
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

6th, November 2010 Politicians

David Cameron To Celebrate Great British Cannabis Week

It's British Pub Week! One week after British Pork Scratching Day!! More »

6th, November 2010 Key Posts 4

Bromley Nursery Used A Lure To Attract Paedophiles

The cover of the Bromley News Shopper wonder if the proposed new nursery will attract “paedos”. It’s a big topic of debate among locals... More »

6th, November 2010 Strange But True 3

Guy Fawkes Night: Rooney Burns, Blair Escapes So Cleveland Torches A Crocodile

Guy Fawkes Night and time to toss a Catholic on the pyre. But first the dinosaurs!! More »

6th, November 2010 Strange But True 2

Boy Banned From Dressing As Gay Justin Bieber For Halloween Pulls Knife On Mum

In Arizona, the 12-year-old boy who wants to go out on Halloween dressed as a gay Justin Bieber is pulling a knife on his mum... More »

6th, November 2010 Strange But True 1

Man Rips Head Off Lover's Cockatiel

Richard Owen was in a row with his lover Gillian Hopson. The row is over their pet dog... More »

6th, November 2010 Strange But True

Pregnant Man Thomas Beatie Will Be Your Baby's Surrogate Mother

The man who became the first transgendered person to give birth will be the world's first transgender surrogate, if there are any takers?.. More »

6th, November 2010 TV & Radio 1

Cher Lloyd's New X Factor Tattoo: Photos

Cher: “I'm going to ask people what I should get...they can send me ideas on Twitter!” Well, here goes... More »

6th, November 2010 Sports 3

FC United Of Manchester March On To Old Trafford: 18 FA Cup Photos To Cherish

FC United beat Rochdale in the FA Cup. These are the photos of the match that puts the Manchester United protest club on the road to Old Trafford... More »

6th, November 2010 TV & Radio

X Factor: Mary Bryne Is Naked And Wagner's Always A Perv

Wagner has seen Mary Bryne in the nude. It’s the Mirror’s front-page news... More »

6th, November 2010 TV & Radio

BBC In-Fighting Over Murdoch's BSkyB Takeover Brings Joy To News Rivals

Mark Thompson added the BBC to a list including the Guardian Media Group and Telegraph Media Group. All of them are privately owned businesses. The BBC is not. It is supposed to be impartial. It isn't... More »

5th, November 2010 Strange But True

Asian Refugee Disguised As Old White Man Flies From Hong Kong To Canada Undetected

Heard the one about the old white man who boarded Air Canada flight AC018 from Hong Kong on October 29 and emerged the other end in Vancouver as a young Asian male in his 20s?... More »

5th, November 2010 Strange But True

Tatiana and Krista Hogan Share A Brain, Vision And Dreams

Tatiana and Krista Hogan are twins. They are joined. The Hogan twins share parts of each other's brains. They are not the same person... More »

5th, November 2010 Celebrities

Daniel Radcliffe Gets Do Not Resuscitate Tattoo

Radcliffe, forever to be known as Harry Potter, says now he's all grown up he wants to get a tattoo. But what to get and where to get it? More »

5th, November 2010 TV & Radio

X Factor: Matt Cardle Has Lots Of 'Respect' For 'Stupid' Katie Waissel

Matt Cardle says he’s got loadsa “respect” for Kate Waissel. Would that be the same Matt Cardle who called Katie Waissel “a fame hungry twat”... More »

5th, November 2010 TV & Radio

Alan Partridge's Mid Morning Matters: Episode 1 - Anthea Turner's Body

Partridge steps into the radio phone-in slot occupied by the struck down Danny Baker... More »

5th, November 2010 Royal Family

Prince Harry Looks Good In Nets: Photos

Harry looks just like his dad... More »

5th, November 2010 Key Posts 10

Donna Hall: Rock Chick Or Fibber? Was Lancashire Council Boss Really In Chumbawamba?

Chief executive of Chorley Council says was in Chumbawamba. But band say she wasn't... More »

5th, November 2010 TV & Radio

X Factor: Did One Direction's Zayn Malik Cheat On Cher Lloyd?

We all know that Cher Lloyd is dating Harry Styles, Aiden Grimshaw, Liam Payne Zayn Malik, One Direction’s Scary Spice... More »

5th, November 2010 Money

The Google Security Email Scam Is Admirably Deceitful

THE 419 scam is old hat. We all know more Nigerian gazillionaires than is seemly. We need a new angle... More »

5th, November 2010 The Consumer 1

Bolton's Votes Pastie Barm Top Food: Ormskirk In Quiche Shame

The results are in and the number one food delicacy in Bolton is the… pastie barm. For non Boltonians this is a pastie in a bread muffin... More »

5th, November 2010 In Pictures

Animals In The Womb

More »

5th, November 2010 Strange But True 2

Strathclyde Police Hunt Smurf Who Attacked Rastafarian

Police are looking for a man-sized smurf who assaulted a Rastafarian at the Word Up club in Greenock, Renfrewshire... More »

5th, November 2010 Reviews 3

Roshonara Choudhry Is One Of Those Muslims Against All Of Us

Choudhry is the lone would-be killer lionised by this bunch of nihilists. But to some in the media she's is just another Muslim... More »

5th, November 2010 Politicians

How Many Jedi Live In China And Russia? Census Finds Out

China has just conducted a census. We will soon know how many Jedi live in China. Will Russia do the same?... More »

5th, November 2010 TV & Radio

BBC Replaces Striking News With Claymation Kenneth Kendall

BBC gets round strike... More »