
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

25th, June 2008 Back pages 3

Wimbledon Update: Serena Williams On Barack Obama And God

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25th, June 2008 Tabloids 4

Big Brother 9: Luke Marsden Predicts The News

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25th, June 2008 National Enquirer

Barack Obama Is Twice Denied

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25th, June 2008 Back pages 1

Lines On Wimbledon By Serena Williams And Maria Sharapova

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25th, June 2008 Reviews

Brayden Simms: How To Save Money In Journalism

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25th, June 2008 Strange But True

Paul Barman's Rzaview Hip-Hop Interview

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25th, June 2008 Strange But True

This Year's Top 10 New Species: Save The Philautus Maia

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25th, June 2008 Money

Op-Ed Quote Of The Day: Derrick Z. Jackson On Iraq And Oil

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24th, June 2008 Politicians 8

George Bush: Green Hero

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24th, June 2008 Back pages 1

China Demolishes Mosque For Not Backing Olympics

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24th, June 2008 Reviews 5

Modern Life Has Killed The Semicolon

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24th, June 2008 Reviews 4

Global Warming Quote Of The Day: Verlyn Klinkenborg

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24th, June 2008 Strange But True 5

Man Hides Mobile Phone Up Anus

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24th, June 2008 Reviews

Is Orgy Porn Obscene Or Normal

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24th, June 2008 Politicians 3

The Book Of Obama

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24th, June 2008 Politicians 1

Billy Ruffian For David Davis, With Lyrics

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24th, June 2008 Reviews

Gaza Truce Lasted Five Days

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24th, June 2008 Politicians

On The Message Boards: Official Barack Obama Site And Jesus

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24th, June 2008 Broadsheets

Boris Johnson's Cigar Case Case

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24th, June 2008 Back pages

Mike Tyson Saved By Religion

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24th, June 2008 Back pages 10

Not Wayne and Coleen's Wedding Reception

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24th, June 2008 Photojournalism 1

Those Newspaper Predictions In Full

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24th, June 2008 Politicians 1

Barack Obama's Little Queen Of Spades

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24th, June 2008 Broadsheets 2

My Bloody Valentine Take Off Music And Pete Paphides

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24th, June 2008 Strange But True 4

Lebanon's Buns And Guns Restaurant

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