
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

18th, December 2009 Reviews

Copenhagen Issues Climate Gate Art Works to Prostitutes

Scultor Jens Galschioet has highlighted the end of the world being nigh by hanging flashing red lights seven metres up in trees and on lamp posts in Copenhagen. Only... More »

18th, December 2009 Strange But True

Jesus Picks Up Tiger Woods' Endorsement Deals

Tiger Woods appears in Brillo pad... More »

18th, December 2009 Strange But True 1

Anshan In China Is Home To The World's Politest Sign

To Anshan, China. Anshan possesses a third of the worlds supply of talcum, a quarter of the world's... More »

18th, December 2009 Key Posts 1

Tiger Woods: The 'Love Child' Is Identified And Theresa Rogers Speaks: In Pictures

Tiger Woods: With Theresa Rogers..., Jessica Simpson, a "love child", a "sham marriage" and a golf award after a dark... More »

18th, December 2009 Reviews 1

Nancy Pelosi Joins The Climate Change Haji And Polar Bears Shave Their Heads

Copenhagen climate: There is just one day left to save the planet. But all is not lost... More »

18th, December 2009 Celebrities 16

Bullied Joe McElderry And Biblical Rage Against The Machine Are Both Second Rate Christmas Hits

Joe McElderry v Rage Against The Machine is the big Christmas fight. Can Simon Cowell’s sense of entitlement to the Christmas No.1 be undone by an internet campaign to get Rage Against The Machine’s In The Name Of to the top spot? (Join the debate.) Will a big hit encourage RATM to reform? More »

18th, December 2009 Celebrities

Katie Price And Peter Andre In Secret Christmas Meeting

While waiting for Celebrity Big Brother to begin, the Daily Star fills space by leading with Kate Price and Peter Andre. As the front-page news: More »

18th, December 2009 Celebrities

In Pictures: X Factor's Robbie Williams Busks For Apple And Tours WIth Olly Murs

X Factor: Robbie Williams plays football with Olly Murs and busks in London... More »

17th, December 2009 Celebrities

Red Hot Chilli Peppers Flea Joins The Joe McElderry Fight

Here’s Red Hot Chilli Peppers bassist Flea doing his bit for music... More »

17th, December 2009 Reviews

Stephen Gately: Andrew Cowles Complains To PCC Over Jan Moir

Stephen Gately's 'unnatural death', as told by Jan Moir, died on Twitter but lives on at the Press Complaints Commission. Gately’s civil partner Andrew Cowles has formally complained to the PCC. More »

17th, December 2009 Celebrities

Peter Andre's Unplugged London Concert, In Pictures

Here’s pop acorn Peter Andre in an 'unplugged' gig to promote Coca Cola’s sponsorship of London Underground busking spots. Who better to go “unplugged” then intensely private Peter Andre? More »

17th, December 2009 Reviews

Simon Cowell And The Times Share The X Factor

THE case of The Times' missing Simon Cowell article is not solved. But today the paper publishes another report on Cowell, his "business partner" Sir Philip Green and their TV ambitions... More »

17th, December 2009 Politicians

Identity Minister Meg Hillier Loses Her ID Card, Blames Baby

Apologies for missing the story of Identity Minister Meg Hillier rocking up at an ID card showcase and – ho-ho – forgetting her ID card. The Liverpool Post delivers a vision: More »

17th, December 2009 Politicians

David Cameron Does Cockermouth, In Pictures

While Gordon Brown is in Copenhagen working out how to turn Tony Blair’s weather machine off, Cameron pays a visit to Dumfries and Galloway... More »

17th, December 2009 Politicians

Gordon Brown Tries To Shut Al Gore A Cupboard

Gordon Brown isn't funny? Mot a bit of it. Gordon Brown is Mr Slapstick. Oh, yes he is. In this skit he leads Al Gore into a dead end More »

17th, December 2009 Celebrities 55

Everyone Who Supports Rage Against The Machine Is Wrong

Rage Against The Machine are selling themselves as the rebel yell. They aren’t. More »

17th, December 2009 Celebrities 16

Joe McElderry V Rage Against The Machine On The BBC: X Factory Versus Corporate Rebellion

Nicky Campbell and Shelagh Fogarty are aghast as they broadcast five belts of "f*** you I won't do what you tell me". Five Live has never heard the likes, well, not since the football was broadcast a few afternoons earlier... More »

17th, December 2009 Money

British Airways Strikes A Blow For Mickey Mouse Unions

The shocker is that trolley dollies have a union: the British Airlines Stewards and Stewardesses Association (Bassa), a branch of the Unite monolith. The head of Bassa is Lizanne Malone, “a senior stewardess and the union's chairman”... More »

17th, December 2009 Key Posts

In Pictures: Silvio Berlusconi Shows His Broken Nose And Scabs

Having inspected a much reduced in size Milan Cathedral at close quarters – a small version to make Silvio feel bigger - Silvio Berlusconi has let his hospital in Milan. More »

17th, December 2009 Celebrities

Her Majesty The Queen Does Her Impression Of A Stamp

HER Majesty the Queen took the train today. Elizabeth Rex opted for a First Capital Connect train from Kings Cross Station in London to Kings Lynn in Norfolk. In the process she posed as a human stamp... More »

17th, December 2009 Flashback 4

The Rolling Stones In Pictures And Cigarettes

The Rolling Stones were Mick Jagger, Bill Wyman, Brian Jones, Keith Richards and Charlie Watts. Brian Jones died. Ronnie Wood became the band’s papier mache mascot. This is their career in pictures... More »

17th, December 2009 Sports 2

Tiger Woods Should Fear Arrest At His Dubai Golf Course

In Dubai, infidelity is a crime, earning the miscreant you a jail sentence. The sheiks of Dubai hate extra-marital sex. So what news then of the Tiger Woods golf course in this oasis of sand and builders’ dust? More »

17th, December 2009 Strange But True

In Pictures: Pollution Turns Dogs Bright Green In Russia

They say that in the Urals city of Yekaterinburg the dogs are bright green and glow in the dark. More »

17th, December 2009 TV & Radio

Israeli Puppy Poos On TV Show As Presenters Talk Shit

On Israel 10 TV station, a puppy is doing a poo on the presenters’ big debate table... More »

17th, December 2009 Reviews

Copenhagen Climate In Pictures: Police And Protestors Unite To Fight Cold

Cold enough for you? Winter can be unpredictable. As snow hits the UK, The Met Office warns of snow. Over in Copenhagen, it’s cold. But inside... More »