
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

18th, February 2009 Strange But True 1

Drugs Dealer Texts Police To Ask For Drugs Back

"I want those f****** drugs. Do you know who I am?" More »

18th, February 2009 Celebrities 1

Warming Our Hands On Chris Martin And Paltrow's Buccolic London Mansion

Is the Coldplay front man the Australian arsonist? More »

18th, February 2009 Photojournalism

London Evening Standard On The Israeli Election

Israel election between three "warmongers" More »

18th, February 2009 Celebrities

Naked Lily Allen Engages Perez Hilton PR

How celebrity PR works More »

18th, February 2009 Reviews

Jade Goody

More »

18th, February 2009 Strange But True 1

This Bike Is Not A Pipe Bomb Sticker Closes Airport

Punk Terrorists bring fear to Memphis More »

18th, February 2009 Strange But True 2

Australian Boy Eaten By Crocodile

When you go down to the swamp today More »

18th, February 2009 Celebrities 30

Jade Goody: Che Jade, Her Little Princes And Wed And Buried

Her public persona is as authentic as an EastEnders Asian More »

18th, February 2009 Strange But True 7

Faith Of Britain Day

On March 6th at 11.00am our consortium of psychics and healers will act as a channel for the positive thoughts of the entire country More »

17th, February 2009 Reviews 2

Nassur The Hamas Teddy Bear Must Die, But When?

The Hamas teddy bear is going to die More »

17th, February 2009 Photojournalism 1

Hans Off: German Simon Cowell Gropes Eurovision Colleague

German TV host gropes blonde sidekick More »

17th, February 2009 Money

Fiddle Mr Bernie: Introducing The Bernie Madoff Doll

The Bernie Madoff doll and piggy bank More »

17th, February 2009 Celebrities

Kanye West Dresses Gay As Obama's Stylist Should

Kanye West is stuffed full of himself - literally More »

17th, February 2009 Politicians

Don't Wanna Be Obama's Elf

Obama sees little people More »

17th, February 2009 Flashback 1

Birmingham's Supporting Feature, With Telly Savalas And Baim

Telly Savalas Looks At Birmingham More »

17th, February 2009 Key Posts 3

Manchester United Fan Caught In Liverpool Facebook Scam

Facebook football fan caught out More »

17th, February 2009 Key Posts 12

Muslim Wife Swap: TV Founder Beheads Wife

Countering Muslim stereotypes with a beheading More »

17th, February 2009 Money 4

Bankers: Prosecute The Swine

Demand prosecutions for the scheming beggars who ran our banks More »

17th, February 2009 Key Posts 3

Lamb Attacks Golden Eagle, Hippo Takes Flight

When lambs attack! More »

17th, February 2009 Sports

VIDEO: Basketball fan overcelebrates

Can you celebrate too much? Yes, you can More »

17th, February 2009 Sports 2

Sport-a-likes: Paul Daniels and Debbie McGee v David Beckham and Posh

Look away now. Too lateā€¦ More »

17th, February 2009 Sports

Top 10 sport-related thefts

Top burglary avoidance tip: don't be a Liverpool footballer More »

16th, February 2009 Sports 2

Ex-model banned from boxing

A former model who wanted to become the first female boxer to represent Team GB at the Olympics has been barred from the ring because she has breast implants More »

16th, February 2009 Sports

VIDEO: Italian ref knocked out by thunder shot

Man in black in the wrong place at the wrong time More »

16th, February 2009 Sports 3

Finally, a plane you can have sex with

A new take on the Mile High Club More »