
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

17th, November 2008 Money

Dutch Couple In India Pay $204 For Four Samosas

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17th, November 2008 Reviews

Baby P's Mother And More Children

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17th, November 2008 Politicians 1

Pardon Me, Bush: Mark Cuban And Insider Trading

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17th, November 2008 Reviews

Obama Win Boosts Economy Of Guns

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17th, November 2008 Strange But True 1

Australia's Sex Party Wants You

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17th, November 2008 Key Posts 49

Iowahawk Says 'Watcha Cocks'

Anorak's man in Chicago writes from the land of delicious corn, pigs and methamphetamines More »

17th, November 2008 Key Posts

The Big O: Creating The Obama Generation

F*cking For Obama's Brave New World More »

17th, November 2008 Key Posts 1

Alistair Darling Apologises For His Bad And Fraudulent Investments

Correction: Alistair Darling is not a dishonest accountant More »

17th, November 2008 Sports 1

When Footballers Attack: Streaker Kneed In Throat

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17th, November 2008 Celebrities

Celebrity News Round-Up

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17th, November 2008 Celebrities 10

Winehouse Saves Eoghan Quigg

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17th, November 2008 Reviews 2

Minster Liam Byrne's Office Rider

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17th, November 2008 Photojournalism 1

Police Suspect Vending Machine Thief With Knapsack Of Quarters

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17th, November 2008 Celebrities 3

Jordan And Peter Andre's Roll On Sex

For many months pop acorn Peter nestled under Katie’s embonpoint... More »

17th, November 2008 Technology 5

Social suicide - or how I think I might actually want to own a BlackBerry

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17th, November 2008 Key Posts 3

George Osborne Creates Panic In Currency Markets: Update

Shares in George Osborne tumble More »

17th, November 2008 Reviews

Michelle Obama's LSD Lobster

Michelle Obama's cracked out caviar More »

17th, November 2008 Key Posts 2

The Original Christmas Cross For A Whiter Jesus

An effective way to express your Christian faith this Christmas More »

17th, November 2008 Politicians

Illuminati Dinosaur Controls Obama's Mind: Icke Was Right

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17th, November 2008 Technology

Apple iPod touch reviewed

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17th, November 2008 Reviews 2

Britblog Roundup 196: Baby P

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17th, November 2008 Reviews 1

Daily Express Publishes New Edition For Gypsies

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17th, November 2008 Money

Black Women Need To Work More Then Whites

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17th, November 2008 Money 1

Middle-Class Shoppers Throw Broccoli To The Poor

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17th, November 2008 Celebrities 2

Nicola McClean On Her Budding Jordans

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