
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

30th, November 2008 Reviews

Robin Van Persie: Goaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

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30th, November 2008 Key Posts 3

Robert Fisk Leaves Indy To Write For The Daily Star

Fisk has taken a step in the world of journalism, moving up from the faux Tabloid Indy to the true tabloid Dail Star More »

30th, November 2008 Money

Perks Of Being Old: Shoplift To Beat The Recession

On the island of Hokkaido 3 OAPs are arrested for every two teenagers nicked More »

30th, November 2008 Photojournalism 1

A Barbecue At The Petting Zoo

The Petting Zoo is having a barbecue. Bring your own More »

30th, November 2008 Politicians 5

Margaret And Helen Say Shut The Hell Up Sarah Palin

I thought I was done. Really I did. Damn it to hell. She's back More »

30th, November 2008 Reviews 1

Rawnsley On Damian Green

More »

30th, November 2008 Key Posts 4

The Boob Job Piggy Bank

The Boob Job piggy bank is rock hard - just like a genuine fake breast More »

30th, November 2008 Politicians 1

Obama's Loaded In A Buyer's Market

Bush "has poised America for a diplomatic rebound, which the next administration will get the credit for carrying out" More »

30th, November 2008 Strange But True 4

Police Give Arsonist Lager

"Wonders will never cease. Does this mean that if you turn up at a police station and ask for alcohol you might get a drink?" More »

30th, November 2008 Reviews 2

A Donald Friend To Arty Paedophiles

More »

30th, November 2008 Reviews 1

Jill Dando Murder: Supporting Barry George's Fight For Compensation

George is famous for being the one man we know for certain (it’s been established in a court of law) did not kill BBC presenter Jill Dando More »

30th, November 2008 Celebrities 9

Keep It Civil: Amy Winehouse's Star-Boxed Lover Leaves Her High And Dry

He loves her enough to let her go. That’s love. It’s like a modern day Romeo and Juliet with dirtier fingernails More »

30th, November 2008 Key Posts 5

The Shannon Matthews Christmas Gift Range

The Shannon Matthews Doll can be whatever you want it to be - but it can never be lost! More »

30th, November 2008 Photojournalism

A Nasty Buffet

More »

30th, November 2008 Politicians

Gordon Brown: The Downfall: Ein Video

What did you do in the war on poverty, papa? Did you invest in plasma..? More »

29th, November 2008 Politicians

Obama Anonymous Clubs Spring Up Across America

My name is ... and I am addicted to talking about Barack Obama and organising communities... More »

29th, November 2008 Key Posts 13

Sadistic Police Give Freezing Cold Drunk Women Flip-Flops

"Sometimes people get drunk and you see them carrying footwear which is inappropriate" More »

29th, November 2008 Reviews 2

Money Falls And With It Interest In Global Warming

More »

29th, November 2008 Politicians 4

The 10 Best George Bush Photos Ever

George Bush - you'll miss him when he's gone. The best photos from his rain/reign/rein/reegn... More »

29th, November 2008 Politicians 29

Mumbai Massacre: What Azam Amir Kasav Knows

Massacre in Mumbai. One prisoner has been identified. He's called Azam Amir Kasav More »

29th, November 2008 Technology 2

The Hoss Fly

The future of motoring: The Hoss Fly More »

29th, November 2008 Reviews 3

Canadians Wants More Blacks To Catch Cystic Fibrosis

Ottawa University pulls out of fundraiser for cystic fibrosis because it only affects white people More »

29th, November 2008 Photojournalism 1

Miracle Teeth Whitening Product

I had terrible teeth (see picture left). My teeth looked like two thin lips More »

29th, November 2008 Madeleine McCann 67

Madeleine McCann: The Story So Far

Madeleine McCann: All the news coverage so far More »

29th, November 2008 Strange But True 3

Uses For Cats: Woman Uses Them As A Living Blanket

Credit then to Mary Phillips, an 84-year-old woman who tried to keep warm by getting her 66 cats to lay on her More »