
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

18th, January 2009 Celebrities 1

Pamela Anderson Can't Pull A Condom On A Dog

Anderson tries to put condom on a dof - fails More »

18th, January 2009 Strange But True

Japan's Whale And Dog Breeding Programme

When whales and dogs come together More »

18th, January 2009 Reviews

The Sphere Of Deviance

The Sphere Of Deviance More »

18th, January 2009 Reviews 1

US School Children In Child Sex Abuse Ring

Paedo porn and child abuse on the phone More »

17th, January 2009 Reviews 24

Protocols Of Starbucks Read In East London

New brown shirts attack Starbucks More »

17th, January 2009 Key Posts 3

Dinner For Two: Joe Biden Plate

You can eat corn syrup off Joe Biden's face More »

17th, January 2009 Reviews 1

New York Jet Brought Down My Geese, CIA, Jews And Al Qaeda, Developing

The real resons the plane came down in the Hudson River More »

17th, January 2009 Politicians

Barack Obama Turns Out For MK Dons

Give me an O... More »

17th, January 2009 Photojournalism 2

Tony Blair Canonised: Mission Accomplished

Tony Blair promotes peace through war More »

17th, January 2009 Photojournalism 1

Prostitution Free Zones Around Marion Barry Obama

Whores for Obama More »

17th, January 2009 Reviews 1

Do The Math: McDonald's Litter, Fit Birds And Swearing

Biggest fast food outlet creates most waste - shocker! More »

17th, January 2009 Politicians 1

Obama Gets The Keys To The Debt Vehicle

Joyriding for Obama More »

17th, January 2009 Money 1

Gordon Brown Approves Two-For-One Cashpoint Offer

Banks give cutomers chance to double your money More »

17th, January 2009 Politicians 13

Barack Obama Is Gun Salesman of the Year

Gunning for Obama More »

17th, January 2009 Reviews 2

Bottle Of M: Drink The Water And The Polar Bear Drowns

Bottle of 'M' takes care of its whole life cycle, from cradle to grave More »

17th, January 2009 Politicians 1

Petrol Cars Tow Democrat's Empty Green Cars Home From Washington

The Green Chevrolet Tahoe SUV More »

16th, January 2009 Politicians

Barack Obama Esquire Is The One-Man Industry

Obama nose More »

16th, January 2009 Money

Zimbabwe's Introduces 100 Trillion Dollar Note: Kaka Signs

Money madness in Zimbabwe More »

16th, January 2009 Celebrities

Bar Refaeli Jets Around Planet To Save It

"I always clean up after myself and I clean around me too - what other people forget" More »

16th, January 2009 Reviews 1

Paint The World White To Cure Global Warming

I see global warming and I want to paint it white More »

16th, January 2009 Celebrities 1

Peta's Dumb Animal Of the Month: Beyonce Knowles

Beyonce avoids the Munchie More »

16th, January 2009 Money 1

Bleed The World For The Third World Capital Markets

Bleeeeeeed the wooooorrrrrrld More »

16th, January 2009 Reviews 2

Egyptian Doctors Lashed 3,200 Times By Saudi Arabian Law Enforcers

Sentenced to pain for preventing pain More »

16th, January 2009 Celebrities

Jailed Boy George's Sympathetic Back Story

"I couldn't do it for mum's sake. She's dying." More »

16th, January 2009 Photojournalism

Barack Obama Keeps His Beast SUV At 72 Degrees

More »