
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

29th, June 2010 Celebrities

Sandra Bullock And Jessa James Divorce Nightmare: Pictures

You want facts? More »

28th, June 2010 Sports 1

Did England Players Pretend To Be Germans As They Left South Africa: Pictures

THE technology has proven that England never were at the World Cup... More »

28th, June 2010 TV & Radio

Katy Perry And Cheryl Cole At X Factor Dublin Auditions: In Pictures

The TV schedules work in seasons. In June you get ready for the X Factor... More »

28th, June 2010 Money

In Pictures: Anti-BP Protestors Pour Oil Over BP's Sponsorship Of Oil Paintings

To protest at BP’s sponsorship of the arts, demonstrators poured oil and feathers over the entrance to Tate Britain... More »

28th, June 2010 Reviews 2

Joran Van Der Sloot, Money And Caylee Anthony

Anorak’s at-a-glance look at the alleged double woman killer in the news: money, Casey Anthony and women... More »

28th, June 2010 Politicians

Floella Benjamin Takes Her House Of Lords Seat: Pictures

Finally the kindergarten teacher from TV's Play School arrives in the House of Lords... More »

28th, June 2010 Reviews 3

Blackpool Paedophile Paden Isn't At Home

Lancashire paedophile William John Paden, 56, is missing from his Blackpool home. Yeah, his place by the seaside.... More »

28th, June 2010 Sports 6

England Fans Riot In South Africa: Picture

Jeremy Hunt, the Culture Secretary, says he’s looked but he can’t see any of that Hillsborough-style hooliganism. We can... More »

28th, June 2010 Politicians 1

Jeremy Hunt Is Rhyming Slang In Liverpool

Hooliganism did play a part in Hillsborough... More »

28th, June 2010 Strange But True

Somali Pirates Hijack Austrian Wines And Other Poisons

Pirates have been busy. Today the've hijacked a ship carrying poisonous chemicals... More »

28th, June 2010 Strange But True 5

Man Fined For Sex With Dead Relative

Bacchus stands before the judge in Guyana and is fined $US200 for digging up the body of his 75-year-old relative and having sex with it... More »

28th, June 2010 Key Posts

Fifa Use Technology To Find England On World Cup Pitch: Photos

As it was the England team went missing. And no-one can see them.. More »

28th, June 2010 Reviews 4

Woof Woof Is Meow Meow And Other Fishy Killer Drugs

Meow Meow, aka mephedrone, is banned. But there is a new killer legal high and it’s called… No, not alcohol. No, this one is called woof woof, or MDAI for short... More »

28th, June 2010 Politicians

David Cameron Meets Angela Merkel At Premiers' Premier League: G20 Action Photos

David Cameron is at the G20 Conference, a political get together for the Premiers' Premier League... More »

28th, June 2010 Key Posts

The World's Ugliest Dog In Princess Abby: Pictures

The world's ugliest Dog is Princess Abby. Does he look like her owner Kathleen Francis..? More »

28th, June 2010 Reviews

Derrick Bird's Last Pervy Night Out: In Pictures

The impression is that Bird did it because he was a pervert who couldn’t pull. Sun Page 3 fans living alone might well worry... More »

28th, June 2010 Celebrities

Lady Cheryl Cole Strips In Hollywood Movie: In Pictures

Cheryl Cole will not stick with World Cup winning hero Sir Ashley Cole. Her ladyship will move on. That dream is over... More »

27th, June 2010 Sports 6

Daily Mail Salutes Black Shirts As Richard Littlejohn Mentions The War: World Cup Front Pages

"Fritz all over". But the Mail forget the war - or bits of it... More »

27th, June 2010 Key Posts 1

Prince Harry Falls Off Polo Horse In New York: In Pictures

England are steamrolled by Germany in the World Cup making it ok to dislike John Terry and Ashley Cole once more and the nation sports fans turn to the polo More »

27th, June 2010 Key Posts

Glastonbury In Pictures: All Of Them

Glastonbury 2010 In Pictures - presented by Stevie Wonder’s keytar; Paloma Faith’s massive balls; Muse’s rock; U2’s one-man-show... More »

27th, June 2010 Sports

World Cup Over - Now For Hickstead: Come On, Nick Boulter

Yes, football fans, showjumping is the new football. England will rule supreme and put so many weeks of hurt into… More »

27th, June 2010 Sports 3

Stan Collymore Blames World Cup Failure On 'Jolly Old Pie Man' James Corden

Matthew Upson is now known as ‘Given It Upson’, James Corden can be blamed and by Stan Collymore on his Talk Sport show for... More »

27th, June 2010 Key Posts 7

Germany Thrash England At World Cup And It's Fabio CRAP-ello: Pictures

On a brighter note, England ARE better than Slovenia, one of the top ten goat herding nations in Eastern Europe... More »

27th, June 2010 Sports 21

Mauricio Espinosa Is England's World Cup Villain

Mauricio Espinosa disallowed Frank Lampard's goal against the Germans. Espinosa is the ying to Tofik Bakhramov's yang... More »

27th, June 2010 Key Posts 11

World Cup Photos: England V Germany Hun And Busted

The World Cup. It's England v Germany. It's big. And as the game goes on it gets bigger... More »