
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

19th, July 2010 Key Posts 1

Lovebox Weekend: Grace Jones And Duran Duran Blow Mark Ronson: Pictures (Not All SFW)

The Lovebox festival in London’s Victoria Part welcomes Grace Jones, one part of the hybrid Jones-Madonna Camel that goes by the name Lady GaGa... More »

19th, July 2010 Reviews

Rochdale To Ban Asian-Style 'Muslim' Toilets?

“The shopping centre has taken this decision without our knowledge or advice. If our views had been sought we would have been against the idea and this is still the case..." More »

19th, July 2010 Reviews 1

Raoul Moat: Schizo Tapes And The Making Of The Victim Killer

Raoul Moat's "secret" recordings... More »

19th, July 2010 Key Posts

Weird X-Rays: How Did A Light Bulb Get In Your Anus?

Odd X Rays 2 – A collection of the most bizarre, weird, perverted and mentally scarring X-Rays of all time... More »

19th, July 2010 Celebrities 3

Katie Price Gives Full Throat To Furious Essex 'Sex Show' - And More Facts

Katie Price has been hurt by a “HATE MOB”. You can read about their “FURY” as Jordan puts on a “SEX SHOW”... More »

19th, July 2010 Celebrities

Cheryl Cole Lives In Junk Food 'Funeral Parlour'

Cole’s Malaria Diet that took her to just over 7-stone (NoTW) and 6-stone (People) moves on to Module 2: the junk food weight programme... More »

18th, July 2010 Key Posts 22

Jessi Slaughter, Aka Jessica Leonhardt, 11, Is Under Police Protection: The Parodies And The Videos

Jessi Slaughter is the 11-year-old star of the anti-trolling video that has caused her to be placed under police protection... More »

18th, July 2010 Strange But True 1

Hundreds Buried Alive in Ireland: Pictures

To Clougherhead, Co Louth, Ireland, where over 342 people have been found buried up to the necks in the sand... More »

18th, July 2010 Strange But True

Massive Party Breaks Out On A40 Road Rave

THE BBC asks: “Have you been to the party on the A40?” The question is open to the British, Germans and white van man... More »

18th, July 2010 Politicians 5

Jon Snow And Zac Goldsmith Create News From Nothing

It's all two vain men going on the telly to bee seen to be clever. Take a look... More »

18th, July 2010 Celebrities

Kerry Katona Gets Ear Attached To Her Face? Pictures

Kerry Katona has an extra hole. Useful, you’d suppose for any budding strumpet... More »

18th, July 2010 Strange But True 2

Atheist Hair Dryer Blows Away Baptism Water: Video

Mr Kagin will "de-baptize" you with a hair dryer wih the label "Reason and Truth" written on the side... More »

18th, July 2010 Reviews 1

Raoul Moat: Shot Sam Stobbart Tells All In Sick NoTW Tribute Page (Pictures)

The tabloids set about copying those successful Raoul Moat sites... More »

18th, July 2010 Celebrities 1

Cheryl Cole's Malaria Diet: Pictures

The papers have hd the foresight to weigh the “nation’s sweetheart” and advertise the Malaria Diet... More »

17th, July 2010 Reviews

Carole Malone Says Raoul Moat Facebook 'Fans' Will 'Die In Agony'

Malone is ranting about Siobhan O’Dowd, the social media guru who created a popular Facebook tribute page to Raoul Moat that got everyone from a beaming tabloid hack to the Prime Minister talking... More »

17th, July 2010 Reviews

Glasgow Gay Price Drenched In Unwanted Blood: In Pictures

Hanif Leylabi posed during a protest against the current UK Government ban on gay and bisexual men giving blood, ahead of the Glasgow's Pride festival in George Square in Glasgow... More »

17th, July 2010 Key Posts

Raoul Moat: Sam Stobbart's Story In Words, Pictures And Video

Sam Stobbart, shot by her ex-lover Raoul Moat, tells everyone what occurred that fateful night... More »

17th, July 2010 Reviews 2

Police Practiced Shooting Raoul Moat On Bags Of Rubbish

Raoul Moat – killer, Superman and media-made folk hero – was shot by two Shotgun Tasers the police tested on plastic bags... More »

17th, July 2010 Royal Family

Pictures Of Prince William Playing Cricket In Bruern - To Thrill

It’s not all polo, you know… More »

17th, July 2010 Politicians 6

Phillip Hollobone MP Is Beyond Parody: Ban The Burqa And No ID

Phillip Hollobone MP for Kettering says he won’t meet women wearing the full burqa. And then his reasoning falls apart... More »

17th, July 2010 Reviews

Raoul Moat Shrine In Pictures: 'Rough-Looking Bottle-Blondes' And Tattoos

Want to see the “shrine” to Raoul Moat, the killer with the Moat-est...? More »

17th, July 2010 Key Posts 9

Tesco Beautifies Mel Gibson's Horrible Harangues!

How does the Tesco website translate Mel Gibson's "I am one tough motherfucker"? Or Harrods his, "You look like a fucking pig in heat"? Then there's the Vatican, De Beers ... More »

17th, July 2010 Reviews 4

Raoul Moat Was A Super Hero: Pictures And Evidence

'Then Raoul ended the call, and she rang back. In the second call, she said she would soon be having sex with the new boyfriend' - and more reasons why Moat dunnit... More »

17th, July 2010 Celebrities

Mel Gibson's Raping Niggers Is Now A Hollywood Franchise

Mel Gibson's "Raping Niggers" are now his biggest Hollywood franchise. But can Lethal Weapon - only 4 so far - catch up? Matt Jordan put that question to Danny Glover... More »

17th, July 2010 Technology 2

Women On the Web And Other Vindictive Vigilantes

Zoe Willaims tells Guardian readers what women look for on the intenet. Clue: it;s not porn, banking, sport, Zoe Williams or laughs... More »