
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

1st, August 2009 Reviews 1

Genocidal Queen: Make Anjem Choudary MBE

With no shark sighted off the coast of Bridlington and no celebrity death With for over a week, the tabloids are grateful to Islamic extremists - "Anjem Choudary's cohorts" - for saying that the Queen should be prosecuted for Genocide. More »

1st, August 2009 Celebrities 3

Michael Jackson Linked To Death Of Tortured Child

Jackson Watch: Baby P's mum tells of the Micahel Jackson she knew... More »

1st, August 2009 Key Posts 2

Madeleine McCann In Australia

Madeleine McCann Watch: Anorak’s at-a-glance look at Madeleine McCann in the news - Jamie Neale and Our Maddie... More »

31st, July 2009 Money

Inland Revenue Worker Steals Nephew's Trust Fund

Haslam, 51, stole £52,000 from her nephew Robert Simpson’s trust fund, set up by his father - her brother - shortly before he died... More »

31st, July 2009 Celebrities

Gwyneth Paltrow Puts Her Body On Gas Mark 7

Classic stuff from the web classic... More »

31st, July 2009 Key Posts

Tranmere Rovers For Sale On eBay, With Bike

Tranmere Rovers is for sale on eBay. Starting bid $10million... More »

31st, July 2009 Reviews

The Miners' Strike Silver Jubilee In Pictures

It's 25 years since the miners' strike. A silver jubilee. But no celebrations... More »

31st, July 2009 Celebrities 1

Peter Andre Wins Jordan Lookalike Libel

Pop acorn Peter Andre today arrives at the High Court where he won his libel case against The Sunday People. More »

31st, July 2009 Politicians 1

How Barack Obama Became Tony Blair

Readers may have noticed that Barack Obama, the most over-promoted man since Prince Edward became Seconder of the First Windsor Cubs, is mutating into Tony Blair... More »

31st, July 2009 Strange But True

Olympic Swimmers Wear Germany's Dissolving Swimsuit

To the waters, and into a bikini that dissolves in water... More »

31st, July 2009 Sports 1

RIP Bobby Robson, Gascoigne Cried For Us All

Former England manager Sir Bobby Robson has died. More »

31st, July 2009 Celebrities

Tyra Banks 'Tyra Banks Show' Photoshoot

Tyra looks just like the models you see in the windows of fancy shops... More »

31st, July 2009 Key Posts

Spurs' Legions Of Bent Fans Pray Levy Reads Twitter

On Twitter, Tottenham Hotspur striker (allegedly) Darren Bent is pushing for move to mighty Sunderland by opining: More »

31st, July 2009 Reviews 2

Debbie Purdy Wins Right To Her Own Body

Purdy has forced the Crown Prosecution Service to reveal under what circumstances her husband could be prosecuted if he she took her own life at the Dignitas euthanasia clinic in Switzerland... More »

31st, July 2009 Reviews 1

Swine Flu Drug Tamiflu Gives Children Nightmares

Hey kids, listen up: the swine flu drug Tamiflu gives you nightmares. So what’s it to be, kids: growing a snout and dying squealing like a pig or nightmares of the most terrible kind? More »

31st, July 2009 Reviews 6

Officer Justin Barrett's Innocent Mistake In Calling Henry Louis Gates Jr A Monkey

Lawyers representing Boston police Officer Justin Barrett says their client didn't intend to express bigoted views when he called Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. a "banana-eating jungle monkey". More »

31st, July 2009 Celebrities

Samantha Burke Is Mother To Jude Law's Sophia

Samantha Burke is the woman giving birth to Jude Law’s fourth child. Sophia Burke will be born on October 6 2009. More »

30th, July 2009 Celebrities

Conrad Murray Is Innocent

More »

30th, July 2009 Celebrities

Big Brother's Siavash Tells Noirin To Go

This week, one of ‘I’m’ Noirin and Marcus Saxondale will be leaving the house... More »

30th, July 2009 Celebrities 1

Sienna Miller Flashes Her Boy Toys Figurine

To commemorate the release of GI Joe: The Rise of the Cobra, there’s a new figurine of Sienna Miller’s character, The Baroness. More »

30th, July 2009 Reviews 1

Rankin Live: Michael Jackson In Pictures

Michael Jackson does Kate Moss does Pete Doherty does Ian Rankin... More »

30th, July 2009 Celebrities

Jessica Simpson Is No Indian Giver

Simpson says she will not take back the $100,000 boat she gave her ex-lover Tomy Romo because she's not an "Indian giver". UK readers may wonder what an Indian giver is, believing it's what follows a dodgy Indian take-away. More »

30th, July 2009 Celebrities

Tori Spelling Is The Waxy Ears Of Q-Tips

Spelling proves that when Beverly Hills 90210 died, and then TV producer father Aaron Spelling was cut in series 83, she could still find work as an actress of repute and talent. And maybe – maybe – she can be the waxy ears of Q-Tips... More »

30th, July 2009 Celebrities 5

Hannah Montana Gummy Guitars And Oral Sex Trainers

Hannah Montana is coming of age, and to celebrate the star’s developments we bring you the Hannah Montana guitar gums... More »

30th, July 2009 Reviews

Katherine Jackson Is Octogenarian Mom, Eva Mendes' Beauty Therapy And Obama Kills Israel

Eva Mendes is too sexy for her clothes, Obama marks Tish B'Av, Katherine Jackson wins custody of the Jackson three and becomes Octogenarian Mom... More »