
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

15th, October 2009 Celebrities

Michael Jackson Co-Writes Fated, The Comic Book Tale Of A Supernatural Pop Star

Introducing the new Jackson comic book, written by Michael Jackson, Virgin book’s Gotham Chopra, with art by Mukesh Singh... More »

15th, October 2009 Caption Competition 8

Sarkozy And Brown: A Love Story

Ah, yes, I remember it well... More »

15th, October 2009 OK! 3

Peter Andre And Alex Reid To Cage Fight For Katie Price

Might Alex go knickers-to-knickers with Pete in a televised bout of cage fighting? OK, fair is fair. Alex would win any battle with a cage – Pete being more of a paper bag fighter. And to level things up we need a contest in which Pete can excel, something like seeing which of them can purse their lips the hardest, find a rhyme for tangerine or be dignified?... More »

15th, October 2009 Reviews

Starsuckers: The Guardian Gloats

The Starsuckers film that exposes the tabloid press is a good watch. It's also front-page news in the Guardian. But as Tim Worstall points out, no newspaper is immune to a bad story: More »

15th, October 2009 Celebrities

Stephen Gately Is Now A Press Release

Try not to think of Stephen Gately's death as a tragedy - try to see it more as an opportunity... More »

15th, October 2009 Reviews 2

Peta Stopped From Linking Swine Flu To Eating Meat

Peta's poster campaign states that "Meat kills". E.Coli, mad cow, swine flu and MRSA all get name checked. The message is clear: "Go Vegetarian. Peta"... More »

15th, October 2009 Strange But True 3

Swiss Hitler Gnomes Of Zurich Invade Germany

Ove 1,000 gnomes arrive in Germany 60 years too late... More »

15th, October 2009 Celebrities 6

Stephen Gately: Overdosing On Cannabis And Speculation

Stephen Gately: Anorak’s look at Stephen Gately in the news: with drugs, death, Louis Walsh, the X Factor and a burial… More »

15th, October 2009 Key Posts 2

Mainstream Media Exposes Its Bigotry With Rush Limbaugh Racism Fakes

Rush Limbaugh, the US radio host, is said to have made racist comments. They are fakes. Journalists on newspapers an in the mainstream media seize on them as fact. Now read on... More »

15th, October 2009 Key Posts 7

Pictures Of Jacyee Dugard In People Magazine, And A Book Deal

Jaycee Lee Dugard Watch – Anorak’s at-a-glance looks at Jaycee Dugard in the news: People magazine has published the first photographs of the adult Jaycee Dugard, and Random House secures a book deal... More »

15th, October 2009 Key Posts 16

Transcript Of James Arthur Ray's Conference Call To Arizona Sweat Box Victims, And Last Tweets

At the James Arthur Ray Spritual Warrior Event in Arizona, two people are dead and 19 more are hospitalized. James Arthur Ray goes on with the show. And then he calls the survivors, privately. The transcipt of that call can be read here. It's is appalling, fascinating and so very American... More »

14th, October 2009 Key Posts

Starsuckers: Amy Winehouse's Hair Catches Fire In Michael Jackson Tribute

In Starsuckers, a group of documentary film makers in London’s Brick Lane take on the role of actual tabloid journalists by trying to plant fake celebrity stories in the national press. More »

14th, October 2009 TV & Radio

Panic Face King Turns Mass Murder Into Entertainment

The would-be TV star told he is to star in a documentary about telephone scammers. Just after the interview begins, a sniper attacks, shooting dead everyone else in the room and giving the nascent telly star a heart attack and morbid fear of going out in public... More »

14th, October 2009 Reviews 3

Carter-Ruck Does PR For Trafigura And Bloggers

Looks like Carter-Ruck solicitors should be in the PR business, because neither I nor, I'll wager, you, had ever heard of Trafigura until they allegedly slapped an injunction on the Guardian prohibiting them from - get this - reporting proceedings in Parliament in which Trafigura's name had, apparently, been mentioned... More »

14th, October 2009 Celebrities 6

X Factor: On The Shayne Ward Protest March And Leona Lewis Is Attacked

X Factor winner, Leona Lewis, has reportedly been slapped during a book signing at Waterstone's' Piccadilly shop in London. When a celebrity is involved the Celebrity Police Force is swift to act, grabbing a camera, a big felt tip and a pot of Touché Eclat.... More »

14th, October 2009 Celebrities

Pamela Anderson's New Child Slave, In Pictures

Pamela Anderson brings you the most perfect vision of the future, the aspirations of a million and more blonde-ish pre-teens... More »

14th, October 2009 Celebrities 2

Stephen Gately: SADS, Betting And Suicide Bombs

Update to the Stephen Gately Death Speculation: Having ruled out suicide, murder, gayness, drugs, drink and vomit the Daily Star says: “Gately was killed by a dodgy heart”... More »

14th, October 2009 Celebrities 4

Peter Andre And Katie Price: Pete Stops Son Talking To 'Gay' Alex Reid

More news on Katie Price, who having risen to fame as Mrs Peter Andre is pictured on the cover of the Daily Star canoodling in a swimming pool or large bath tub from Ideal Standard’s Olympian Range with Alex Reid, the cross-dressing cage fighter... More »

14th, October 2009 Celebrities

TV Presenter Interviewed Michael Jackson After He'd Died

Shocking and scary extracts and news from Michael Jackson's last intreview.... More »

14th, October 2009 Reviews

London Evening Standard Free Paper: Day 1

THE London Evening Standard went free yesterday. If you want one, you just have to take one.... More »

14th, October 2009 The Consumer 1

Kellogg's To Brand All Corn Flakes With Picture Of A Cock

Kellogg's is so concerned about fake cereals that it has developed a laser to toast its company logo on to individual Corn Flakes... More »

13th, October 2009 Reviews 8

Lily Allen's Bum Wins Best Magazine Cover Of The Year Award

There is no stopping the power of Lily Allen’s arse. It walks. It talks. It shrinks. One day Lily’s arse will go it alone and bring on a pop war not seen since Dolly Parton’s breast left to form The Carpenters... More »

13th, October 2009 Celebrities

Five Ways The Media Sold Stephen Gately's Death

Gately dies and the tabloid press suspects that he had died from drinks, drugs, suicide, depression, acute gayness and being Irish (and that was just the Daily Mail). Only, he didn't. He just died... More »

13th, October 2009 In Pictures

Maggies 2009: The Best Magazine Covers

More »

13th, October 2009 National Enquirer 2

Angelina Jolie Is Torturing Jennifer Aniston With Peter Andre

Jolie is “torturing” Jennifer Aniston. Angelina Jolie is torturing Jennifer Aniston for charity and to highlight the plight of the panda bear. Angelina Jolie is torturing Jennifer Aniston because she has heard the prayers of the people... More »