
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

5th, January 2010 Celebrities

Casey Johnson 'Dead' Lesbian Photos: Gayness Kills

But the Mail gives us this about Johnson being a dead lesbian. Wonder if Mail hack Jan Moir thinks the death "unnatural"? When gayness kills... More »

5th, January 2010 Reviews 1

Hamas Says Jews Get To Look Handsome And Strong By Drinking Palestinian Blood: Video

Jews are no longer portrayed as vulture-faced, clawed lizard people running the world from a desk in Alaska - you are square-jawed, muscular visions of wonder... More »

5th, January 2010 Reviews 1

Global Warming Blamed For Terrific Italian Skiing

Global warming is going to kill the skiign industry in Italy. As the BBC reported on 14 November 1998 More »

5th, January 2010 Reviews 1

British Army Unveil New 'Sexy' Anti-Taliban Uniform: Red Hackle Tartan: In Pictures

Fact: The Red Hackle Tartan takes its name from the distinctive red plume worn by the regiment's troops. Originally made from red vulture feathers... More »

5th, January 2010 Reviews

Airport Full Body Terror Sanners Are A Magnet For Child Abusers

Those full body scanners at airports are great news for paedos keen to see kids naked. Although, the scans might find kids hiding in peados' luggage... What do to?? More »

5th, January 2010 The Consumer

Sex Shop Sells Live Pussies, And Cats

To a window display in a city. What does the shop sell? Captions and ideas as to what Ye Olde Englissh Shoppe should stock, please… More »

5th, January 2010 Reviews 5

Media And Politicans Love Anjem Choudary

Anjem Choudary, who was being billed as the Sun’s Hate Mail Cleric, is now offered a new nickname in the Mirror. He is the “BOOZER OF HATE"... More »

5th, January 2010 Celebrities

American Royalty Casey Johnson: A Life In Pictures

The short life of a American royal... More »

5th, January 2010 Reviews 1

RIP Casey Johnson, Comatose And Dead On Tila Tequila's Twitter Page: Pictures

RIP Casey Johnson, you were the heir to the baby powder fortune at Johnson & Johnson. Anroak's Man in LA sums up the news... More »

5th, January 2010 Reviews 5

Mayhem World Over As Cold Weather Hits Global Warming Hard

The Daily Star says it's "-18". The Mail says "-12". And Richard North looks at the world view, as told by the serious newspapers... More »

5th, January 2010 Reviews

Claire McCaskill Misses George Bush Because He's Not Black

US Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO), tells CNN watchers that Obama is a top man and any failings in border security are not his fault... More »

4th, January 2010 Reviews

Ryanair Offers Liverpool Flyers Emergency Landings And Chute Rides

“Fantastic! The fun starts on board with Ryanair. I was going to spend my holiday money on an in-flight sandwich and scratch cards. But then the emergency landing was offered and I was in like a shot.” More »

4th, January 2010 Politicians

Silvio Berlusconi Bites Into A Busty Blonde: Kitty Ussher Waits

That’s Ms Biancofiore MP on the cake, looking blonde, possessed of icy breasts and soft buttery neck that Silvio can much and suck on... More »

4th, January 2010 Reviews

Dubai's Burj Khalifa Declared Greatest And Tallest White Elephant Of All Time

Dubai today heralded the Burj Khalifa as the world’s tallest White Elephant. At 828m (2,716ft) high, the Burj Khlifa is far taller than the Millennium Dome... More »

4th, January 2010 Sports

Ashley Cole's Speedy Sequel To 'My Defence' Cuts No Ice With Judge

Reason to not like Ashley Cole No. 3215b: Ashley has been found guilty of driving at more than 100mph in a 50mph zone... More »

4th, January 2010 Celebrities

Big Brother: Dane Bowers Tells All About Fight Night With Alex Reid

More news on the big Brother non-fight between Alex Reid and Dane Bowers... More »

4th, January 2010 Celebrities

In Pictures: Katie Price's New Year's Eve Party: Dane Bowers And Alex Reid 'Fight'

WITH Alex Reid (Mr Toffee Crisp 2010) and Toe Muffler Dane Bowers safely out of harm’s way in the Big Brother house, Katie Price and Peter Andre are free to resume their war of words... More »

4th, January 2010 In Pictures

Chinook Air Disaster (1994)

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4th, January 2010 Reviews 1

The Real Story Of The Chinook Helicopter Crash On Mull Of Kintyre

In 1982 I was a newspaper editor and was also taking part in the Falmouth to Lisbon Tall Ships Race. During the passage out across the Bay of Biscay I was invited to another vessel sailing in close company and was told a tale which shocked... More »

4th, January 2010 Key Posts

Anjem Choudary In Line For Jon Gaunt's Sun Column: Wootton Bassett Awaits

Jon Gaunt and Anjem Chouday both say it's Wootton Basset. Time to put them head to head in a Jacqui Jones special from Wootton Bassett and film the meeting of minds for a Beyond Parody TV show… More »

4th, January 2010 In Pictures

Van Morrison

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4th, January 2010 Celebrities

Van Morrison Sues Daily Mail Over Baby Stories

The stosy and non-story of Van Morrison's child, who isn't... More »

4th, January 2010 Celebrities

Billie Piper On Prostitute Belle Du Jour And 'Knocking One Out'

Billie Piper would like Marie Claire readers to know that she is not a prostitute... More »

4th, January 2010 Reviews 4

'Hate Mail Cleric' Anjem Choudary On Big Brother And Being Gordon Brown's Letter Writing Czar

Though still to get a decent nickname like his predecessors in the role of the UK’s Islamic nutter in chief – “mad mullah” Omar Bakri; “Hooky” Abu Hamza - Anjem Choudary continues to try. More »

4th, January 2010 Reviews 2

One In Six Children Forced To Use Fingers To Swear

One in six children can’t talk properly, says a survey by a vested interest group. When approached by a pollster in a bright coat stepping in front of them with “hiya!” six children replied with the correct response: “fuck off.” More »