
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

23rd, November 2008 Money 3

Council Bans Recycling

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23rd, November 2008 Celebrities

David Hasselhoff Gets His Kitt Off

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23rd, November 2008 Strange But True 13

National Kick a Ginger Day Replaced By Kill A Kenny Day

"It's not just 'kick a red head today,' it's 'kick them tomorrow,' 'kick them at a party'" More »

23rd, November 2008 Key Posts 1

Gordon Brown Reacts As Sarah Palin Boost Turkey Sales

Gordon Brown wrings in the banking changes More »

23rd, November 2008 Key Posts 2

NBC Cancels Global Warming

A cold day in weather warning in a climate of fear More »

23rd, November 2008 Key Posts 53

The BNP List Is A Dead Loss

The BNP list reveals the Bloody Nomarks Party More »

23rd, November 2008 Strange But True

The Atlas Of True Names: Literal Meanings Of Europe Place Names

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23rd, November 2008 Celebrities

Is Pete Doherty Dead?

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23rd, November 2008 Photojournalism

Dead Bodies And Picnic Areas

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23rd, November 2008 Key Posts 13

Baby P: Like Diana's Death, I Was There

The tabloids' cemetery land grab for readers’ hearts and minds More »

22nd, November 2008 Money

A Bair In A Bear Market

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22nd, November 2008 Politicians 4

Boyfriends Cheer As Malaysia's Mulisms Ban Yoga

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22nd, November 2008 Reviews

Pamela Andrerson: Hey Kids, Mum's On The Telly

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22nd, November 2008 Celebrities 15

Icky Poo: Catching A Double Shot At Love

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22nd, November 2008 Celebrities 1

Sienna Miller Wins Damages

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22nd, November 2008 Money

Free Bank Coupons

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22nd, November 2008 Photojournalism

One Armed Man Applauds Joe Biden

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22nd, November 2008 Reviews

New Labour: British Blowjobs For British Johns

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22nd, November 2008 Technology

The Government's Nigerian Porn Warehouse

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22nd, November 2008 Reviews

Palin Can See Turkey From Her Window

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22nd, November 2008 Celebrities 7

Obama To Sing With Coldplay

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22nd, November 2008 Key Posts 10

Sarah Palin Shows Gordon Ramsay How Meat Is Murder

Slaughtered alive. The swine! Can’t the killers wait for the birds to die in their sleep and then kill them? More »

22nd, November 2008 Reviews 2

Mosques End Segregation Of Men And Women

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22nd, November 2008 Key Posts 3

Come All Ye Faithful: The Madonna of Orgasm Church

The orgasm is God, the orgasm should be worshiped,” More »

22nd, November 2008 Reviews 2

Peak Rate: Turning Luke McCormick's Victims Into Media Campaigners

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