
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

23rd, December 2010 Celebrities 1

Natalie Portman Smells Of Vegan And Dior Fur

Portman, star of Black Swan and an all round babe, is the new face of Miss Dior perfume. Nice work. Only, Portman is a vegetarian activist... More »

23rd, December 2010 Reviews

Julian Assange of Wikileaks Will Now Rap For You: Video

Assange, of Wikileaks fame, is a rapper. Really... More »

23rd, December 2010 Reviews 6

Julian Assange: Jew, Unionist And Capitalist

Julian Assange is every man at all times... More »

23rd, December 2010 Strange But True

The Potty Fisher: The Toy That Keeps Your Eye In

It’s a Olympic sport waiting to happen – a nerve-shredding tribute to never-shredding moments of pre-performance tension... More »

23rd, December 2010 Key Posts 3

Inside Tommy Sheridan's Manchester Sex Club: Photos

But what about the sex club? Well, it looks not a lot unlike a bad guest house, all cheap wooden doors, hideous carpets and bad lighting... More »

23rd, December 2010 Politicians

Tommy Sheridan: The Best Quotes From An Entertaining Case Of Beckham, Sex And Lies

Fantastic lines from a fantastic trial of a fantastic liar... More »

23rd, December 2010 Music

Enrique Iglesias's Hentai Rock Opera: Featuring James Bond Porn

This is horrible – unless you’re a 14-year-old Saudi Prince, in whish case it’s your theme song… More »

23rd, December 2010 Politicians

Vince Cable And His LibDems Get Eaten Alive

Who knew we had a Care Minister? The suspicion is that the LibDems have been given made-up-on-the-spot titles to make them feel important... More »

23rd, December 2010 Strange But True

The Hairball In Her Stomach Weighed 10 Pounds: Photo

This is a hairball being removed from woman's stomach... More »

23rd, December 2010 Royal Family

Prince William's Adam's Apple Goes Bjork: The Royal Mint's Coin Con

As they say at court: Laryngeal Prominence et WTF!?... More »

23rd, December 2010 Celebrities

What Really Happened When Anna Nicole Smith Went To The Bahamas: WikiBitch

WikiBitch, has produced a cable in which a State Department employee brightens up a slow news day... More »

23rd, December 2010 Politicians

Koreas Gear Up For The War Of The Christmas Tree: Star Or Angel?

North Korea and South Korea are gearing up for the Christmas Tree war... More »

23rd, December 2010 Politicians

Oprah Winfrey Turns Julia Gillard Into The World's Most Obsequious Leader

Winfrey is in Australia. The locals have stopped short of renaming its famous landmark the Sydney Oprah House, but the nation's daytime telly watchers are out in force... More »

23rd, December 2010 Music 1

JLS And Tinie Tempa Rock Wembley: Photos

At one point the X Factor stars flew over the crowd in a Mercedes sleigh... More »

23rd, December 2010 Key Posts 1

Christmas Is Evil: Fanatical Islam And Daily Mail Agree

Meet Abu Rumaysah. He says Christmas is evil. Boo! Hiss! Can Mr Rumaysah be the new Islamist panto villain we’ve been waiting for.. More »

22nd, December 2010 Technology

Japanese Scientists Create Singing Mouse Choir With Dog Tails

Those whacky Japanese scientists has bred a mouse that chips like a bird. This mean birds will have to adapt or lose a big part of their charm... More »

22nd, December 2010 TV & Radio 1

The Savoy: Panto Professor Stephen Fry Ruins The Place

I'm afraid any good feeling I might have had about the Savoy refit was blown away by the arrival of Stephen Fry, appointed the hotel's blogger in residence: cue free suite.. More »

22nd, December 2010 Politicians

Bigoted USA: Homosexuals Can Now Serve Openly In The US Military

This country should be ashamed it ever had such prejudice against those of same sex preference from serving in the Military... More »

22nd, December 2010 Technology

Bank Of America Wonders If Brian Moynihan Sucks

The bank has set about securing a good press - or at last preventing a bad one - by buying domain names... More »

22nd, December 2010 Key Posts 4

Julian Assange Suffers Like The Jews: Meet Wikileaks's 'Anti-Semitic' Spokesman

Assange says he is suffering like the Jews of 1950s America. You might laugh - or cry - when you read this... This would be funny were Asange not being serious More »

22nd, December 2010 Celebrities

What Sex With Katy Perry Is Really Like: Bring Cards

A few weeks into new marriage and already she pulled out the top hat and the rabbit... More »

22nd, December 2010 TV & Radio

Fraudulent Apprentice Star Hides Behind Vince Cable

Is Farrell of the impression that the millions who saw him on the telly don’t know what he looks like..? More »

22nd, December 2010 Reviews

The Winter Solstice At Stone Henge: Photos

TO the Winter Solstice at Stone Henge (as seen on TV’s Grand Designs!) a ceremony with Arthur Pendragon... More »

22nd, December 2010 In Pictures

Christmas Cards - Awkward Ones

More »

22nd, December 2010 Flashback

The Bay City Rollers And Ann Margaret's Saturday Night Special: The Greatest Audience Video

Here we see the conflagration that resulted from bringing the white-hot talent of the Bay City Rollers and Ann Margaret into close proximity with a combustible crowd of geriatric hoodlums and good-time gals... More »