
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

30th, June 2015 Reviews

Watch the Georgia Brains Trust in the world's funniest Confederate flag display

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30th, June 2015 Reviews

Drain the swamp: the Cold War on Islamic terror

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30th, June 2015 Celebrities

Karen Danczuk on her marriage break up: it wasn't him it was me, me, me

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30th, June 2015 Reviews

You all paid for West Ham United's Olympic stadium and cheap tickets to woo a foreign buyer

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30th, June 2015 manchester united

Manchester United Transfer Balls: Ramos wants out of Real Madrid and De Gea angers Van Gaal

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29th, June 2015 Reviews

Transfer Balls: Morgan Schneiderlin joins Manchester United 'tomorrow' and Arsenal yesterday

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29th, June 2015 Arsenal

Watch the moment Arsenal Sign Petr Cech

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29th, June 2015 Arsenal

Transfer Balls: Ezequiel Garay gets lost on his way to Arsenal and Manchester United

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29th, June 2015 Politicians

Spare us the faux outrage over Amran Hussain's Tunisia death beach selfie

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29th, June 2015 Arsenal

Transfer Balls: Arturo Vidal moves to Arsenal and Chile becomes Italy

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29th, June 2015 Reviews

Tunisia: 30 dead and good David Cameron's Christian plea for intolerance over Muslim evil

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29th, June 2015 Reviews

Space is tough: unmanned SpaceX Rocket explodes after launch

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29th, June 2015 Arsenal

Transfer balls: Arsenal buy Arturo Vidal just like Manchester United did

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28th, June 2015 Reviews

Watch how 'infidel' Christianity became the world’s most persecuted religion

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28th, June 2015 Arsenal

Transfer Balls: Morgan Schneiderlin joins Manchester United for £25m (and Arsenal for less)

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28th, June 2015 Key Posts

Watch CNN report on ISIS flag at London Gay Pride (fails to notice it's made out of butt plugs and dildos)

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28th, June 2015 Reviews

Jesus founds in tortilla chip (photos)

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28th, June 2015 Reviews

Elderly white woman arrested for slapping idiot police officer who wrongly called at her home

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28th, June 2015 Arsenal

Transfer Balls: Arsenal reject Morgan Schneiderlin signs for Manchester United (unless Schweinsteiger does)

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28th, June 2015 manchester united

Transfer Balls: Manchester United make Everton's Seamus Coleman their third right back

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27th, June 2015 Key Posts

Murder in Tunisia: blame the West's moral impotence and Seifeddine Rezgui's poverty

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27th, June 2015 Reviews

Murder and mayhem in Tunisia, Kuwait and France: gay marriage made me do it

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27th, June 2015 Politicians

Lord Janner will face trial - maybe

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27th, June 2015 manchester united

Transfer Balls: Manchester United get 'nothing' for De Gea as Ramos and Real Madrid call the shots

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27th, June 2015 The Consumer

American Society of Parasitologists parasite playing cards

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