
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

18th, June 2009 Technology

Iranians Rely On Israeli Technology To Reach The Internet

IN Iran, what Andrew Sullivan calls facists and Old Mr Anorak calls humanity or communists or any other ists and isms that seek to control, the Israelis are speaheading the drive to freedom... More »

18th, June 2009 Sports

World's Greatest Goalkeeper Saves Penalty Then Scores Goal

Give him all the touche eclat and bronzer he wants. The new Ronaldo is upon us. Sign him up... More »

18th, June 2009 Strange But True 1

Man Cuts Nintendo Controller Into Arm

The Low Countries are not all about obese detectives, bespectacled footballers and girsl with faces made from stars. They also spawn the man who according to, cut himself a Nintendo controller in one of his arms... More »

18th, June 2009 Money

Gold Vending Machine Prizes: Gallery

There are gold flakes for her. Gold buckles for him. And for the gypsies - oh, how they love the gypsies - they have gold the likes of which you have never seen... More »

18th, June 2009 Celebrities 1

Lindsay Lohan Cleared Over Elle Jewellery Theft

Lohan is not the world’s leading jewel thief, so adding another “not” to the growing list of things that Lindsay Lohan is not... More »

18th, June 2009 Money 5

Fred Goodwin's Second Home Allowance

Former RBS supremo Sir Fred Goodwin has agreed to a 50 per cut in his £700,000 pension – “because he wants to return home to Britain from his £4 million French hideaway”... More »

18th, June 2009 Reviews

MIT Man's Carpet Burnt By Global Warming

In America, MIT physicist and global warming sceptic Richard Lindzen has experienced a globally warmed fire at his home... More »

18th, June 2009 Key Posts

Google Street View Is For Sex: Gallery

In this image from Google Street View, the driver of a Transit Connect is seen talking with a young woman in short shorts and small top... More »

18th, June 2009 Reviews

BBC Presenter In Swine Flu Horror

In Las Vegas, left-overs from restaurants and hotels are turned into pig food. Which the diners then eat. But Rowlatt can't wait that long... More »

18th, June 2009 Key Posts 1

The Weirdest Vending Machines Dispense Gold, Drugs, Used Panties And Breasts

In Germany shoppers and any waiting for a train or plane can buy gold from vending machines... More »

18th, June 2009 Politicians 2

Barack Obama Is Peta's Dumb Animal Of The Month

news of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, who More have sent President Obama a Katcha Bug Humane Bug Catcher, a gadget that allows him to trap a fly and then release it into the nearest turd... More »

18th, June 2009 Technology

London University to offer a degree in Twitter. Essays just 140 charactars long!

Everyone in Iran uses it, BBC radio presenters bang on about it incessantly and mega celebs use it to throw crumbs to their adoring fans. Yep there seems no stopping the rise of Twitter. More »

18th, June 2009 Celebrities 2

Michael Jackson's Tour Rider Calls For Disabled Children

MICHAEL JACKSON is looking for a child who is missing limbs or in a wheelchair to appear on stage with him at his O2 gigs. More »

18th, June 2009 Politicians 4

BNP Organzier Has NAZI Car Sticker

More news from Blackburn, and that Robin Evans, the BNP’s Blackburn organiser, drives about town with a “Nazi sticker” on his car... More »

18th, June 2009 Celebrities 4

Katie Price Threatens To Knife Daily Star Journalist

Katie Price, aka Jordan, dressed in a tinfoil bikini and a straw cowboy hat full of holes, is illustrating the Star’s front-page screamer that she did threaten to knife a Daily Star journalist... More »

17th, June 2009 Strange But True

Thomas Prusik-Parkin 'Posed' As His Dead Mother to Claim Benefits

Thomas Prusik-Parkin is arrested for impersonating his dead mother, Irene Prusik in order to claim her $115,000 in social security benefits and rent subsidies... More »

17th, June 2009 Strange But True 9

Woman Who Restored Her Virginity 6 Times Nearly Dies

In Russia, a local woman who had her virginity restored sixth times is in intensive care... More »

17th, June 2009 Politicians

Bill Clinton's Big Brother Lap Dancer Andrea Rincon

That's a picture of Andrea Rincon, who claims she gave Bill Clinton a lap dance. What is it with Bill Clinton and sitting down sex? More »

17th, June 2009 Reviews

Loyal Ahmadinejad Newspaper Publishes Doctored Pictures

That Mahmoud Ahmadinejad photoshops images is big news. Some of you may recognise some faces from yesterday's pro-Gordon Brown rally in the third cubicle from the right in Westbury station... More »

17th, June 2009 Celebrities 2

Five More Reasons Why Katie Price And Peter Andre Split Up

Tragic, indeed, that Peter Andre and Katie Price have split up. If they can’t make it, then who can? More »

17th, June 2009 Celebrities 5

Amy Winehouse Drinks Herself Blind

We interrupt this transmission of Amy Winehouse’s residency in a St Lucia bar to bring news of Amy Winehouse's “concerned mother”, who has “has opened up about her daughter's battle with addiction” on a TV show... More »

17th, June 2009 Key Posts 1

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Supporters' Rally Was Photoshopped

Ahmadinejad's supporters' rally was photoshopped. Those thousands were less than they seemed... More »

17th, June 2009 Key Posts 18

Tatooist Pays For Half Kimberley Vlaeminck's Laser Removal

Owner of the Ye Olde Tattoo Parlour of Rest says he will fund the cost for the removal of half of the tattoos etched onto the young girl’s cosmic face... More »

17th, June 2009 Strange But True

Cat Shot 50 Times Lives: X Ray

This cat, Rosie, has been show 50 times with a gun. She lives... More »

17th, June 2009 Strange But True

Video Of Kimberley Vlaeminck's 56 Face Tattoos

More on Kimberley Vlaeminck, the 18-year-old with face for stars. This is her video... More »