
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

15th, June 2010 Strange But True 2

Miley Cyrus Inspires Seven Year Old Pole Dancer

Sarah Burge is teaching her daughter how to pole dance, like Miley Cyrus - her inspiration... More »

15th, June 2010 Strange But True 1

Californian Gary Brooks Faulkner Hunts Osama Bin Laden In Pakistan With 40-inch Sword

Brooks Faulkner has been walking about northern Pakitsan looking to kill Osama bin Laden with a 40-inch sword... More »

15th, June 2010 Reviews 1

Derrick Bird: Burying David Bird And Gawping At The Bereaved

In Cumbria, David Bird has been buried. Derrick Bird's twin brother has bene laid to rest. And the papers are full of images of the mourners... More »

15th, June 2010 Sports 2

World Cup: Green, Hart And James Form Crapello's 3-7-1 Formation

Fabio Capello could do no wrong. Now the Countdown To Crapello is on... More »

15th, June 2010 Reviews

The Saville Inquiry Into Bloody Sunday: In Pictures

The Saville Inquiry will be the last world on Bloody Sunday. Or not... More »

15th, June 2010 Celebrities 3

Why Elton Played At Rush Limbaugh's Wedding

He’s been spending time with Sting? And other reasons... More »

15th, June 2010 OK!

Kerry Katona Is Over The Moon And On The Leash

Katona is on the front of OK! magazine walking a tiger on a leash. In her hand she holds a and small dog... More »

15th, June 2010 Strange But True

Cops Tazer Robber Counting Loot Outside Police Station

Jermaine Howard is Our Villain of The Day – that’s him counting his loot outside a Chicago police station... More »

15th, June 2010 In Pictures

Sarah Payne - The Case

More »

15th, June 2010 In Pictures

Bloody Sunday

More »

15th, June 2010 National Enquirer

Gary Coleman 'Murder': The Unknown Intruder (Pictures)

Gary Coleman, star of TV's Diff'rent Strokes is dead, but there is no peace. Before the shock revelation that he might have been Michael Jcakson's love child, news of his "murder"... More »

15th, June 2010 Strange But True

Killer Clowns On Loose In El Salvador: Unregistered Ones

We are protesting so that people know we are not killers,” said professional clown Ana Noelia Ramirez. “The people who did this are not clowns"... More »

15th, June 2010 Celebrities 3

Pictures Of Celebrities Who Put On Weight

When Star Magazine gawped at a voluptuous Jessica Simpson from an unflattering angle and screamed “It's Not A Fat Suit” we realised why Hollywood stars keep in shape... More »

15th, June 2010 Celebrities 3

Pictures: Cheryl Cole Attacked With Pen By 'Crazed Mob' In Birmingham

Cheryl Cole, wife to World Cup hero Ashley Cole, has been “attacked in the street” by Birmingham’s Hotel du Vin... More »

15th, June 2010 Key Posts 5

Foxes Visit Hackney Home Of Mauled Koupparis Twins: Usual Suspects Murdered

The foxes are hunting in packs. Either that or they are going out in pairs. It’s not a good time to be a fox... More »

15th, June 2010 Music

In Pictures: Joan Jett Plays The 100 Club (No Kirsten Stewart On Vuvuzela)

We Love Rock ‘n’ Roll. Play it all the time on the juke box, baby. Yeah, we sang along. And we could hear ourselves sing... More »

14th, June 2010 Reviews

Melanie McDonagh's Jan Moir Moment For David Blunkett

For those of you who missed it, here's Melanie McDonagh's Jan Moir moment in the Telegraph. No Twitter protest... More »

14th, June 2010 Key Posts

Cristiano Ronaldo In His New Armani Knickers: Pictures

For those of you unable to wait for the end of the match to see waxed chests, Christiano Ronaldo has obligingly removed his shirt for Armani underwear... More »

14th, June 2010 Reviews

Media Betrays Iran's Neda Soltan With Focus On Israel's 'Hyenas'

Antagonizing Hamas or Iran is a heavier concern. The press corps was shockingly unmoved by the plight of UK journo Paul Martin, who was detained by Hamas for a month... More »

14th, June 2010 Royal Family

In Pictures: Prince Harry Invades Botswana

Wills is on his way, but Harry is the star attraction. Harry met the dancing girls. Harry had the champers... More »

14th, June 2010 Flashback

The Field Gun Competition

Fatalities occurred from time to time. One gunner, on being informed by the team doctor that both shoulders were knackered, simply shrugged (as best he could) and replied: “Shoulders are for poofs” More »

14th, June 2010 Royal Family

In Pictures: Useful Prince Edward And The Order Of The Garter 'Stumble'

Fight! Get a load of Prince Edward making himself useful by "offering assistance" with a smile… More »

14th, June 2010 Sports

Paul Gascoigne Crash In Vauxhall Astra: Pictures

Gascoigne, 43, has been in a car accident. That’s the bad news. The better news is that his hands are OK and he can still play in goal for England... More »

14th, June 2010 Key Posts

Germany Kills The Vuvuzela With Die Surfpoeten: World Cup Solutions

The Vuvuzela must die. And the Germans – who else? – have come up with an efficient solution to the matter... More »

14th, June 2010 Celebrities

P Diddy Makes You Not Bothered About His Son's Maybach: Pictures

Diddy, the renegade Diddy Man, has bought his son Justin Dior Combs a $360,000 sivler Maybach car... More »