
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

24th, November 2010 Key Posts

X Factor: Katie Waissel Porn Make Her Queen Of All Media

X Factor wannabe Katie Waissel is the content Queen for Richard Desmond’s oeuvre... More »

24th, November 2010 Politicians

Ireland Protests In Photos: Art Inspired By Fear And Loathing

The new troubles in Ireland are inspiring graffiti artists and art lovers.. More »

24th, November 2010 Royal Family

Prince Charles Is The Face Of Wool And Woolly Thoughts: Photos

Who better than the Prince of Wales, Prince Charles, to promote the caking for wool and, by association, woolly thinking...? More »

24th, November 2010 Reviews 3

William And Kate: St Catherine of Siena Should Please the Pope

St Catherine was instrumental in the capture of the Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega; and who can forget St Catherine's claim thatJoaquin Phoenix is possessed by the troubled soul of Johnny Cash? More »

24th, November 2010 Music

The Beatles: John Lennon's Lyrics To I'm Only Sleeping Are On Sale

Want to buy John Lennon’s handwritten lyrics to I'm Only Sleeping...? More »

24th, November 2010 Technology

Canada's Industry Minister Calls For More Sex On The Internet

Canda's Industry Minister Tony Clement thinks about sex, sex and sex when he thinks about the Government’s digital drive... More »

24th, November 2010 Strange But True 3

Woman Steals Fur Coats In Panties: Video

That's 44-year-old Nakita Norman of Cleveland shoplifting two fur coats by pushing them into her panties... More »

24th, November 2010 Reviews 21

Jon Venables Only Has Himself To Blame: There Is No Whitewash

Venables is back in the news. The investigation into how one of James Bulger’s killers was able to download child porn has cleared officials of any wrongdoing... More »

24th, November 2010 Celebrities 2

Celebrity Autographs In Photos: Cherie Blair's Forgery Guide

Celebrity autographs are a handy way to say you met / stalked /waited-by-a-stage-door-for-hours to show one and all that they met Johnny Depp, John Travolta, Emma Watson, Paris Hilton and... More »

24th, November 2010 Key Posts 2

Tattoos Taken From Prisoners Are Death Art: Photos

The Department of Forensic Medicine at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, has a collection of tattoos removed during autopsies on prisoners... More »

24th, November 2010 TV & Radio 11

Did I'm A Celebrity Gillian McKeith Fall Pregnant From Live Kangaroo Sperm?

Gillian McKeith is pregant... More »

24th, November 2010 Key Posts 1

The First Korean War In Photos: Chinese And US Make Ready

Are we on the verge of war a repeat of the 1950s? Before pictures from that bloody time, a thought... More »

24th, November 2010 Strange But True

Real Life Super Heroes: Protecting Seattle And Beyond

In Seattle a plague / cape / pants of Superheroes is wrapping a protective Cosplay glove about Seattle: More »

23rd, November 2010 Politicians 1

Students Hang Nick Clegg Effigy: Photos

Students massed at a place guaranteed to get them a sympathetic ear: outside the Guardian and Observer newspaper offices... More »

23rd, November 2010 Reviews

Shrien Dewani Hires Max Clifford To Handle A Voracious Media

Mr Dewani has hired the ubiquitous publicist Max Clifford to handle the media on his behalf. Well, there is a whispering campaign against him... More »

23rd, November 2010 Reviews

The National Cannabis Trade Association Will Franchise Your Legal British Weed

There is big money to be made in medical marijuana. And that means corporations and unions. More »

23rd, November 2010 Strange But True

Teen Gang Raped By 10 Women

In Papua New Guinea, a 17-year-old has been gang raped by 10 women. They had knives... More »

23rd, November 2010 Technology 1

Google Street View Captures Live Birth: Uncanny

You can drive super fast in Germany but still Google manages to capture images so interesting that they become viral hits on the web... More »

23rd, November 2010 Politicians

Daily Star Front Page Ireland Crisis: 'Useless Gobshites' Edition

Ireland is in crisis and the Daily Star Ireland puts the thing in perspective... More »

23rd, November 2010 Reviews

Newsweek:The Greenest Companies Are BP, Boeing And Palm Oil Farms

The2010 Newsweeks Green rankings are great. Do you want to know what the world’s greenest businesses are? Ready: More »

23rd, November 2010 Reviews

Blogger Abdel Kareem Nabil Has Been Away

"An Egyptian blogger has been released after serving four years in prison on charges of insulting Islam and the president..." More »

23rd, November 2010 Royal Family

Kate Middleton Blinked: Westminster Abbey Warms Up (Photos)

The General Synod Church of England AGM was at Westminster Abbey, location of Prince William marriage to Kate Middleton on August 29... More »

23rd, November 2010 TV & Radio

The TSA's Japanese Instructor Revealed: Video

Is it a bird. Is it a naked bird? Is she carrying dangerous devices..? More »

23rd, November 2010 Reviews

Richard Littlejohn, Daily Mail And Inside Paris Hilton's Bum

Never let is be said that Daily Mail hacks are forced to be on message. .. More »

23rd, November 2010 Reviews

When Did You Choose To Be Gay Or Straight: A Video

Travis Nuckolls and Chris Baker went to investigate how many straight people chose to be straight... More »