
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

8th, October 2008 Reviews 1

First They Came For The Anti-War Protestors

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8th, October 2008 Strange But True

Police Log: Boy Crashes Car As Adult Passengers Talke Pills And Drink

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8th, October 2008 Reviews 1

Palin Says Talibani, Dionne Say Taliban

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8th, October 2008 Reviews 3

This Is Not The American Plan

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8th, October 2008 Reviews 8

Sarah Palin Escapes Madonna

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8th, October 2008 Reviews 3

Lily Cole Tries To Contact Gary Glitter

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8th, October 2008 Celebrities 1

Lily Allen Walks Up Steps

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8th, October 2008 Reviews 2

Learning Scientology With Jennifer Lopez

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8th, October 2008 Celebrities 15

Victoria Beckham Rubs Bird Poo On Her Face

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8th, October 2008 Celebrities 2

Lily Allen Stands Near A Man

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8th, October 2008 Reviews

Brit Blog Round-Up 190

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8th, October 2008 Politicians 1

American Diplomats Learn Nil By South

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8th, October 2008 Celebrities 12

Jade Goody Wishes Osama Bin Laden Well

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8th, October 2008 Money 2

Liverpool Teaches Rest Of UK How To Dodge Paying Rent

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8th, October 2008 Reviews 1

Omar Bakri Swaps Wife For Stunna

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8th, October 2008 Reviews 3

Royal Houses And Mansions For Immigrants

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8th, October 2008 Money 3

Not The Group Of Seven Dwarves

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8th, October 2008 Celebrities 4

Ronald McDonald Puts Paul McCartney's Hair In A Bun

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8th, October 2008 Photojournalism 5

English In Amerika

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8th, October 2008 Madeleine McCann 424

Madeleine McCann: Labour And The Nazis

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7th, October 2008 Strange But True 11

Police Log: Car Thief Wears Identified By Tattoo On Neck

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7th, October 2008 Strange But True 2

A-Flat Minor: The Beaconsfield Mine Disaster: A Musical

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7th, October 2008 Reviews 7

The Falafel Wars: Lebanon And Isreal's Food Fight

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7th, October 2008 Money 3

Tabloid Bingo As The Money Markets Fall

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7th, October 2008 Strange But True 13

Police Log: Man Loses It With Tail Gating Fox

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