
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

15th, July 2010 Reviews 1

Raoul Moat: How The Media Created A Folk Hero And Lamented The Fact

The media can’t make someone a folk hero and then complain because the Great British Public follow... More »

15th, July 2010 Sports

The Open 2010: Day 1 In Pictures, Fags And Trousers

The golf is not all about the sex and the sex. It’s not all about Tiger’s Woods’ lust for other cats. The golf is about John Daly’s trousers... More »

15th, July 2010 Celebrities

Katie Price: After The Gash And The Fight The Wedding Strip In Pictures

It's Katie Price's firt wedding - all over again! More »

15th, July 2010 Celebrities

Raoul Moat's Pal Paul Gascopigne Checks Into Rehab

Having offered to sort out “Moaty” with can of lager, a fishing rod and a chicken, Gazza is in Bournemouth, staying at a home owned by the Providence Project rehab group... More »

15th, July 2010 Reviews 23

Rochdale's 'Muslim-Only Toilets' And Other Daily Star Crap

Question 1: Are you a Muslim. "Yes," says the skinhead desparate for a poo... More »

15th, July 2010 Reviews

Raoul Moat Knew PC David Rathband: Pictures

Detective Chief Superintendent Neil Adamson said “he believed the attack on PC Rathband was random”... Why did he believe that? More »

15th, July 2010 The Consumer

World Cup Press Release Of The Day: The Three Lions Salad

The World Cup is over - and it was over for England well before it as over for Spain. But how can the football be sued to sell ptroduct? McCann Erickson tries... More »

14th, July 2010 Celebrities

Watching Lindsay Lohan's Suicide And Other Deadly Drugs

Lohan's not dead yet - but... More »

14th, July 2010 Reviews 6

Kyron Horman: Michael Cook, Sex And Waiting For Terri Horman To Confess

"Desiree Young, Kyron's biological mother, said she is convinced 'without a doubt' that her ex-husband's now-estranged wife, Terri Horman, plotted her son's disappearance." How? More »

14th, July 2010 The Consumer 3

Rochdale Shopping Centre Installs The Iranian Squat Toilets

The Rochdale Exchange has introduced Iranian toilets to capture the shoppers’ weapons of mass destruction. Shopping is fun again! More »

14th, July 2010 Key Posts 12

David Cameron Is Raoul Moat's Celebrity Supporter: Facebook, Shrines And Pictures

If you want to burnish Moat’s celebrity, encourage the police to look deceptive and then invite the Prime Minister to slam him in public... More »

14th, July 2010 Technology 22

Is Miscrosoft's Virtual Boy Milo The Ultimate Paedophile Training Tool?

Milo, the Microsoft boy, is the answer to wannabe paedophiles’ dreams. Now the perverts can practice being a paedophile without having to go to the expense of a puppy of a trail of Smarties... More »

14th, July 2010 Reviews 8

Non-Racists In Hysterics Over Daralston's Blacked Out Muslim Swimming Pool?

"I'm not a racist but..." News media reacts to news of Muslims asking for Black Country pool to black out windows... More »

14th, July 2010 Strange But True 1

Joseph Sepp Bellend Blatter Is Our Nominative Determinism Of The Day

Joseph Sepp Bellend Blatter is our Nominative Determinism of The Day... More »

14th, July 2010 Strange But True 2

Police Cover Mooning Store Window Mannequin With Brown Paper

In the window of Hannah’s Treasures, at 504 Court Street, Beatrice, Nebraska, the mannequin’s knickers have fallen down around her ankles... More »

14th, July 2010 Strange But True 2

The Death Of Paul The Octopus: In Pictures

Paul the Octopus is dead. The Legs of God World Cup Predictor is no more. Anorak has obtained details of his sudden demise... More »

14th, July 2010 Strange But True

Man Dies From Picking His Chest Acne And Other Chinese Prison Deaths

We commend to your attention the death of Li Qiaoming at the Puning County jail in Yunnan. It was his fate to suffer fatal injuries earned by bumping into a wall while playing blind man's buff with fellow inmates... More »

14th, July 2010 Celebrities 4

Cheryl Cole Becomes The Privacy Seeking Cheryl Tweedy

Private Cheryl Cole lends her name to the Quote Of The Week More »

14th, July 2010 Reviews 1

Cat Killer Raoul Moat's Suicide And PC Rathband's Story In Pictures

Cat killer Raoul Moat's suicide bid and "hero" cop PC Rathbannd tells us all what it's like to be shot in the face... More »

14th, July 2010 Celebrities 3

Amy Winehouse Is Fit To Bust At Psychosis Premiere: Pictures

The real stars of the show were not Traviss and his uber alles hair, nor Winehouse and her plunging pink dress and flesh-on-bones but Justin Hawkins... More »

13th, July 2010 Reviews

The Open In Pictures: John Daly Smokes And Tiger Woods Complies

In front of Daly stood Tiger Woods. That’s Daly with his charm, ease and inability to comply. And that’s Woods, with his charm void, self–interest and corporate swagger. Well, kids, who do you want to be...? More »

13th, July 2010 Reviews

Police Work To Turn Raoul Moat Into A Victim: Pictures

With Moat cornered, the police talked with him for six hours. And then...? Well, then what..? More »

13th, July 2010 Celebrities

Orlando Bloom Stars In Canterbury Remake Of Exodus: Pictures

Orlando Bloom was laying brick at the redevelopment of the Marlowe Theatre, where he started his career in his home town of Canterbury, Kent... More »

13th, July 2010 Reviews 2

Northern Ireland Riots In Pictures: Orangemen, Men In Green And Red Blood

The Orangemen are guarded by the police (black) from attack by Nationalist protesters (green) in the Ardoyne Road area of north Belfast. Pictures... More »

13th, July 2010 Strange But True

Wife Attacks Husband With Cat And Candle

Police Report of The Day features the cat, the wife, the dog and the candle. It might have been news... More »