
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

29th, November 2010 Reviews 2

Wikileaks Beyond Irony: Did The Guardian Get Documents Because It Signed Confidentiality Agreement?

CNN says it did not get its hands on the US cables because it “declined to sign a confidentiality agreement with WikiLeaks." More »

28th, November 2010 Technology 1

Twitter: @theashes Is An Angry American Woman

The Twitter page @theashes is nothing to do with cricket, or so the page owner claims... More »

28th, November 2010 Politicians 1

Wikileaks: US Calls Putin Batman, Medvedez Is Robin And Berlusconi Is Osama Bin Laden

The Italian foreign minister Franco Frattini says the Wikileaks leaks are "the September 11th of world diplomacy". Which would make Silvio Berlusconi... More »

28th, November 2010 Key Posts

Wikileaks: Muammar Gaddafi Uses Botox

Did you know that Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi - the one with the fit nurse - uses Botox...? More »

28th, November 2010 Politicians 2

Wikileaks Leaks Cost Lives? Well, So Say The Enemies Of Free Speech

Will Wikileaks's latest document dump on an expectant and eager media lead to lost lives or just cause a few red faces in Washington and The Pentagon...? More »

28th, November 2010 Reviews

It's Not Snow: It's Gaia's Dandruff To Reflect The Sun

As the Indy told is in 2000: "Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past..." More »

28th, November 2010 Politicians 1

Wikileaks Cables: Obama Thinks Cameron's An Idiot And Ahmadinejad Is Like Hitler

Listen up, American military and politicos, here are three words for you. Off. The. Record... More »

28th, November 2010 Key Posts

Awkward Family Photos Banished With Windows 7 Family Photo (Pictures)

Here's how to make your kidzzzz look prettier, happier and more compliant... More »

28th, November 2010 Key Posts

Justin Bieber Pray: Pro-Life Music For Christian Rock's Chosen Son

Bieber’s video for Pray is a boon to the ailing newspaper industry... More »

28th, November 2010 Reviews

Woman Goes To Toilet In Middle Of Shop: A Video Guide

Study the video footage and see if you can spot the moment she drop her draws and goes for it in the Nextel store... More »

28th, November 2010 Key Posts 2

X Factor: One Direction Out Of Sync Say Simon Cowell Clones

The X Factor panel judges are three preening knobs and knobesses seeking approval from Cowell – he is, after all, their mentor… More »

28th, November 2010 Reviews 2

Hertfordshire School Bans Photographs Of Children And Pervy Dads

Mrs Parsey, of Applecroft primary school in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, has banned all parents from taking pictures in her school. Good. More »

28th, November 2010 Royal Family

Queen Gets Kate Middleton And Williams's Wedding Gift (It's A Vase): Photos

The Queen added to her haul of fancy goods by meeting with the Sultan of Oman, His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said... More »

28th, November 2010 Music

Bono And U2's Tribute To Dead New Zealand Miners: I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For

“Hello [insert name of venue here]” used to be enough; now bands feel a need to tap into the zeitgeist of the crowd by empathising with their grief... More »

28th, November 2010 TV & Radio

Suspected Drink Driver Smashes Into Police Car

...and then it got worse... More »

27th, November 2010 Reviews 1

Willie Nelson Only Keeps Six Ounces Of Weed On An Entire Tour Bus: Alleged Shame

Police found six ounces of weed on Nelson’s tour bus. Yeah, on the entire bus. Six ounces! More »

27th, November 2010 Sports 1

Manchester United's Dimitar Berbatov Teaches Mourinho A Lesson: Photos

United's Dimitar Berbatov scored five of his side’s seven goals against Blackburn this afternoon. Of course, you only need one goal to win a match... More »

27th, November 2010 Reviews 11

Cornwall Paedophile Gang Neither Asian Nor Muslim: Daily Mail Bias Revealed?

Cornwall, six paedophiles have been arrested for sexually abusing and raping very young children. How many are Asian..? More »

27th, November 2010 Politicians

The Dublin Anti-Austerity March Will Change Nothing: Photos

In Dublin, 50,000 protestors marched against the austerity package and the bailout – a £85bn euro loan... More »

27th, November 2010 Strange But True

American Stole 299 Bird Skins To Buy New Flute

The museum holds around 750,000 bird skins. The house of horror’s director of science is Professor Richard Lane... More »

27th, November 2010 Politicians 3

EDL V UAF In Preston: Photos And Scores

It's the umpteenth week of the Unite Against Fascism versus the English Defence League shout off... More »

27th, November 2010 Strange But True 1

Big Issue Seller Flogs Woman's Dog Left Outside Tesco As She Shopped

Sherry Sourena is the 60-year-old with the cocktail-sweet name who left her dog Tetley outside the Tesco’s on Bournemouth’s Triangle... More »

27th, November 2010 Key Posts

Student Demo Photos: The Police Charge Video Is A Football Fan's Joke

Would any football fan take a child to the teeth of demo and not expect aggro? Maybe - but only if they wanted to teach him the dark arts... More »

27th, November 2010 TV & Radio 1

Cat Fight: The Greatest Crow V Cat Fight Of The Year (Video)

When humans have gone this is the future... More »

27th, November 2010 Key Posts

iPad: Rupert Murdoch's The Daily iPad Paper Saves Journalism From Google

Google is becoming the new censorship tyrant and a all-powerful influence across the world's information streams... More »