
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

29th, August 2009 Key Posts 7

Jaycee Lee Dugard Lived On Propofol, Cigarettes And Cola

Jaycee Lee Dugard has been found alive. Jaycee’s alleged kidnappers and rapists Phillip Garrido and Nancy Garrido, his wife, are in jail. And the media gets to work: Jaycee is like a child; Jaycee loves Phillip Garrido; Jaycee failed by the police; Jaycee is… More »

29th, August 2009 Celebrities 3

DJ Am Adam Goldstein's Last Tweet To Travis Barker

DJ AM has died. And before he died, DJ Am Tweeted. It might be a Tweet farewell note. The printed word is dying - even the lonely use electronic ink to speak of their pain... More »

28th, August 2009 Reviews

Jaycee Lee Dugard's Prison In Pictures

Jaycee Lee Dugard's prison at Phillip Garrido and Nancy Garrido's home, in pictures... More »

28th, August 2009 Celebrities 1

Michael Jackson Homicide: Wacked Off Jacko Donated Sperm

Jackson Homicide Watch: Anorak’s at-a-glance look at Michael Jackson in the news - sperm, marijuana, propofol and more found in Jackson's body and home... More »

28th, August 2009 Reviews 1

Killer Giant Piranha Hiding In British River

In your wildest dream you might expect to find a mermaid riding Loch Ness. In beyond your wildest dreams you may expect to find a mermaid riding Loch Ness while having coitus with Noel Edmonds. But not the EA’s man in the big wellies. His wildest dreams are about finding a fish in a river. A dead one... More »

28th, August 2009 Reviews

CBS Radio News Reporter Cami McCormick Injured In Afghanistan

War is hell. Reporters are not all desk jockeys. Sometimes they get hurt. Sometimes they die... More »

28th, August 2009 Celebrities 1

Eric Dane Had Sex With Rebecca Gayheart

Having seen the non-sex sex tape featuring Eric Dane, Kari Ann Peniche and Rebecca Gayheart, Life and Style magazine tells us that Gayheart is expecting a child. More »

28th, August 2009 In Pictures

August 28 2009

August 28 2009 More »

28th, August 2009 Celebrities 1

Win The Michael Jackson Opus Notes

Jackson Watch: Anorak’s at-a-glance look at Michael Jackson in the news - THE new Michael Jackson Opus, a 400-page record of Jackson’s life, will not feature life-size pop ups of the singer in action. More »

28th, August 2009 Celebrities 5

Kerry Katona's Accountant Tells All

news on Kerry Katona, who has, allegedly, assaulted her accountant in his rooms. The alleged victim is one David McHugh, a “convicted fraudster” and now here to talk to the press. Says he... More »

28th, August 2009 Celebrities 2

Sandra Bullock In Disaster Horror

Flashbulbs give the appearance of daylight, but we can assure readers that Sandra did get dressed in the inky black darkness... More »

28th, August 2009 Celebrities 2

Kelly Osbourne's Fierce Addiction to Vicodin With Britney Spears

It’s been hard for Kelly living under the media glare. Just how hard you can read about in Kelly’s new book Fierce, by Kelly Osbourne. And therein you can reada bout how Kelly used Vicodin, Hillbilly heroin, to beat the demons, cure the pain and get off her face... More »

28th, August 2009 Sports 5

Islamist Makes Threat To Kill Jose Mourinho

Sun leads by asking politicians “Don’t you know there’s a bloody war on?”, while the Star keeps things local: “Muslims: we’ll kill Mourinho.”.. More »

28th, August 2009 Key Posts 19

The Story Of Jaycee Dugard And Phillip Garrido, In Pictures

Jaycee Dugard has been found alive and physically well. Anorak now brings you her story in pictures, and that too of Phillip Garrido, the convicted paedophile accused of kidnapping her, raping her and impregnating her... More »

28th, August 2009 Key Posts 6

Jaycee Dugard Rapist Phillip Garrido Linked To Madeleine McCann Abduction

WHEN Jaycee Lee Dugard went missing she was her own person. Now she has returned to a post-Madeleine McCann world and the media is able to make sense of her abduction, rape and impregnation by known paedophile Phillip Garrido (he fathered two children with Jaycee Dugard) and his wife Nancy. Such is the impoverished state of journalism that the story of Jaycee Lee Dugard needs context... More »

28th, August 2009 Politicians 1

Barack Obama's Bill Ayers Dedicated Book To Robert F. Kennedy's Killer Sirhan Sirhan

As Edward Kennedy is buried, and eulogised by Barack Obama, Anorak reports on how one of Barry's old muckers William Ayres, formerly of the Weather Underground, dedicated his communist manifesto Prairie Fire to Robert Kenendy's killer Sirhan Sirhan (and others)... More »

27th, August 2009 Key Posts 6

Jaycee Lee Dugard Linked To Madeleine McCann

CONGRATULATIONS to Chris Ayres, for linking the arrival of “Missing girl” Jaycee Lee Dugard to Madeleine McCann. Jaycee Lee Dugard walked into police station, 18 years after going missing from outside her home near Lake Tahoe in California in 1991... More »

27th, August 2009 Celebrities

John Mayer's 1991 Mugshot For Driving Without A License

John Mayer realises that with Twitter he has no need for an agent nor publicist. Mayer uses the social network to tweet a challenge to TMZ's Managing Editor Harvey Levin... More »

27th, August 2009 Celebrities

Lauren Bacall And Robert Pattinson Remake Nosferatu

Lauren has been to see Twilight with her granddaughter. While the little Baccallite saw meaning and plot and great acting in Robert Pattinson’s hair, grandma saw red... More »

27th, August 2009 Celebrities 4

Michael Jackson Sperm Harvested

Michael Jackson Homicide Watch - Prince Michael Malachi Jet Jackson is this week's Omer Bhatti; Jackson's sons grow in number; and Jackson's miracle sperm... More »

27th, August 2009 Celebrities

Ryan Jenkins' Ex-Lover Paulina Chmielecka Talks Of Fights

As well as being officially blonde and attractive – reason enough to be on TV - Chmielecka dated Ryan Jenkins for two years. Says the woman with the kind of surname Klingon speaking Star Trekkies can translate into “He cut me up and stabbed me into little bits”... More »

27th, August 2009 Celebrities

Davina McCall Swaps Places With Big Brother Housemates

Davina will be presenting the show's 11th and final series on Channel 4 next year, and thereafter she will be free to unleash her talent for saying people’s names really loudly and making the most unattractive, anodyne dross feel like they entertained the unattractive, anodyne dross at home. Davina McCall is the madam for prostitute TV... More »

27th, August 2009 Celebrities 1

The Lindsay Lohan Sex Tape Burglary Video

Lindsay Lohan’s sex tape is stolen in a burglary enacted by people who look familiar to her. As Lohan looks to star in a new reality TV show, Anorak brings you the tape of the crime... More »

27th, August 2009 Celebrities

7 Things To Do With Big Brother Housemates

Secure Digitas to sponsor the show and euthanize the housemates, handing over the remains to Gunther von Hagens for his Body World exhibition, Hissy Fit... More »

27th, August 2009 Reviews 2

30 Years Since The IRA Murdered Mountbatten And Paul Maxwell, In Pictures

The IRA said the killing of Lord Mountbatten was "one of the discriminate ways we can bring to the attention of the English people the continuing occupation of our country." Also killed on Mountbatten’s boat was Paul Maxwell, 15, a local employed as a boat boy... More »