
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

23rd, January 2009 Strange But True

Yaroo: Saying Yahoo Security Threat In Japan

Yaroo - and how to say Yahoo in Japan More »

23rd, January 2009 Reviews 3

The Fleet's Lit Up: Live BBC Broadcast Goes Wrong

There's nothing between us and heaven. There's nothing at all More »

23rd, January 2009 Sports 2

Sex On The Tottenham Pitch: Dino Drpic's Hot Pre-Match Ritual With Celsius

Player and Wag have sex on pitch before match More »

23rd, January 2009 Strange But True 2

Virgin Mary Not Wipe Clean With Pre-Op Joan Rivers

Mocking the face of Jesus More »

23rd, January 2009 Photojournalism

If You Are Stolen Call The Police

If stolen you call police More »

23rd, January 2009 Strange But True

Dog Wigs And Doggy Style Sarah Palin

Dogs - for your wigs More »

23rd, January 2009 Technology 1

The World's First Personal Stereo

How small is small? More »

23rd, January 2009 Money

Bank Of America Walks Off A Cliff

The latest thrilling episode of 'Stupidity on Wall St' More »

23rd, January 2009 Celebrities

Revealed: Katie Price Is Mrs Ahmadinejad

Sticking it up for justice More »

23rd, January 2009 Reviews

Hamas Won The War: Leadership In...

Hamas leadership declares victory from studio flat in Tiverton More »

23rd, January 2009 Politicians

More Barack Obama Filth: The Obama Muff

Everyone in Washington has got an Obama muff More »

23rd, January 2009 Technology

Twitter - the new British obsession - here's 10 reasons why we love it

So it is official, Brits absolutely love the micro blogging service Twitter. Why? Cos it gives us more opportunity to moan More »

23rd, January 2009 Celebrities 1

That Lady Lady GaGa Interview In Full

Putting the Gag on GaGa More »

23rd, January 2009 Reviews

Axe Crime Is The New Knife Crime

Axe crime figures shocker! More »

23rd, January 2009 Celebrities

Bernie Ecclestone And Slavica Divorce: Go Action Figure

Ecclestone looks for a settlement from his good lady wife More »

23rd, January 2009 Money

Hamas Celebrates Jermome Kerviel's Going Long On Terror

At first I celebrated like mad, says French 7/7 trader More »

23rd, January 2009 Reviews 4

Fire At Will Lewis: Jasper Gerrard Bombs In Padstein's Cornwall

The war on terror books a table in Cornwall More »

23rd, January 2009 Celebrities 1

Katie Holmes Pregnant With Excitement

Body of evidence: Katie Holmes looks upon Tom like a little boy More »

22nd, January 2009 Politicians

The Barack Obama Weird Sex Cult

Rapt eyes shone as Obama spoke with stunning eloquence of re-building America More »

22nd, January 2009 Reviews 1

Biased BBC: Israel And Rwandan Genocide

"Rwanda has been described by some as the Israel of Africa" More »

22nd, January 2009 Key Posts 1

Ten Odd Things Banned From Football Grounds

Parrots, pigs, boys, the home team, parachutes, inflatables, fat men, John Major, laces and the hokey cokey More »

22nd, January 2009 Politicians

Fisting Black Dynamite Michael Obama With The “Obama Trombone”

Obama the sex machines More »

22nd, January 2009 Key Posts 4

Obamism: Obama Says British Black Woman Are Thick And Lazy

Obama's insult to black British women More »

22nd, January 2009 Money 2

Gold Hits Record Highs, And We've Sold It All

It's a lose-lose situation! More »

22nd, January 2009 Reviews 1

Scare Stories: Chirac's Clinically Depressed Poodle

500 hungry and infected fleas swarm onto the platform… More »