
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

3rd, November 2008 Politicians 3

Heartless Liberalism: Obama's Coal Smackdown

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3rd, November 2008 Reviews 5

US Church Spreads Homosexual Hate On Proposition 8

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3rd, November 2008 Strange But True 3

The Jogging Shrimp

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3rd, November 2008 Celebrities 2

Celebrity Face Of The Day: Zac Effron And Emu

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3rd, November 2008 Photojournalism 10

Wanko Clothes For The Discerning Wanko

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3rd, November 2008 Reviews 2

Scare Stories: Insomniac Cancer, Cheap Kills And A Battering

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3rd, November 2008 Reviews 4

The Hankerchief Museum

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3rd, November 2008 Politicians 4

Obama Supporters Should Be Gracious In Defeat

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3rd, November 2008 Reviews 145

Hating The BNP

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3rd, November 2008 Money

Anorak Was Right About AIG

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3rd, November 2008 Reviews 1

The Virtuous Saudi

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3rd, November 2008 Strange But True 3

Stuck On the Loo: Man Glued To Public Toilet Seat

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3rd, November 2008 Reviews 1

Madonna's Army Tries TO Kill Guy Ritchie

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3rd, November 2008 Celebrities

Robert Kilroy Silk Spotted In I'm A Celebrity Jungle

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3rd, November 2008 Reviews

Health And Safety Myth Of The Month

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3rd, November 2008 Strange But True 11

Naked Woman In Some Misdirected Leisure Activity

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3rd, November 2008 Reviews 1

Swallowing The Daily Express

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3rd, November 2008 Reviews 2

War Hungry Fantatics Target Obama And McCain

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3rd, November 2008 Politicians 1

Beyond Parody

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3rd, November 2008 Celebrities 1

Lily Allen's Car Boot

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3rd, November 2008 Politicians

Top 8 Sarah Palin Songs: A New Hate Figure

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3rd, November 2008 Reviews

Lambeth Walk: Calming Unruly Children With Foot Massage.

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3rd, November 2008 Sports

Black-Faced Spaniards Cheer On Lewis Hamilton

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3rd, November 2008 Reviews 6

The Sun Joins The Barack Obama Death Cult

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3rd, November 2008 Money 4

The Perfect Credit Crunch Retreat

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