
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

29th, June 2009 Strange But True 2

The Wake And Shag World's Biggest Alarm Clock

This video shows the alarm clock constructed by a man who seems to ahve visited Old Mr Anorak's Thai ping-pong winter training camp... More »

29th, June 2009 Money 11

Royal Mint Issues 20 pence Coin Worth £50

A batch of 20p coins issued with no date on them “could be worth £50 each”... More »

29th, June 2009 Celebrities 19

Man Cleared Of Girls Aloud Thought Crime

Walker has been cleared of committing a thought crime after he wrote an internet article imagining that Girls Aloud - Cheryl Cole, Nadine Coyle, Sarah Harding, Nicola Roberts and Kimberley Walsh - had been kidnapped, raped, mutilated and murdered... More »

29th, June 2009 Madeleine McCann 3

Police Let Madeleine McCann Suspect Go Free

Madeleine McCann Watch: Anorak’s at-a-glance look at Madeleine McCann in the news - how detective let a new suspect go free... More »

29th, June 2009 Celebrities

National Enquirer Correctly Predicted Michael Jackson's Death

Some of you heard the knews minutes before Jackson died; others months in advance... More »

29th, June 2009 Politicians 1

Did Gordon Brown Kill Michael Jackson?

Today, we receive news via Twitter that Gordon Brown had been praising Michael Jackson just before the King of Pop died… More »

29th, June 2009 Strange But True 3

Man Drowns Mowing Lawn

to Nebraska, where a man has drowned while mowing the lawn... More »

29th, June 2009 Politicians

House of Commons Cuts Its Own Throat

"We should be deeply concerned that panicking MPs are on the verge of throwing away their hard-won freedoms," he writes, warning that the House of Commons is in danger of cutting its own constitutional throat.... More »

29th, June 2009 Reviews

Golfers Kill Michael Jackson's Cats

Golfers for Michael Jackson are killing Ronaldo's cats*. News just in... More »

29th, June 2009 Celebrities 5

Michael Jackson Was Totally Bald

Michael Jackson Watch: Michael Jackson’s bald head, fragile body and 200 songs worth £60 million... More »

29th, June 2009 Reviews 6

Daily Mail: Children Must Be Kept Indoors

Scare stories: Anorak's daily look at horror stories making news: Parents warned to keep children indoors as Britain faces emergency heatwave warning... More »

28th, June 2009 Celebrities 4

The Ten Best Michael Jackson Conspiracy Theories

Michael Jackson was killed by TMZ, Twitter and Iran. he is also not dead. Anorak presents the Ten Best Michael Jackson Death Theories... More »

28th, June 2009 Strange But True

Pabst Is The World's Ugliest Dog

Hats off to Pabst - offically the world's ugliest dog. More »

28th, June 2009 Celebrities

Michael Jackson's Secret Last Recording Found

Jackson Watch: Michael Jackson's last record has been found or, rather, unearthed. pens a song about climate change and Heat it, just heats it. More »

28th, June 2009 Celebrities 9

Michael Jackson Puts His Kids In Child Abuse Horror Story

Michael Jackson wrote a horror story for children, starring his children... More »

28th, June 2009 Strange But True

Pictures Of A Real Shanghai Factory Made From Lego Pieces

In Shanghai, the civic authorties are building building from Lego - factories schools, hotels... More »

28th, June 2009 Sports

Barack Obama Gives Arsenal Football Team Talk

In today's instalment of Anorak's occasional look at Barack Obama in the news, we cock an ear to the Arsenal Football Club's changing rooms and hear the US President giving a team talk... More »

28th, June 2009 Celebrities 1

Michael Jackson Hid Cash In Garbage Bags

Says the nanny: “Grace, you remember Michael used to hide cash at the house? I'm here. Where can it be?” More »

27th, June 2009 Reviews 1

Michael Jackson To Be 'Plastinated' By Gunther von Hagens

Well, you can't libel the dead. Michael Jackson To Be 'Plastinated' By Gunther von Hagens... More »

27th, June 2009 Celebrities 6

Filipino Inmates At Cebu Prison Dance For Michael Jackson

had Jackson been sent down he could have trained the inmates to dance evern better. It would have been like the Longest Yard with one of these gloves... More »

27th, June 2009 Celebrities 86

Michael Jackson Dies Without His Nose On

A study of the photo reveals one detail that's yet to be commented on: Michael Jackson is missing the tip of his nose... More »

27th, June 2009 Celebrities 189

Michael Jackson Wanted Muslim Burial

By now you’re probably wondering what Michael Jackson’s been up to. Good to see that the news and broadcast media has been given the King of Pop his dues and playing his songs non-stop for hours now... More »

27th, June 2009 Strange But True 1

The New York Hipster Moves

the-new-york-hipster-movesTHIS is how the New York hipster moves... More »

27th, June 2009 Reviews 1

Man Accused Of Sexual Exploiting Miley Cyrus's Head

In Tennessee a man accused of using Photoshop to place the face of soft porn starlet Miley Cyrus on the body of a mature nude female bodies face a charge of aggravated sexual exploitation of a minor... More »

27th, June 2009 Celebrities 2

Katie Price's Boyfriend Talks Sex With Jordan

Peter Andre and Jordan Watch: Katie Price missies Harvey's sports day and her fella confessses... More »