
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

8th, December 2010 Sports

MMA Cage Fighter Edger Jones Vomits In His Cage

Can Gary Lineker's defecation on the World Cup turf of Italia '90 be topped..? More »

8th, December 2010 Reviews

Shrien Dewani And The Death Of South African Wine And Tourism

"While any murder is a tragedy, if crime should scare away patrons from pioneering restaurants like…Mzoli’s, it is bad news for the SA wine industry..." More »

8th, December 2010 Key Posts

West Sussex Petrol Bomber Runs Into A Lamppost: Video

This is hilarious... More »

8th, December 2010 TV & Radio 1

Coronation Street: Metrolink Service Almost Back To Normal

Coronation Street is real... More »

8th, December 2010 Music

NME Tribute To John Lennon: Fail

Lennon died 30 years ago. In a media keen for easy news and nostalgia this is billed as a landmark... More »

8th, December 2010 TV & Radio

The Penguins Have A Dilemma

Because it's not easy being a penguin... More »

8th, December 2010 Key Posts

US State Department Invites Julian Assange To Speak At World Press Freedom Day 2011

The United States places technology and innovation at the forefront of its diplomatic and development efforts... More »

8th, December 2010 Politicians

Ireland Relocates to Brussels: Budget Protest Photos

Some irony, readers, in that on the day Ireland passed the Budget, and approved the €85bn bailout, Iceland announced that it was out of recession... More »

8th, December 2010 Key Posts

Can 4Chan Save Julian Assange And Avenge The Wikileaks Founder's Arrest?

Have no fear Wikileaks, the chaps from 4chan are here to support free speech and truth (and once Julian Assange has decided what that is, he’ll let you know)... More »

8th, December 2010 Music

X Factor 2012: Mark Gormley's Greatest Pop Video Ever

Meet Marc Gormley. He's the star of the greatest pop video of them all... More »

8th, December 2010 Reviews 1

Julian Assange Says Wikileaks Killed 1300 Kenyans Then Denies It

Is Julian Assange being less than truthful..? More »

8th, December 2010 Key Posts

Julian Assange's Personal Webpage: IQ.Org

Assange, the Wikileaks founder, had a web page. We say had because since Anorak showed you highlights of it first time around, IQ.ORG been deleted. Still, we saved a copy... More »

8th, December 2010 Strange But True

Czech Police Install Tarty Cardboard Cops To Reduce Crime

That policewoman in the short skirt stood by a road in the Czech Republic is not a prostitute looking for punters... More »

8th, December 2010 Politicians

Nick Herbert MP And Those Police C*nts: Video

Order! Order! We'll have none of that here... More »

8th, December 2010 TV & Radio 1

Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer Dies Mating A Traffic Light In Virginia

Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer is dead. His last moments were captured on camera... More »

8th, December 2010 Strange But True

Birmingham Cafe Owner Poisons 47 Police Officers

Muriel Morris poisoned 47 West Midlands police officers. She did this not with rhetoric and bile, rather by her chicken and tuna sandwiches... More »

8th, December 2010 Key Posts

Mugshots: The Funniest Ones And Bad Hair

Having seen those ironic T-shirts, and those tattooed faces, it’s time to show you the mug shots that are just plain funny and odd... More »

8th, December 2010 Celebrities

Michael Douglas Is Dead: Well, Sort Of

The US tabloids take a look at his condition. Hmmmmm… We may need a third opinion... More »

8th, December 2010 Key Posts 16

Shrien Dewani: Zola Tongo's Statement In Full And How Anni's Death Hurt South Africa

Shrien Dewani has been arrested in connection with the kidnap and murder of Anni Dewani in Gugulethu township in Cape Town, South Africa... More »

7th, December 2010 Key Posts 4

Leyton Aggression Boils Over: It's 1965 And World Führer Colin Jordan Is At Large

At an international conference in the Cotswolds in the summer of 1962, Jordan and George Lincoln Rockwell, leader of the American Nazi Party, had established the World Union of National Socialists and declared Jordan its ‘World Führer’... More »

7th, December 2010 TV & Radio 1

TV News Reporter Missing The Big Story Behind Him

Remember: when you fall over its a tragedy; when she falls over its comedy... More »

7th, December 2010 TV & Radio

I'm A Celebrity Contestants Return In Photos: Gillian McKeith's Poo Fetish Explained

Dom Joly emerged with his wife Stacey and daughter Parker and son Jackson. Dom’s children have surnames as first names. That is true middle class, with a dash of Republican Americana. Shaun Ryder, take note.... More »

7th, December 2010 Key Posts

Barrett's On This Day: A Sticky Wicket In Brisbane

A dead star is born – Python’s parrot lives on. And much, much more... More »

7th, December 2010 TV & Radio 2

X Factor Your Photos: Cher Hits Malvern And One Direction Skip Ireland

Hello Malvern! Cher Lloyd is on her homecoming tour... More »

7th, December 2010 The Consumer

The Harrod's Pet Spa Cox Spoof: Video And Photos

Robert Popper is on line 2… More »