

Alcatel-Lucent Appoints Nazi

The company Alcatel-Lucent has appointed Nazi to its Quality Assurance and Customer Care team... More »

10th, January 2011 Reviews

Colin Blanchard, Tracy Lyons And Tracy Dawber Jailed For Child Sex Abuse

Blanchard, 40, of Rochdale, will pass the next nine years in jail... More »

10th, January 2011 Reviews

Portsmouth Remembers The Blitz: 70 Years Later They Cannot Forget

At Portsmouth, only a very small crowd were there to remember the 1,013 victims of the Blitz... More »

10th, January 2011 Key Posts

Westboro Baptist Church To Picket Christina Green's Funeral

With Jared Loughner busy, Fred Phelps is here to let the rest of the world know that America can rely on him to entertain the rest of the world.. More »

10th, January 2011 Reviews 2

The Collected Idiocy Of Jared Loughner: Grammar Nazi

Jared Loughner is - when all said and done - nuts... More »

10th, January 2011 Flashback 1

Peter Rabbit - Tank Killer: When Sven Hassel Met Beatrix Potter

A tale of hatred, barbarity, revenge and fluffy bunnies, set against the harsh backdrop of rural England... More »

10th, January 2011 Politicians

Gabrielle Giffords: Keith Olbermann Forgets To Blame The Democrats And Jared Lee Loughner

One thing you cannot help but see in all this is that America is living in some god-awful melodrama... More »

10th, January 2011 Strange But True

William Alan Givan And The Tennessee Meth Monkeys

So how did William Alan "Monkey Man" Givan get his nickname...? More »

10th, January 2011 Film

Strongman Is Stanless Steel: A Film Hit For 2011

Here's Stanless Steel - "The Strongest Man in the World at Bending Steel and Metal"... More »

10th, January 2011 Politicians 1

Jared Lee Loughner: Sarah Palin Must Die

In the rush to blame Sarah Palin's crosshairs and rhetoric for Jared Lee Loughner's murderous spree in Arizona, the media has overlooked one thing... More »

10th, January 2011 Technology

Fail Of The Day: The Breasts That Bend Time

Can you believe all you see on the internet..? More »

10th, January 2011 Politicians

Gabrielle Giffords Won't Die From Irony

The only thing the craven politicos and partisan media love more than violence is to talk about there being more violence... More »

10th, January 2011 Strange But True 3

It's OK To Rape A Woman In Somalia So Long As You Don't Shake Her Hand

TO Somalia, where the Islamist group al-Shabab has banned men from shaking hands with women - and women from shaking hands with men... More »

10th, January 2011 Sports 1

Andy Carroll And The Meerkat: A Newcastle To Spurs Story

"Witnesses saw him slump down with his head in his hands after the Jager-bombs and one Peroni. Then all of a sudden he perked up, alert - 'like a meerkat'..." More »

10th, January 2011 Reviews

Joanna Yeates: Matthew Wood And The Daily Mirror's Blurry Detectives

Will Matthew Wood get the full Robert Murat treatment..? More »

10th, January 2011 Strange But True 2

Woman Staples Boyfriend's Head

Jodi Gilbert is our Mug Shot of the Day... More »

10th, January 2011 Key Posts 32

Jared Lee Loughner: Palin's Crosshairs, Obama's Gun And Glenn Beck's Hitler

They might blame Loughner, a nihilist who wants to kill. The law will deal with him. But in the court of public opinion, Sarah Palin is getting the stick... More »

9th, January 2011 Reviews 4

All British Smokers Dead By 2041 Says Report

By 2041 at the earliest - and 2061 at the latest - all smokers in the UK will be dead... More »

9th, January 2011 Key Posts 1

Barack Obama Inspired Jared Loughner To Shoot Gabrielle Giffords Chicago Style

Want to know why nihilistic lunatic Jared Lee Loughner shot 20 people, killing six?... More »