
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

27th, March 2009 Photojournalism 3

Ghost Pictured Driving A Car

Pictures of ghosts - including one of a woman driving a car... More »

27th, March 2009 Reviews

Hot Tea Gives You Cancer

Drinking steaming hot tea has been linked with an increased risk of oesophageal (food tube) cancer, Iranian scientists have found... More »

27th, March 2009 Strange But True

German Police Catch Cotton Bud Seriel Killer

German police have discovered that the sinister killer who left their DNA at 39 different crime scenes is the woman who made the cotton buds used to collect the sample... More »

27th, March 2009 Reviews 5

FBI Uses Fake Hyperlinks To Trap Child Porn Thinkers

In America, the FBI is rooting our paedophiles by “posting hyperlinks that purport to be illegal videos of minors having sex, and then raiding the homes of anyone willing to click on them”... More »

27th, March 2009 Reviews 9

Heathrow Police Nab Five in Gay Joke Ring Sting

Sharp-eyed officials with HM Customs arrested five foreign nationals disguised as homosexuals at Heathrow this morning in what they termed the "largest international gay joke smuggling bust in UK history." More »

27th, March 2009 Reviews

Bin Laden Captured

Sky News has the scoop that the world’s most wanted man – the man who says he wants to destroy us all – is plotting an attack... More »

27th, March 2009 Celebrities 3

Jade Goody Backs Earth Hour

"I think there should be a Jade legacy set up and I'd be honoured to be involved and continue the work she did raising awareness of cervical cancer” More »

26th, March 2009 Photojournalism 5

Jesus Monopoly

Go directly to jail, do no pass go(d)... More »

26th, March 2009 Reviews 8

Earth Hour Causes Global Warming

Candles seem natural, but are almost 100 times less efficient than incandescent light globes, and more than 300 times less... More »

26th, March 2009 Celebrities

Isabella Rossellini's "Green Porno" Under The Sea

The long-awaited follow up to Isabella Rossellini's "Green Porno" is under the sea... More »

26th, March 2009 Sports

Elton John returns to Watford… again

More tiaras and tantrums at the Hornets? More »

26th, March 2009 Politicians

Polly Tonybee, Guido And Journalism On The Web

Tonybee tells the BBC's Daily Politics show that you “can’t proper journalism on the web”... More »

26th, March 2009 Strange But True

Give Your Lover Revenge Crabs

Boyfriend too demanding. Girlfriend not as you thought? Time to get your won back with a dose of REVENGE CRABS.... More »

26th, March 2009 Celebrities

Armed Man Arrested At Dancing With The Stars Cull

In the US, the Celebrity Cull – the worldwide drive to reduce the EU celebrity mountain (and US equivalents) – has touched Dancing With The Stars... More »

26th, March 2009 Reviews 1

Measuring Life In Fridges

CNN is tired of traditional measurements like feet, pounds and hands, and embraces the new way: fridges... More »

26th, March 2009 Reviews 3

Self-Portrait of Faceless Adolf Hitler On Sale

There are 13 works in all but the star lot is a picture of AH sitting on a bridge in 1910. The picture shows Hitler without nose, mouth or eyes... More »

26th, March 2009 Celebrities 5

Broken Fern Britton Leaves This Morning

Britton's leaving is, of course, nothing to do with the story reported a few weeks ago in the, er, Sun... More »

26th, March 2009 Reviews 9

Baby Dad Alfie Patten Is Not Father

What news of Alfie Patten, the 13-year-old dad to teenager Chantelle Stedman’s baby, Maisie Roxanne. More »

26th, March 2009 Strange But True

Father Cuts Off Son's Genitals

Only two memories brought tears to Sun Yaoting's eyes in old age — the day his father cut off his genitals, and the... More »

26th, March 2009 Celebrities 7

Jade Goody's Last Tattoo

The Sun brings news that Jade Goody is to have a tattoo. No, not a Royal Tattoo - not yet... More »

26th, March 2009 Celebrities 4

It's True - Spandau are reforming! Let's man the barricades!

Haven’t we suffered enough?!!! Apparently not because yesterday Britain's worst collective nightmare came True… Spandau Ballet announced they were reforming. More »

26th, March 2009 Reviews 1

Earth Hour Is Cancelled

Brisbane: Sir Richard Branson is hosting the Charity Hangar Ball during Earth Hour, a candlelit dinner for 3,000 [a candle fro everyone] at Brisbane Airport... More »

26th, March 2009 Reviews 3

BBC Breakfast Presenter Vomits Live ON TV

Today Kate is on the telly. She’s dressed in black. Kate says she’s in mourning, which may be a pun, but given how the BBC has reacted to news of Jade Goody’s death, we doubt it is... More »

26th, March 2009 Celebrities 6

Jade Goody's Jack Writes A Book

But after Jackiey Budden gazed at the brave mum-of-two lying in the chapel of rest, her spirits were lifted and she confided: “Jade looked so beautiful. She’s wearing her wedding dress. She looked like Sleeping Beauty.” More »

26th, March 2009 Photojournalism 1

Indian Boy With Two Thumbs On One Hand

Indian boy with two thumbs challenges Barack Obama... More »