
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

16th, August 2010 Politicians 2

Barack Obama Needs A Good War To Save Himself

Foolish Obama stands up for the best of America and feeds his enemies... More »

16th, August 2010 Strange But True

Antoine Dodson's Rapist Hunt Cover Version

Antoine was upset following a sex attack on his sister. It's now a song... More »

16th, August 2010 Key Posts 2

Will Kevin Kristopik Sue Justin Bieber For Tweeting His Phone Number To 4.5m Fans?

Justin Bieber has made Detroit teenager Kevin Kristopik famous among adolescents, men in caravan parks and whoever else loves the singing foetus... More »

16th, August 2010 Celebrities

What Really Happened At Madonna's Birthday Party - Photos

Madonna turns 52 today. And you all want to know what her party at Shoreditch House was like, don’t you...? More »

16th, August 2010 Key Posts 2

Has The Terri Horman Witch Hunt Killed The Hunt For Kyron?

The case is running out of time and the media is becoming less interested in the family... More »

16th, August 2010 Strange But True

Old Bank Robber Escapes On Zimmer Frame

The man, who produced no weapon during the raid, escaped with small amount of cash...on his walking frame... More »

16th, August 2010 Celebrities

All The News On Abbey Clancy's Ring, 'Monster' Peter Crouch And Nurse Sex

Clancy’s ring is off her finger again. Her Spurs and England lover Peter Crouch’s alleged roast with saucy Monica Mint continues to set the news agenda... More »

16th, August 2010 Key Posts

BBC Presenter Holly Walsh's Helicopter Crashes At Worthing Birdman Contest In Photos

Holly Walsh is dressed, somewhat unimaginatively, as a helicopter. Along one side are the inked the words “Always With A Smile”... More »

15th, August 2010 TV & Radio

Gangsta Hit By Ice Cream Van As He Does Teach Mr How To Doogie Dance

In this video a gangsta is hit by ice cream truck while dancing to “Teach Me How To Dougie”... More »

15th, August 2010 Reviews 2

These VJ Day Photos Teach Us That Wikileaks Is Not For Peace In Our Time

It was the 65th anniversary of Victory over Japan Day and Norman Rolfe, 86, of the Suffolk Regiment, was there to pay his respects... More »

15th, August 2010 Sports

Joe Cole Defines Sympathy As Liverpool Draw With Arsenal In Photos

And they're off - literally... More »

15th, August 2010 Reviews

New York Clerk Says Broker Stood On Her Breasts - Wants $20m

Jessica Franqui alleges that Marcus Bolton, 45, the head of Tullett Prebon Americas Corp, a leading New York brokers, stood on her chest... More »

15th, August 2010 Strange But True

Why Jarhead The Florida Bear Got His Head Stuck In A Jar: Video

All the news on Jarhead, the bear with the plastic jar on his face... More »

15th, August 2010 Celebrities

Photos Of Madonna's Birthday Party At 52

Madonna turns 52 today. She held her birthday party at Shoreditch House in east London... More »

15th, August 2010 Sports

Premiership Footballer's Legal Gag Abuses Human Rights

As a Premiership footballer gags media stories on his private life, we wonder what else is being hidden from us... More »

14th, August 2010 Reviews 1

Is Dr David Kelly's Death Just A Tool To Bash Tony Blair?

Do the politicos and the Daily Mail care for the doctor or just see his death as a chance to attack Tony Blair?... More »

14th, August 2010 Celebrities 9

Cheryl Cole's Anti-Malaria Crusade And Tick For Ashley

As Britons bask in the rain and dodge wasps, the Mirror reminds us that Africa is worse off. But African can be saved... More »

14th, August 2010 Sports

Is Blackpool's Brett Ormerod The Scariest Man In Football? Wigan V Tangerines In Photos

Blackpool v Wigan belies the myth that the Premier League is the most competitive league in the world. It isn’t... More »

14th, August 2010 TV & Radio 4

Liu Wei Challenges Susan Boyle By Playing Piano With His Toes

You say "China". We say totalitarian. It's China's Got Talent. It's the Liu Wei talent.... More »

14th, August 2010 Reviews

The Apprentice Boys Relief of Derry Parade In SFW Pictures

No sniggering at the Apprentice Boys Relief of Derry parade in Londonderry, Northern Ireland... More »

14th, August 2010 Sports

Premier League in Photos: Tottenham Hotspurs 0 – 0 Manchester City

And they're off... More »

14th, August 2010 Strange But True

Erith Man's 'Suicide' In Dartford Heath Sex Game

Erith Man's 'Suicide' In Dartford Heath Sex Game... More »

14th, August 2010 Reviews

Daily Mail Bullshit Over Boots Morning After Pills For 'Young Girls'

Teenage sex and pills - yippee!! More »

14th, August 2010 Strange But True 1

Balconing Presents The Most Obvious Signs In The World

Our gallery of stupid unnecessary signs is brought to you by the balconing tourists of the Spanish costas... More »

14th, August 2010 Music

Vintage At Goodwood Is Nostalgia Fest In Pictures

To the Memory Lane stage - in photos... More »