
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

26th, May 2008 Strange But True 1

They Jump Over Babies In Burgos

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26th, May 2008 Back pages

We're Not Going On An Olympic Holiday

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26th, May 2008 Politicians

Barack Obama Death Cult: Germany Calling

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26th, May 2008 Reviews 1

French State TV Network Undone In al-Dura Libel Case

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26th, May 2008 Reviews 5

What The Internet Is For

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26th, May 2008 Politicians

Sexism And The City Of Washington DC

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26th, May 2008 Politicians 1

Northern Ireland: Prosecuted For Not Registering To Vote

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26th, May 2008 Back pages

Liverpool Daily Post Celebrates Big Night Of Football

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26th, May 2008 Politicians 4

Barack Obama Osama Death Cult: Fox News Joins

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26th, May 2008 Celebrities 1

Gordon Ramsay's Basin Camp

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26th, May 2008 Reviews 1

Why The US Burns Oil

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26th, May 2008 Tabloids 4

A Velvet Curtain Has Fallen Across Eurovision

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26th, May 2008 Back pages

Alex Ferguson Loves Coleen

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26th, May 2008 Back pages

The Purple Emporor: Fergie Loves Coleen McLoughlin

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26th, May 2008 Broadsheets

Back To The Future For CCTV Policing

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26th, May 2008 Money 2

Daily Express Immigration Fuel Protest

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25th, May 2008 Celebrities 3

Moral Missionaries: Sarah Ferguson, Jamie Oliver And Richard & Judy's Life On Earth

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25th, May 2008 Politicians

Daily Kos: Vote Obama Or Enlist For War

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25th, May 2008 Politicians 1

Hillary Clinton Joins The Barack Obama Death Cult

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25th, May 2008 Strange But True 1

Keeping Swiss Time: Euthanasia And Time

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25th, May 2008 Celebrities

Denise Richards Is Like A Pig In Shi*

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25th, May 2008 Celebrities 5

Rachel Ray's Suicide Dinners: Cooking The War On Terror

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25th, May 2008 Broadsheets 1

Allah Has It In For Muslim Extremists

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25th, May 2008 Politicians 4

UN Ban-ki Moon's Final Nail In The Coffin Of Global-Warming Sceptics

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25th, May 2008 Politicians 4

Moving Britain Forward: Selected Speeches 1997-2006, By Gordon Brown

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