
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

23rd, April 2009 Celebrities 2

Mel Gibson Girl Tells Media She Won't Speak To Media

"Until Mel and his wife Robyn settle their relations, no one has the right to speak about this..." More »

23rd, April 2009 Celebrities

Beyonce Offers Duet With Susan Boyle

"She's amazing. I think she could definitely have a huge career. Her voice is lovely..." More »

23rd, April 2009 Politicians

Gordon Brown Sends Sarah To Arrest Sharon Osbourne

As Alistair Darling places UK Plc under a tarpaulin cover – closed until further notice – the Daily Mail spots Sarah Brown on a debt-collecting mission to LA... More »

23rd, April 2009 Celebrities

Coronation Street Killer Impregnates Actress

BBC brings news that Coronation Street actress Samia Smith, who plays Maria Connor in the ITV1 soap, is pregnant... More »

23rd, April 2009 Madeleine McCann 13

McCanns Fly Out For Audience With Oprah Winfrey

Kate and Gerry McCann have flown out for an audience with Oprah Winfrey... More »

23rd, April 2009 Reviews

Snakes On A Plane Missing Words Round

Snakes on a Plane! Watch the following clip and see if you can spot the script change as the film hits the TV scehedules... More »

23rd, April 2009 Key Posts 4

Asda Puts Cock Soup On Top Shelf: 28 Smuttiest Foods Ever

Cock Soup has been moved to the top shelf "because of the constant juvenile sniggers its name was receiving"... More »

23rd, April 2009 Celebrities 5

Susan Boyle Joins Tony Blair On American Idol

“Susan is probably doing more good than most of the official channels of diplomacy"... More »

23rd, April 2009 Sports 2

For sale: Liverpool FC mobile phone, only £14,490

You'll never talk alone… More »

23rd, April 2009 Politicians

Obama Celebrates Earth Day By Maintaining Air Pollution

Cleaning up skies choked with smog and soot would sharply curtail the capacity of plants to absorb carbon dioxide... More »

23rd, April 2009 Celebrities

Susan Boyle Records Killing Me Softly: Video

More »

23rd, April 2009 Sports 1

Real Madrid defender goes beserk

Portuguese star goes LOCO! More »

23rd, April 2009 Celebrities

Pictured: Michelle Obama Meets Susan Boyle

More »

23rd, April 2009 Celebrities 7

Leora's Leukaemia Rap

Leora brings to the entertainment industry her Leukaemia Rap... More »

23rd, April 2009 Celebrities 2

Susan Boyle Models Kate Moss

Susan Boyle Watch: In which Susan Boyle morphs into Kate Moss, inspires Beyonce Knowles and becomes bigger than Obama... More »

22nd, April 2009 Celebrities 2

Susan Boyle's New Eyebrows

Boyle's new eyebrows - or did she just peel off the fake ones..? More »

22nd, April 2009 Celebrities 3

Angelina Jolie Wants Her Brother's Baby

“Angelina wants her brother’s baby,” says a source. No, not for spares. But for herself... More »

22nd, April 2009 Politicians

How New Labour Hates Women

The claims made against her (an affair with a married male MP) and George Osborne’s wife Frances (nutter) are “medieval in their misogyny”... More »

22nd, April 2009 Celebrities

Mia Farrow Fasts For Darfur And Dreams Of Woody

Millions of budding celebrities may misconstrue the message and tell their people that they too are on the Darfur Diet... More »

22nd, April 2009 Celebrities 13

Shaheen Jafargholi Lances The Boyle

Susan Boyle must be toppled. Hurrah for Shaheen Jafargholi, who is on American TV show The Today show, telling Americans... More »

22nd, April 2009 Celebrities

Susan Boyle Sings Pretty Woman: Video

Introducing the next Susan Boyle..... More »

22nd, April 2009 Reviews 1

Jews In Danger As London Theatre Cancels Israeli Event

The talk is of genocide - so subtly diminishing the genocide of 60 years past. Wrong on both sides - and atrocity, prejudice and illegality. But genocide?... More »

22nd, April 2009 Money 7

Freddie Mac Head David Kellerman Commits Suicide

Freddie Mac Head David Kellerman Committed Suicide. More »

22nd, April 2009 Reviews 1

Ban The Jade Goody Cervical Cancer Vaccine

The Daily Mail: Campaigning both For AND Against the HPV Vaccine in Different Countries Simultaneously... More »

22nd, April 2009 Sports

Man Utd: the sitcom

Meet United's very own United Nations… More »