
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

4th, March 2015 Celebrities

Someone is selling Jerry Garcia's severed finger

You can buy Jerry Garcia's severed fingers. and the owner will toss in a FREE glass and FREE brine.... More »

4th, March 2015 Chelsea

Manchester United fans use Sikhs to abuse Chelsea and all other racists

Eamonn Holmes, the Sky News anchor, was chairing the debate, which quickly turned to Chelsea fans (club owner: Jewish Russian; supstar striker: black African), a few of whom had been filmed behaving badly on the Paris Metro... More »

4th, March 2015 Strange But True

Police find marijuana in tub labelled 'Not Weed'

Villain of the day is 21-year-old Nebraska motorist Jordan Meier. When police pulled him over for a traffic offence, they searched the vehicle. They noticed a plastic tub of Land O'Lakes sour cream. They spotted that someone had written on the tub “Not Weed.”... More »

3rd, March 2015 Arsenal 1

Transfer balls: Paul Pogba gives Arsenal the eyes

Transfer Balls: Is Paul Pogba heading to Arsenal? Is Paul Pogna, the Juventus and France star, going to pull on the Arsenal strip after an £80m transfer?... More »

3rd, March 2015 Sports

Adam Johnson: What is the Sunderland footballer's 'mansion' worth?

As the Press loads the argument against Adam Johnson - guilty of being a Premier League footballer but presumed innocent to sex crimes against a 15-year-old girl - we wondered what his home is worth. It's a key fact. appearing in every news story on the Sunderland player arrested on suspicion of sexual activity with an underage girl.... More »

3rd, March 2015 Arsenal

Arsenal: Daily Mail sticks the boot into Brooklyn Beckham and his brothers

Any child of David and Victoria Beckham will want for nothing save talent. You can fake it in the world of fashion and pop music, but in sport, there is no auto-tune or PR-wrangling to make the mundane appear masterful. And the media is watching their every move. ... More »

2nd, March 2015 Key Posts 1

Paddy Power's all-white cast calls every Chelsea fan a racist

Yesterday at Wembley Chelsea defeated Spurs 2-0 to win the Capital One Cup. But more importantly there was NO race riot. No white men in manmade fibres stopped a black man from boarding the Tube nor did they brawl with the self-styled 'Yid Army'... More »

2nd, March 2015 Gifs

The exciting new world of Gif company brochures

The new exciting world of Gif brochures... More »

2nd, March 2015 Books

Jack Chick: One Man’s Comic-Book Crusade For Humanity

Are you worried about the growing menace of the Homosexual-Catholic-Islamic-Satanist-Masonic-Alien conspiracy to promote evolutionism, fornication, pornography, pornography, paedophilia, pop music, alcohol and drugs? More »

2nd, March 2015 Reviews 1

Britain learns to love the Kurds as the ISIS cannibals makes a mother eat her son

For those of you still unconvinced that Islamic State is policed by depraved, murderous nutjobs, comes news that jihadis fed a Kurdish fighter to his mother. The Sun leads with the news... More »

2nd, March 2015 Arsenal

Transfer balls: Arsenal sell Morata to Arsenal, Manchester United and Liverpool but Real Madrid want him

Transfer Balls brings you news from the murky zone where football news and football drivel collide. Today the Daily Express says Alvaro Morata is off to Arsenal. The Express backs this up zero facts. .. More »

2nd, March 2015 The Consumer

Watch a swearing father complain that his son picked up bad language from Peppa Pig

Garfield Black, 48, of Waterloo, south east London, says that if you respond to the challenge by Peppa Pig to “find the odd one out” the pink cartoon character responds with a “f*ck you… odd one out”.... More »

2nd, March 2015 Reviews

Jihadi John: Anders Breivik and Emwazi were both excellent workers

The Sun has news on Jihadi John. His father, Jasem Emwazi, 51, "has not been seen at his family home in Queen’s Park, North West London, since Mohammed Emwazi was identified as the Islamic State serial killer". This is because, says the Sun, he's in Kuwait... More »

1st, March 2015 Reviews 1

Anti-Semitism: UCLA Student Board Bars a Jew For Being a Jew

Anti-Semitism is now accepted. Jews got a good run after the war. But the USA is now once again rife with anti-Semitism.... More »

1st, March 2015 Chelsea

Transfer Balls: Chelsea and that £1bn move for Lionel Messi

Transfer Balls: The Daily Express is the apogee of all football drivel. Today the paper links Cheslea with Lionel Messi, the Barcalona megastar. The headline declares: You never know! Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho talks £200m Lionel Messi bid... More »

1st, March 2015 Chelsea

Police remind Spurs and Chelsesa fans they are all racists-in-waiting

To Wembley Stadium for the Capital One Cup Final between Chelsea and Spurs. The once "institutionally racist" Met police have erected an electronic sign to educate the mob... More »

1st, March 2015 Sports

Liverpool balls: Steven Gerrard and the Rochdale paedo

A source at Rochdale said: “He’s landed himself in hot water as his comments have brought the club into disrepute. A fair few people were appalled and reacted angrily..." More »

1st, March 2015 Sports

Church school busts 11-year-old for wearing a 'Zlatan' ponytail like a junkie

A spot of nominative determinism now, readers, as we spot Joe Head, 11, whose was rusticated for wearing his hair in a short ponytail in tribute to Swedish footballer Zlatan Ibrahimović.... More »

1st, March 2015 Liverpool

Transfer balls: Liverpool to sign James Milner from Manchester City with lower wages than Balotelli

Transfer balls: did you know that James Milner is desperate to join Liverpool. The Daily Express has an "exclusive"... More »

28th, February 2015 Reviews 1

Jihadi John: Emwazi was driven to kill by R L Stine and Duke Nukem

The Jews did it... More »

28th, February 2015 Reviews

How Buzzfeed took eight years of messing around to own #thedress

You read about #thedress? You might have read about it on Buzzfeed. The site scooped got 27 million pageviews for #TheDress. How did they do it? Well, it's not that easy. Paul Ford explains that what looks like a simple post is the result of years of trail, error, money and fun.... More »

28th, February 2015 Money

Max-Hervé George might be the world's richest man if Aviva acknowledges his existence

"Dear god almighty, you’ve got to read this," writes Tim Worstall. He links to a story on the FT about Max-Hervé George, 25, who has taken on insurance company Aviva France. ... More »

28th, February 2015 Reviews

10 reasons why became Mohammed Emwazi became Jihadi John

So. Why did Mohammed Emwazi become Jihadi John? How deos a "humble" schoolboy in a pink jumper became an alleged seriel killer and snuff movie star? More »

27th, February 2015 Reviews

Homeless man caught in $5 police drugs sting sentenced to life imprisonment

In the USA, a man who agreed to buy $20 worth of marijuana for a stranger in exchange for a $5 finder's fee has been arrested. The $5 was marked note. The deal was a police sting... More »

27th, February 2015 manchester united

Manchester United injury balls: Robin Van Persie is out for weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks

Football balls: whan a player is injured the media goes into overdrive. They love it. Manchester United's Robin Van Persie has poorly ankle. But how long will be out for?... More »