
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

14th, June 2009 Politicians

Full Text Of Netanyahu's Call For Palestinian State

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel will create a Palestinian state. hsia speech in full... More »

14th, June 2009 Key Posts 8

Jimmy Carter Haw Haws Ahmadinejad

Carter is Haw-Hawing Mahmoud Ahmadinejad... More »

14th, June 2009 Reviews

Pigeons And The Fame Hungry Clamber Up Trafalgar's Fourth Plinth

From 13,000 applicants, 615 people have been randomly selected top spend an hour of their lives as living statues on a plinth in Trafalgar Square... More »

14th, June 2009 Reviews 6

Ahmadinejad's Iran Pays Price For The BBC

Iran blocks the BBC signal in Iran. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, twins Tehran with Chicago, says he is the winner and all is hunky-dory. Read his speech in full here. And good news for Britiah citizens to know that freeloaders in Iran will no longer get the BBC for, well, free... More »

14th, June 2009 Reviews

Adam Boulton Sky News Fail

More »

14th, June 2009 Money 2

World Of Warcraft Does Porn

Russian porn star Anna Morgan, 19, (which might not be her real name) has been paid $500,000 to carry the words World of Warcraft in tattoo format on her chest... More »

14th, June 2009 Photojournalism 3

How To Make A Russian Jet From Cigarettes

IN Anorak's masterclass today, readers learn how to make a Russian Jet fighter from a cigarette box... More »

14th, June 2009 Celebrities 1

Susan Boyle Charges £8,000-Minute To Perform

“FRAGILE” Susan Boyle is “charging an astonishing £8,000 A MINUTE to perform live.” More »

14th, June 2009 Strange But True 1

LA Drugs Activist Arrested For Trying To Sell Drugs

Craig Farris, leading light of the Over the Wall Foundation in Marina del Rey, California, an anti-drug program has been is arrested after an undercover Redondo Beach officer was sold fake methamphetamine and ecstasy tablets.. More »

14th, June 2009 Strange But True

CCTV Stops Couple Having Sex

In Northampton, a CCTV operative is commanding a couple to stop having sex... More »

14th, June 2009 Celebrities 1

Cristiano Ronaldo Dumps Paris Hilton

GIVEN what we have read of Paris Hilton having a drink with Cristiano Ronaldo - a "fling"; "kissing" and "stroking" his beer bottle" - the marriage of the century, Hello! photoshoot and miracle were a sure thing... More »

14th, June 2009 Key Posts 12

Madeleine McCann: Raymond Hewlett Tells All

Madeleine McCann Watch: Anorak’s at-a-glance look at Madeleine McCann in the news - Raymond Hewlett speaks out... More »

13th, June 2009 Key Posts 3

Ahmadinejad Voted For Mousavi And Iran Twinned With Chicago

Ahmadinejad is President of Iran and all the Irans. The press goes bonkers. It's a fix, right? Right? Right! More »

13th, June 2009 Technology 1

A Sexy Advert For The Sexiest Chair In The World

The Divided Salli saddle chair seat is the sexiest, greatest chairiest chair ever, in the history of the world.. More »

13th, June 2009 Money

Hermetically Sealed Underpants

Do you have problem with loud and pungent lower reagions? If you do, then you need to stay in - and get some Under-Ease hermetically sealed pants... More »

13th, June 2009 Celebrities

Jennifer Aniston Plans The Divorce Party

Jennifer Aniston is at the Women in Film Awards in Culver City, Calif., where host Chelsea Handler is presenting the actress with the Crystal Award for Excellence in Film. Yeah, really... More »

13th, June 2009 Photojournalism 1

Wong Way Renamed Wong Street

The road is named after George Wong, the last resident of Riverside's former Chinatown... More »

13th, June 2009 Key Posts

Abramovich Unveils Chelsea's New Football Ground

Abramovich has unveiled Chelsea’s new football ground... More »

13th, June 2009 Strange But True

Man Breaks Into Homes By Chewing Through Metal Bars

Police in Chongqing are questioning a man named Xiong in connection numerous break-ins through caged windows... More »

13th, June 2009 Politicians

Vladimir Putin Paints Himself A Bigger Sword

Putin surveys the likeness and tells the founder of the Russian school of high realism, Ilya Glazunov, that the sword in one of his paintings was too short. It looks "only good for slicing sausage".. More »

13th, June 2009 Politicians 1

Ray Nagin Killed By Barack Obama Death Cultists

The Barack Obama Death Cult excites news media with its ways to off The President. But if they can't have him, the BODC will have another. Today. it's Ray Nagin in the firing line More »

13th, June 2009 Reviews

The New York Times And The Death Of Aged News

The New York Times is dying - well, not really. it just needs to change, or die: More »

13th, June 2009 Politicians

Indiana Moves To Ban Smoking Lettuce

Congressman Steve Buyer says smoking lettuce is just like smoking cigarettes or cigars or broccoli or... More »

13th, June 2009 Celebrities 4

Susan Boyle Is A Diva

At best, Boyle, or SuBo as the tabloids now call her, is suffering from exhaustion... Her disturbing demise... More »

12th, June 2009 Celebrities

Prince Harry's New Lover Caroline Flack Pictures

Interestingly - fnar - Caroline Flack appeared in Is Harry On The Boat, a film... More »