
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

27th, November 2008 Sports 1

Collateral damage: England cricket tour jeopardised by Mumbai terror attacks

Do you think England should fly home now? More »

27th, November 2008 Politicians

Barack Obama Saves Risborough Estate Agency

Can Barack Obama help fix the property market? More »

27th, November 2008 Celebrities 1

Gordon Ramsay's Domestic Nightmares

Sweet And Sour Porking and extra sauce... More »

27th, November 2008 Photojournalism

Baby P: Too Late For Ed Balls But Gordon Brown Can Still Save Him

“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste…” More »

27th, November 2008 Reviews 3

Baby P And The Haut de la Garenne Connection

"If too few are found and more children suffer, the Sun is unlikely to own up to blood on its hands" More »

26th, November 2008 Money

Identity Theft Is Hiring

Identity theft for sale More »

26th, November 2008 Reviews 1

Robert Kilroy Silk Is Out

More »

26th, November 2008 Reviews 5

Tom Cruise Wants Us to Yield To Suri

I have to say some of those paparazzi shots of my daughter are incredible More »

26th, November 2008 Reviews 4

Horror In India

More »

26th, November 2008 Politicians 12

Bush Wacking: Andrew Sullivan Forgets The Democrats As He Bashes The Bush

And I have friends in Texas. That’s some of what the last seven years have done to this writer More »

26th, November 2008 Politicians

Shane Obama: Barack Obama's Australian Kin

They would have put him in an institution, probably lied to him that his parents were dead More »

26th, November 2008 Reviews

Santa Is Dead To New York Mothers

More »

26th, November 2008 Politicians

Boris Johnson's Sister Wins Bad Sex Award

His tongue is "a cat lapping up a dish of cream so as not to miss a single drop" More »

26th, November 2008 Reviews

Andrew Grant-Adamson On Local Newspapers

More »

26th, November 2008 Sports

German ref perfects the double booking

Two yellow cards in one awesomely officious gesture? Check More »

26th, November 2008 Sports

You've been crunched! Recession bites for Tiger Woods

General Motors is ending Tiger Woods' $7m-a-year endorsement contract a year early More »

26th, November 2008 Sports 2

Listed: Top 10 Premier League stars who have lost their mojo

Ten footballers who have lost their magic boots… More »

26th, November 2008 Reviews 1

Gordon Brown Is Terry Jones

More »

26th, November 2008 Strange But True 1

Eating Worms For Sex On Japanese Trains

"I wanted to see women get scared and shake their legs” More »

26th, November 2008 Celebrities 9

Why Is Cliff Richard Not A Health And Safety Risk?

Will Cliff outlive all his fans and be reduced to praying for rain at Wimbledon’s covered centre court? More »

26th, November 2008 Strange But True 1

Wanted Man Appears On Billboard

Do you know the thief on the billboard? More »

26th, November 2008 Strange But True 7

Kentucky Boy Stabbed In Brain By Keys

Nicholas Holderman fell on his parents' keys while playing More »

26th, November 2008 Reviews 1

Allow The BNP To Speak: Racism Is Not A Crime

More »

26th, November 2008 Reviews 2

Global Warming Killed David Bellamy

David Bellamy and the conspiracy of silence More »

26th, November 2008 Money 2

CitiGroup: Us Taxpayers Back The New York Mets

Citigroup criticized for $400 million stadium sponsorship More »