
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

21st, July 2010 Reviews 1

Raoul Moat Is Now A Video Game: Grand Theft Auto Rothbury (Pictures)

Raoul Moat is now video game. Or not. The Daily Star reports... More »

21st, July 2010 Reviews

Police Taser Brings Down Simonstone Knifeman - Echoes Of Raoul Moat

They Might Be Raoul Maot Number 3 is Simonstone Man. As the Clitheroe Advertiser yells... More »

21st, July 2010 Key Posts 14

Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi's Life And Crimes In Pictures: Lockerbie, MacAskill And Lies

“On the evening of 21 December 1988 a heinous crime was perpetrated. It claimed the lives of 270 innocent civilians. Four days before Christmas, men, women and children going about their daily lives were cruelly murdered..." More »

21st, July 2010 Celebrities

Jennifer Aniston's 'Non-Perfume' Perfume Is Jolie Vanishing Cream: In Pictures

Jennifer Aniston was at Harrod’s to set up a card table and launch her new signature scent, Lolavie (translation: “Why doesn’t he call?!), the “non-perfume perfume”... More »

21st, July 2010 Reviews

They Might Be Raoul Moat 2: Dennis Cannon Auditions For Laughs

The tabloids lust for more blood takes us into the world of would-be Moat Number 2 who delivers a line of dark comic value... More »

21st, July 2010 Strange But True 6

Whale Attacks Boat: In Pictures

After the story of the deer that shot the biker, signs are that the animal kingdom is fighting back. The whale has turned... More »

21st, July 2010 Reviews

Mark Osler Is The Tabloids' New Raoul Moat - Not Derrick Bird

It's not Derrick Bird who’s the benchmark of tabloid killers – it’s Raoul Moat. We read in the Sun that “CRAZED” Mark Osler vowed... More »

20th, July 2010 Celebrities 3

Lindsay Lohan Prison Pictures And Dina's Empathy

Lohan is seen walking ahead of her loving mother Dina Lohamn, aka White Oprah, into court... More »

20th, July 2010 Politicians 8

When Obama Met Cameron: Pictures

The talk, on the record, was of BP, Lockerbie and special relationship. Off the record, the pair chatted about Barack’s chances of getting a walk-on part in James ‘Dave’ Cameron’s next film... More »

20th, July 2010 Reviews

Kyron Horman: Talk Is Cheap As Media Do The Police Work

Kyron Horman: Anorak’s at-a-glance look at the missing Oregon seven-year-old in the news: Ron Tarver, Terri Moulton Horman and poor police rely on the media... More »

20th, July 2010 Strange But True 6

Donkey Parasails Over Russia: Video

To Southern Russia, where to advertise parasailing, organisers are attaching a donkey to a parachute and dragging him by a boat over the sea... More »

20th, July 2010 Royal Family 8

In Pictures: Queen's Garden Party Buckingham Palace

The Queen’s Garden Party at Buckingham Palace was terrific fun. Guests gathered in a horseshoe... More »

20th, July 2010 Politicians

Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, David Cameron, BP And Barack Hussein Obama's War

Cameron in the US meeting with US VeePee Joe Biden and talking about Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, who will one day get his own page in medical history books alongside Ernest Saunders, the famous Alzheimer’s patient who recovered and Lazarus... More »

20th, July 2010 Politicians 1

Westminster Democracy Village Replaced By Pheasant Shoot And Sarah Ferguson Bazaar

The makeshift camp known as Democracy Village was removed in the early hours after losing a Court of Appeal battle to stay there last week. It will be replaced by various monuments... More »

20th, July 2010 Celebrities 1

Jennifer Aniston's Lola Vie Is The Smell Of Nothing And Silence

We read the poetry that describes Aniston’s scent Lola Vie as “sexy and clean and floral, but not too flowery.”Jennifer Aniston smells like the staffroom at Laura Ashley. More »

20th, July 2010 Strange But True

Did A Dead Deer Murder A Biker In Pennsylvania?

In Pennsylvania, police are investigating the death of 47-year-old William Mark Amos. The scene is strange... More »

20th, July 2010 Strange But True

Man Has Sex With Great Dane Called Christine Brinkley

Mr Pacher, 64, is in a Miami-Dade jail accused of having sex with dog called Christine Brinkley... More »

20th, July 2010 Strange But True

Sasha Shpak Presents His Weird Tattooed Wedding Photos

Shpak got married. His wedding photos are here. And they are good enough to join our gallery of awful wedding pictures... More »

20th, July 2010 Reviews

Syria 'Bans' The Fashion Forward Burqa As Britain Embraces Muslim Punk

Ban the burqa! Syria has. And you know how cool and right Syria is... More »

20th, July 2010 Reviews 2

Air Fresheners And Polish Give You Cancer Is Our Scare Story Of The Day

Story of The Day is that household cleaners give you cancer. The Daily Express is emphatic... More »

20th, July 2010 TV & Radio

Hedonism 2: The Most Revolting Infomercial Ever

Ahhhhhh. My eyes! More »

19th, July 2010 Celebrities 3

Pictures Of Mel Gibson's Home Where He Allegedly Hit Oksana Grigorieva

You can buy the place for $14.5 million and have it DNA swapped at your leisure... More »

19th, July 2010 Sports

Manchester United's Wes Brown Is Moving 'Upmarket': His Shiny Home In Pictures

United’s copper-topped defender Wes Brown is flogging his Alderley Edge home for £4.5million. Wanna look around? More »

19th, July 2010 Reviews 1

The Fromelles Cemetery Accepts The Last Of The Great War's 250: In Pictures

On the day when the last of 250 British and Australian soldiers who died at the First World War battle of Fromelles was buried in the new Fromelles Military Cemetery, thieves stole two bronze plaques... More »

19th, July 2010 Key Posts 6

Let's Spell It Out, The Times Paywall Is A Disaster

The Times website has lost a massive 66% of its audience since the online paywall went up the other week - just as well the Sun's Page 3 online tits are still free, then... More »