
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

16th, September 2010 Strange But True 1

In Photos: Limbless Philippe Croizon Swims The Channel

M. Croizon has no limbs. None. No hands. No toes. No fingers. He is to swim the Channel swim... More »

16th, September 2010 Reviews 1

Pope Ratzinger Challenges Barack Obama To Prayer Contest (Photos)

The autocratic, spiritual leader of a pretend country based in Rome and a haven for paedophiles, a place without a decent air force, is here... More »

16th, September 2010 Strange But True 1

Woman Eating Pig's Feet In Bed Stabs Friend

At 10.30pm on Sunday 12 August, 2010, a 52-year-old Rock Hill was eating trotters in her bed... More »

16th, September 2010 Celebrities 1

How John Winston Lennnon Inspired Churchill

John Winston Lennnon Remembers The Blitz... More »

16th, September 2010 Sports

Photos Of Arsenal Make Mug Shots Of Braga

The real action was on the Braga bench. Those faces. That hair. Those pouts... More »

16th, September 2010 The Consumer

Probably The Sexiest TV Advert Ever

Which of these is the sexists commercial ever - No.2, right? More »

16th, September 2010 Key Posts 2

Photos Of Pope Benedict XV1's Visit To The United Kingdom

In Photos: Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to the UK is the first papal visit to these lands for 28 years... More »

16th, September 2010 Reviews 5

The Pope Brings Tidings Of Joy To Britain's Agnostics

Agnostics rejoice! The Pope is here... More »

16th, September 2010 Celebrities

Umarried Chantelle And Preston Go On 'Honeymoon'

Chantelle and Preston fan the fame with their love... More »

16th, September 2010 Celebrities 4

George Michael Attacked In Jail By Singing Peadophiles: Photos

Soap on a dope and all the inside Michael news... More »

16th, September 2010 Reviews 2

Is The Pope Using Anton McManus To Erase The Church's Cancer?

The Pope is in Scotland. And he’s going to meet Anton McManus, from East Kilbride... More »

15th, September 2010 TV & Radio 1

Come Dine With Me Contestant's Man Bag Attack Caught On CCTV

Carlos Buller, star of Come Dine with Me, has further cemented his celebrity by being arrested... More »

15th, September 2010 Reviews 3

Pope Fest: Forget The Peado Priests It's the Gays You Should Worry About

Round up the usual suspects- the Pope is coming to town... More »

15th, September 2010 Celebrities 8

Victoria Beckham Is Not A Fashion Victim But Her Feet Do Hurt A Lot

“I wouldn’t say that I’m a fashion victim at all… Of course heels make my feet hurt. Absolutely!.." More »

15th, September 2010 Reviews

In Photos: The Horse At Water Bronze At Marble Arch

Now for the jockey... More »

15th, September 2010 Strange But True 1

Mugshot Of The Day: Man Who Fire Gun To Make Son Run Faster

The boy, Barker’s stop-son, had left a match early after feeling unwell. And then he felt a whole lot worse... More »

15th, September 2010 Strange But True 3

Northampton Man Had Pictures Of Bestiality And Gorilla Porn

Who would have sex with a gorilla - other than a gorilla..? More »

15th, September 2010 Royal Family

A Gallery Of Queen Elizabeth II's Beer Mats

Ricky Gervais gives Her Majesty a signed beer mat for her collection... More »

15th, September 2010 Celebrities

Pregnant Abbey Clancy's An Expert In Embryonic Genitalia

Amazing news from the loins of Abbey and Peter... More »

15th, September 2010 Celebrities 6

George Michael's Careless Rizla: Homophobia And Tabloid Puns

George Michael is in jail. So, a perfect chance for a spot of punning and homophobia in the tabloids... More »

15th, September 2010 Key Posts

Wayne Rooney's Sex Life: After Jennifer Thompson And Helen Wood Meet Samii Darnley

How to get famous without shagging Wayne Rooney... More »

14th, September 2010 Reviews 2

Andy Coulson: Steve Coogan Hires The Lawyers And Sienna Miller Adds Sex Appeal To NoTW Hacking Row

The arrival of celebs makes the story fly... More »

14th, September 2010 Celebrities 4

Eva Mendes' Sex Tour Undoes Hofit Golan In Photos Of The Other Guys Premiere

Eva Mendes pouted to good effect at the London Premiere of The Other Guys... More »

14th, September 2010 Key Posts 2

Video: Worm That Lived In Woman's Eye for Six Years

To St Thomas's Hospital, London, where a woman complains of a thing in her eye. It's a worm.. More »

14th, September 2010 Sports

Bahrain Beat 'Fake' Togo Team 3-0 - Togo No Record Of Match

When Togo went to play in Bahrain, they didn't It wasn't them - or was it?... More »