
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

1st, August 2008 Reviews 2

Delilah Revisited: Hamas Shaves Moustaches In Gaza

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31st, July 2008 Celebrities 3

Karma: Sharon Stone Is Sued For China Earthquake Comments

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31st, July 2008 Reviews 6

Man Decapitates Passenger On Bus In Canada

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31st, July 2008 Celebrities

Gareth Gates Says I Do

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31st, July 2008 Reviews 2

Garfield Minus Garfield, The Book

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31st, July 2008 Money 6

Guinness Viral Group Sex Ad

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31st, July 2008 Celebrities 4

Celebrity Quote Of The Day: Fergie Soaks It Up

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31st, July 2008 Broadsheets 3

What's Melissa Kite On?

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31st, July 2008 Money

We're all Chinese Now: UK Commuters, This Is The Hour

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31st, July 2008 Strange But True 3

Jughead: Bear Gets Head Stuck In Jar

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31st, July 2008 Reviews 2

Kevin Ruud Is The Scion Of An Underwear Thief

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31st, July 2008 Broadsheets 7

David Miliband And Barack Obama: Separated At Birth

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31st, July 2008 Money 3

Do The Licence Payer: BBC Fined, And Elisa Roche Auditions For Countdown

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31st, July 2008 Politicians 4

Barack Obama Starts To Believe - In His Own Hype

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31st, July 2008 Reviews 5

Scrabulous Is Dead

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31st, July 2008 Photojournalism 6

Urinate At Your Peril In Namibia

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31st, July 2008 Celebrities 1

Celebrity Quote of The Day: Catherine Zeta Jones Makes

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31st, July 2008 Reviews 8

Saudi Arabia Bans Walking With Cats

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31st, July 2008 Back pages 6

Arab Flies Lamborghini To Britain For An Oil Change

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31st, July 2008 Celebrities 4

Celebrity Quote Of The Day: Pete Doherty's Hit

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31st, July 2008 Strange But True 4

Cat Finds Jesus

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31st, July 2008 Reviews 8

Rush Limbaugh Is Killing His Audience

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31st, July 2008 Photojournalism 1

Grow Your Own Green Light Bulbs

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31st, July 2008 Tabloids 1

Acting Up A Storm: Coronation Street Cops Beaten Black And Blue

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31st, July 2008 Celebrities 3

Celebrity Quote Of The Day: Guy Ritchie

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