
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

7th, January 2009 Sports

Spear fisherman catches… himself

FAIL of the year so far, no question More »

7th, January 2009 Reviews 2

Scare Stories: Third Hand Smoke And Licking Smokers Kills

Licking or sucking a smoker causes cancer More »

7th, January 2009 Celebrities 2

Gladiator Nitro Grew Man Boobs And Little Else

How to grow man boobs and small genitals, a guide More »

7th, January 2009 Photojournalism

The Burkina Faso Pharmacy Wall Chart

No need to speak... More »

7th, January 2009 Reviews

Global Cooling Hits Europe: Palin Beats Gore

Al Gore flies overhead More »

7th, January 2009 Sports 1

Extreme Sports With Jesus, Bringing Of Snow

Jesus makes good powder his wonders to perform More »

7th, January 2009 Sports

FAIL: Gymnast dismounts onto head

How NOT to dismount from the parallel bars More »

7th, January 2009 Sports 1

Kevin Pietersen makes good on his New Year's resolution

England cricket captain quits More »

7th, January 2009 Celebrities 2

Russell Brand And Jonathan Ross Write As Paul Revoir

The Mail catches up with disabled actors More »

7th, January 2009 Technology 12

The New Apple Wheel

A revolution in shiny gadgets More »

7th, January 2009 Politicians 3

Bastard Old Holborn Is Gone: Blogger Undone By War

A blogger is the first casualty of war More »

7th, January 2009 Reviews

Jihad 4 Israel, And Omar 4 Stacey

British jihadis for spray paint! More »

7th, January 2009 Celebrities 1

Paris Hilton's Prada Snatch Purse

Paris Hilton tells of her leathery vagina More »

7th, January 2009 Celebrities 1

Gordon Ramsay's Sun-Dried Tomato

Ramsay faces up More »

7th, January 2009 Photojournalism

Pumpkins For Helmets In Nigeria And XMas Trees For Teeth

Gourd help us! More »

7th, January 2009 Reviews 19

Kristallnacht: Panic Buying As Last Lights Go Out In Britian

EU cast a long shadow over Britain More »

7th, January 2009 Reviews

The Israel-Iran War Will Not Be Won

No women in sight; no end in sight More »

6th, January 2009 Reviews 2

Global Cooling Hits Britain Hard

"Much of the UK was gripped by a mini ice-age" More »

6th, January 2009 Reviews

Reuters Deploys Weapons Systems In Arab-Israel Fight

How bloggers are winning the war More »

6th, January 2009 Politicians

Hilary Benn's Food Without Thought

Making a stand when the EU has the chair More »

6th, January 2009 Reviews

Australia Declares War On Planet Earth

NASA says Australians are killing us More »

6th, January 2009 Politicians

North Korea Orders Prairie Dogs All Round

...the blue sky of the country highly dignified with Songun and hand it down to posterity by racing against the time More »

6th, January 2009 Reviews

Internet Cold Turkey Sex For China Woman With 68 Husbands

Cold Turkey sex? More »

6th, January 2009 Politicians

Upsy Daisy: BBC Apologises For Too White Obama Doll

A BBC Worldwide spokesman said corporation would now bring out a version with "a darker skin tone" More »

6th, January 2009 Celebrities

Nicole Richie Gets The Hump

A call to BOAST More »