
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

2nd, June 2009 Reviews

Left Wing Opinion Killing Newspapers

Newspaper revenue is falling faster than Susan Boyle's eyebrows. Jamie Wearing notes... More »

2nd, June 2009 Reviews

Celebrity Feared Lost On Air France Airliner: Pictures

An airliner on its way from Brazil to France is missing. And to make sense of the sense of disaster and loss, the BBC trills... More »

2nd, June 2009 Politicians

LibDems Demand Respect For Greasy Haired Twats

Liberal Democrats’ Anna Pascoe, Lib Dem candidate for Cornwall Council elections on 4 June, has sent out a pamphlet calling Mebyon Kernow candidate Stuart Cullimore a "greasy-haired twat"... More »

2nd, June 2009 Politicians

Fit For Office: MPs Compete In Reality TV Show

Vodenicharov, 53, a contestant on the Survivor reality TV shows has died during filming... More »

2nd, June 2009 Celebrities 3

Farrah Fawcett's Love Letter Fight

In “Farrah Fawcett's business partner and college beau fights visit ban by inundating Ryan O'Neal with Farrah fans' cards and letters” Anorak's Man In LA tells us... More »

2nd, June 2009 Photojournalism

Gordon Brown Takes The Pill

Brown is aiming to secure the vibtating raver vote with his campaign slogan 'E Not Hate"... More »

2nd, June 2009 Celebrities 1

SuBows: Buy Susan Boyle Weave Brows

Boyle is no more but her eyebrows – Anorak Best Break Out Act 2009 – are all the rage. And now you can get the look with Weave Brows – a range of ComfiBrows for those of you eager to get the look... More »

2nd, June 2009 Celebrities 12

Susan Boyle Mania Creates Susan Boyle's Mania

Boyle Mania gives way to Susan Boyle’s mania. The most famous woman that has ever walked the earth, the spiritual, moral and fiscal salve to all our ills, rests up in the Priory clinic... More »

1st, June 2009 Reviews 2

Christian Scripture Supports Murder Of George Tiller

Tiller, an abortionist whose office is full of patient testimonies to how he has helped their lives, is murdered by a - get this - pro-lifer... More »

1st, June 2009 Reviews

Vogue Catches Swine Flu

news reaches us that El Porcino has arrived at Vogue magazine New York. Might swine flu be the revolution the proletariat has been waiting for? More »

1st, June 2009 Money 1

Michael Moore Saw The GM Truck Crash Coming

Moore, an ambulatory advert for American consumerism, tells Huffington Post readers that he knew General Motors would fail. He just knew it... More »

1st, June 2009 Reviews 3

The World Ends On December 2 2016

The World will end on December 2, 2016. We know this because Andrew Simms says so in the Guardian... More »

1st, June 2009 Celebrities

Susan Boyle's Eyebrows Got It Alone: Video

Boyle lost Britain's Got Talent. But while her mouth failed, those eyebrows just keep on dreaming... More »

1st, June 2009 Strange But True

Teen Attacked By Skateboard

Luckily it hits him in the head... More »

1st, June 2009 Celebrities

Susan Boyle Releases New Album: Picture

Susan Boyle issues new album - cover art and playlist... More »

1st, June 2009 Reviews 1

Scare Stories: Internet Addiction And Other Signs Of Madness

You are mad! More »

1st, June 2009 Celebrities 8

Danny La Rue RIPs Like Susan Boyle

The Susan Boyle of his age dies... More »

1st, June 2009 Celebrities 3

Jade Goody Spins On Jack's Turntables

Tweed, Mr Jade Goody, is hosting a getting-out-of-jail party at Essex’s Faces nightclub and his agent Max Clifford is offering comment... More »

1st, June 2009 Key Posts 10

Madeleine McCann Fears Swine Flu

It's the media's Third Summer Of Madeleine McCann and the hacks are planning their summer holidays? Guess where they're going?... More »

1st, June 2009 Celebrities

Cheryl Cole Is Vacuum Packed On A Bike

Cole – aka The Hairless Boyle – has lashed out £36,000 on whjat the aMil terms a “wind tunnel” exercise bike... More »

1st, June 2009 Reviews

New York Daily News And New York Post Merge

The death of newspaper journalism is heralded by what seems to be a paucity of language and news... More »

1st, June 2009 Celebrities 1

The Top Five Susan Boyle Moments

As Susan Boyle prepares to forgo her knickers, shave her head and give broadsheet hacks a chance to write about Boyle Ghandi, and tabloid scribes an opening to wonder if sex with 48-year-old virgin... More »

1st, June 2009 Celebrities 2

Kerry Katona Reunites With Atomic Kitten

A few days back, the Press Associaton brought the news: “Kerry Katona opens up on GMTV sofa"... More »

1st, June 2009 Reviews 1

Madeleine McCann: Baby P Linked To Raymond Hewlett

The Sun continues to press gang Baby P and brings readers news that Baby Peter’s mother has written a letter... More »

1st, June 2009 Reviews

Obama's White Supremacists Say Vote Green

White supremicists say vote green... More »