
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

7th, July 2010 Royal Family 3

In Pictures: Queen Escapes 7/11 Carnage In New York

Her Majesty will see New York now. Have it made ready... More »

7th, July 2010 Strange But True 4

Law Student Attacks Shopkeeper Who Sold him Too Small Condoms

Mr Ukachukwu, 21, tells St Albans Crown Court that his penis was too big for the condoms shopkeeper Sasisedaran Sellathurai sold him... More »

7th, July 2010 Key Posts 5

The Worst, Sexy, Weird And Greatest Company Names

Presenting a gallery of the world’s most unfortunate company names... More »

7th, July 2010 In Pictures 3

7/7 In Pictures

More »

7th, July 2010 Reviews

Guardian Combines 7/11 And 7/7 To Make New Terror Outrage On 7/11

News coming in that 52 people have been killed by bomb explosion at a 7-11 store in New York... More »

7th, July 2010 TV & Radio 5

Kelly Jones Sentenced For Single Parent Fraud: Wife Swap Special

Kelly Jones, star of the Wife Swap telly show, walking the hard yards to Bristol Magistrates Court ... More »

7th, July 2010 Reviews 14

Madame Arcati - Tantrum Over, I'm Still Here

It was your heartfelt pleas to me to stay at Anorak that moved me - not in any emotional sense, I hasten to add - I didn't weep.... More »

7th, July 2010 Celebrities

Lindsay Lohan In Remake Of Caged Heat - Paris Hilton Directs

Lohan wants it. "FUCK U," runs the legend on her middle finger as she sits in court. Get me to the butch lesbians already. No, not that streak of water Samantha Ronson. Give me someone huge in fists... More »

7th, July 2010 Strange But True

Man Shot In Stomach By His Dinner

Things went wrong when Antoine Boutte’s friend Christopher Henderson came over for tea... More »

7th, July 2010 Reviews 1

They're Putting A Tarmac Path Up Mount Snowdon - Daily Mail Senses Fury

They're only putting a tarmac path up Mount Snowdon, The Daily Mail picks up on the fury. What next - a lift up Mount Everet?! A Tunnel under the Channel??!!... More »

7th, July 2010 Strange But True 1

Chinese Boy Kang Kang Born With A Mask For A Face: Pictures

Kang Kang has a face that looks like he’s wearing a mask. Kang Kang lives in China's Guangdong province... More »

7th, July 2010 Reviews 8

Why Raoul Moat Hates The Police And Shot Sam Stobbart To Help Her

Why he did it: “When he was a young lad his step-dad used to beat him up – really batter him. He would lock him in his room..." More »

7th, July 2010 Celebrities 1

In Pictures: Lindsay Lohan Goes Down For 90 Days - Escapes Parental House Arrest

Lohan has been jailed for 90 days. The Celebrity Police Force always gets its photo of cops with stars for the canteen wall... More »

7th, July 2010 Politicians

NASA Meets Muslims In Space - Obama Reaches Boldly Out

NASA Administrator Charles Bolden tells al-Jazeera that Obams detailed him to reach out ot Muslims - and not only those in space... More »

7th, July 2010 Celebrities 10

Victoria Beckham And Cheryl Cole At Death's Door?

Tabloids prepare to bury Victoria Beckham and Ashley Cole as WOrld Cup dream dies... More »

6th, July 2010 Politicians

Iran Declares War On The Mullet - Holy Mackerel!

Iran has declared war on the mullet. As our Man in LA says, the stigma of the mullet has gone international... More »

6th, July 2010 Sports 9

World Cup Photos: German Flair Or Spanish Hair For Holland's Eye-Burning Resistance Fighters

Up next for the players who dress like sherbet bonbons and answer to Enid Blyton names like Dirk, Robin and... More »

6th, July 2010 Key Posts

Madonna's Photos For Dolce & Gabbana: The D&G Foreskin Head Sock

Madonna is back for more youthful Dolce & Gabbana adverts. The D&G Madge Veil is available by mail order from D& More »

6th, July 2010 Reviews 2

Pictures Of Those Hideous Gems Stolen In The Graff Jewellers Raid

That raid of Graff the jewellers was daring. But the robbers never got away with it... More »

6th, July 2010 Reviews 2

Raoul Moat: The Hunt In Pictures And More Police Irony

Yesterday the police ordered journalists not to report that Moat had taken two hostages... More »

6th, July 2010 Strange But True 2

Japan Police Arrest The Girls' Bicycle Saddle Thief

In Japan, a man has been arrested for stealing 78 seats from girls’ bicycles... More »

6th, July 2010 Strange But True 1

Council Censors Beaver Of Minnesota For Looking Like Female Genitals

Some people think they can see a woodland creature. Others see the female genitalia... More »

6th, July 2010 Key Posts 5

Times Papers At War Over The Bloody Paywall?

News International Chief Exec Rebekah Brooks (a Gemini) needs to bang some heads together - The Times and Sunday Times appear at odds over the new online paywall. More »

6th, July 2010 Reviews 4

Four Paedophiles Attack Children In Stockport

Paedo panic in Stockport, where police are investigating a spate of child abduction bids. In the past nine days there have been, reportedly, four attempts to snatch children... More »

6th, July 2010 Sports

Tiger Woods' Pro-Am: JP McManus Invitational Pictures

Much excitement and debate among the fans as Tiger Woods arrived at the JP McManus Invitational Pro-Am Tournament... More »