
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

19th, October 2009 Celebrities 3

Katie Price Makes Illegal Sex Joke On Graham Norton Show

Claire Price has “sparked fury” by claiming The Graham Norton Show that her ex-husband Peter Andre has been sleeping with his manager, Claire Powell... More »

19th, October 2009 Reviews 2

Gordon Brown Has 50 Days To Save The World From Global Warming Plague

Gordon Bown says you are all going to die in the heat .. unless: “In Britain we face the prospect of more frequent droughts and a rising wave of floods The extraordinary summer heatwave of 2003 in Europe resulted in over 35,000 extra deaths”... More »

19th, October 2009 In Pictures

In Pictures: Jenson Button F1 World Champion

More »

19th, October 2009 Celebrities

Da Vinci's Mona Lisa Comes To Manchester

Here's a picture of Coronation Street’s neon-tanned Michelle Keegan recreated as Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa... More »

19th, October 2009 Reviews

Sir Ian Blair's Policing Controversy: Making Money With Jean Charles de Menezes

Sir Ian Blair, former Metropolitan Police commissioner, was ever a man keen on celebrity. It was he, after all, who gave London the Celebrity Police Force, the photogenic division for whom no celebrity misdemeanour is too small to attend. Now Sir Ian has written a book... More »

19th, October 2009 Strange But True

Nominative Determinism With Rape Artist Kok Foo Lim

In today’s look at nominative determinism – the science of taking after your name – Anorak spots Kok Foo Lim, who posed as a taxi driver with the intend of luring drunk men into his car and then sexually assaulting them... More »

19th, October 2009 The Consumer

Indian BT Worker 'Bombs' British Customer's House

BT’S India call centre operation is doing for the British stereotypes of fair play and the ability to patiently queue what Princess Diana did for our stiff upper lip: killing it... More »

19th, October 2009 Celebrities 9

Cheryl Cole's X Factor Lap Dance Undoes Whitney Houston's Dress

the X Factor: Someone should have told Houston that you don’t need a wardrobe malfunction to be British pop star, you just need to come on stage dressed as a lap dancer and get mum, dad and the kids to clap along. More »

18th, October 2009 Strange But True

Only Video Of Anne Frank Emerges

July 22 1941. The girl next door is getting married. Anne Frank is leaning out of the window of her house in Amsterdam to get a good look at the bride and groom... More »

18th, October 2009 Politicians

Barack Obama's Deceptive And Dishonest Tax Joke

Barack Obama, a man who seems more bothered by image than substance, says he will not raise taxes. And then he gets elected and, well, enjoy this and the video. Hey, Joe The Plumber was right... More »

18th, October 2009 Sports

Rule Buttannia Jen Button: Now For The M25

Rule Buttania! Jenson Button wins. Now for the big one. Now for the M25. More »

18th, October 2009 Reviews 1

Forget Jail, Richard Heene Should Get An Emmy

Falcon Heene is his dad’s stooge, the Loft Boy who hoisted his dad on his own petard. Loft Boy was a fix. The media fell for it. Give Richard Heene an Emmy. Forget the reality TV series, make Richard Heene controller of ITV... More »

18th, October 2009 Celebrities 4

X Factor: Dermot O'Leary Wants Joe McElderry Locked Up

It’s Dermot ‘literally’ O'Leary right here on this page, literally. Dermot O’Leary, people. Coming right up. Literally. Any moment now… More »

18th, October 2009 Key Posts 1

How Richard Heene Planned To Dissect Falcon Heene's Remains In Roswell Scam

How Robert Thomas helepd madke Ricahrd heene, father to Loft Boy Falcon Heene, the world's msot famous scientist... More »

18th, October 2009 Strange But True 2

Somalia's Youth Police Whip Women With Firm Breasts

Budding Jordan wannabes should conjure with the name Somalia, as news reaches us of Mogadishu’s breast police... More »

18th, October 2009 Reviews

Geert-cha: Geert Wilders Introduces Islam Comedy Hour, With Chas And Dave

At the start of the tape, the Geert Groupie won't actually kill Geert Wilders, as all true believes must, but others who share his views that he must be killed might. Understand? More »

18th, October 2009 Celebrities

Jade Goody's Mum Jackiey Is A Damn Lady, Attacks Jeff Brazier

A missive from Jade Goody Industries drops through the post box, containing the latest minutes of the AGM, as told to the News of The World by the Goody Mum. More »

18th, October 2009 Madeleine McCann 14

Madeleine McCann: Alan Johnson, Satellite Images And Barack Obama

Can satelite images of Praia da Luz unlock the mystery of Our Maddie? More »

17th, October 2009 Celebrities 9

Amazing Last Pictures Of Stephen Gately

Not everyone waited until Stephen Gately was buried to immerse him in mud. The tabloid media jumped the gun and Jan Moir set out to prove why not a single hack has been made a UN Goodwill ambassador. More »

17th, October 2009 Celebrities

Miley Cyrus Sex And The City Pictures

Kim Cattrall and Miley Cyrus are spotted by Anorak's Man in New York filming a red carpet scene on the set of "Sex and the City 2" at the Ziegfeld Theatre... More »

17th, October 2009 Strange But True

Russian Scam Artists: In Pictures

In Russia, they don't sell the Big Issue. If they did someone would only distil it and mix it with anti-freeze to form an enlivening cocktail. The poor are forced to beg. More »

17th, October 2009 Politicians

Geert Wilders Draws Out The Lighter Side Of Extreme Islam

It looks like Islamic nutters are being assimilated – they get irony. They are writing jokes. Cancel the wars. Cancel the film. Islam has fond someone to mock with humour and its making a good fist of it. Geert Wilders is the straight man for extreme Islam’s comedy vultures. More »

17th, October 2009 TV & Radio

Jan Moir Tribute Video: Do The Yes

Of course, if you want a truly glamorous routine, you can join in with this musical tribute to Jan Moir. It's the Yes Dance, and it answers a question: Was it us, Jan? More »

17th, October 2009 Strange But True

Dead Man Taken For Halloween Puppet

Expectations for Halloween are clearly high in Southern California. It’s a tough crowd to scare... More »

17th, October 2009 Strange But True 1

Kebab Maker Accused Of Causing Grievous Boldy Harm With Chilli Sauce

"Legally the question of whether the spiciness of the kebab sauce constituted 'normal' or grievous bodily harm must be addressed." More »