
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

9th, February 2015 Film

America ignores the Baftas in favour of the American Dance Institute's New Choreography awards

What does America think of the Baftas, the British Academy of Film and Television Arts awards? A look at the New York Times tells us the anwer is not very much. Or nothing... More »

9th, February 2015 Reviews

The truth about dentistry at the 'gleaming' Dover immigration removal centre

In "DEPORTATION SCNADAL", the Sun focuses on dentistry at Dover immigration removal centre, aka The Citadel... More »

9th, February 2015 Reviews

Daily Express and Daily Mail twist Prince Charles words into an attack on British Muslims

The Daily Express heard Prince Charles' words on race relations. Discussing the radicalisation of young Britons, Prince Charles told BBC radio: "Well, of course, this is one of the greatest worries..." More »

9th, February 2015 Reviews

Study: Women who make more money still do more chores than men

A research paper published the journal Work, Employment and Society says men who earn less money than their female lovers do more housework than men who earn more money than their better halves... More »

8th, February 2015 Strange But True

13 benefits of vaginal weightlifting

There are 10 Benefits Of Vaginal Weightlifting. We know this because Kim Anami has counted them.... More »

8th, February 2015 Books

Read the colouring and activity book from the U.S. Border Patrol Museum, El Paso, Texas

Budding smuggler hunters can study this colouring and activity book from the U.S. Border Patrol Museum, El Paso, Texas... More »

8th, February 2015 Celebrities

Method-one acting: EastEnders' John Altman says dope, LSD, cocaine, opium were better than alcohol

Speaking to the Sun, Atlman, who played EastEnders' nasty Nick (think middle-aged Sid Vicious without the charm) "revealed he once took heroin, just like his junkie alter-ego"... More »

8th, February 2015 Reviews

Stuffed Boyfriend Bears: A chastity teddy 'for girls who wait'

When your creepy boyfriend celebrates St Valentine's Day by handing you a balloon holding a teddy, check the lable. Is that a Purity Bear?... More »

8th, February 2015 The Consumer 1

Daily Express Fat Watch: FREE Cadbury's Twirl for all future Weight Watchers sweaters

The Sunday Express has a great reader offer. More »

8th, February 2015 Arsenal

Transfer Balls: Chelsea and Liverpool star Daniel Alves signs for Manchester United, Manchester City and Arsenal

Daniel Alves has played for everyone... More »

8th, February 2015 manchester united 1

50 Shades of Reds: Watch the Manchester United sex tape

Having endorsed everything from airlines to wine and tyres, it was inevitable that Manchester United would move into pornography. The Sun leads with news that Manchester United stars "film sex video in toilets"... More »

7th, February 2015 Sports

Spurs Balls: 'Hurrikane' Harry Kane thrashes Arsenal in headline wars

HARRY Kane is the darling of White Hart Lane, or White Heart Kane, as it is dubbed. Having scored both goals in Spurs' 2-1 win over Arsenal, Harry Kane is the talk of the sports press. And the good think about Harry is that his name makes for decent puns... More »

7th, February 2015 Arsenal 1

Arsenal host the "Jimmy Savile Fan Club', says Google Maps: Spurs Fans Follow The Pattern

Type 'Jimmy Savile Fan Club' into Google Maps and you find its location: Arsenal's Emirates stadium... More »

7th, February 2015 Key Posts 1

It never was genocide in Kosovo: truth emerges on Tony Blair's moral war

Remember when Tony Blair took the country to war in the Balkans? Just as in Iraq, this too was moral crusade to spare the world from evil. Britain's part in the Blakans war chimed with Tony Blair's aim to give the country a unifying identity based on sound morals. In 1999, the then Prime Minister opined... More »

7th, February 2015 Chelsea 1

Transfer Balls: Chelsea get Paul Pogba in a six-wallet race

More »

7th, February 2015 Arsenal

Arsenal Balls: Alexis Sanchez leaves Arsenal for a month of Sundays

Arsenal Balls: the Daily Express has been talking about Alexis Sanchez, the Chilean player plugged into the National Grid. He's not fit to play Spurs in the Premier League today. But let'ssee what the Express has been reporting...: More »

7th, February 2015 The Consumer

Auckland Council erects $200,000 council-funded phallus

"Art is there to provoke the reaction and usually for the one negative comment there's thousands of positive comments as well," says sculptor Gregor Kregar... More »

7th, February 2015 Key Posts 1

Rotherham: What the police did with teenage 'prostitutes', Pakistani men and complicit councillors

PC Hassan Ali was killed crossing a Road in Sheffield. He was stuck by a blue Vauxhall Corsa on January 28. PC Hassan Ali served with South Yorkshire Police as neighbourhood policing officer based in Rotherham. He had 18 years service with the force... More »

6th, February 2015 Politicians

Election Watch 2015: The Evening Standard team reject tokenism

Is racial diversity important to your readership? What about class? Age? Religion? David Wearing spots the London Evening Standard's "expert team for analysis and comment oin the toughest election in years".... More »

6th, February 2015 Film

Dad handmakes a David Bowie doll to surprise his 7-year-old daughter

We love dolls, or action figures (as you macho lads call them). We've seen the weirdest celebrity dolls of all time. We've seen dead dolls. And we've spliced and diced more Barbies then you can shake a nagging finger at... More »

6th, February 2015 Film

50 Shades of Grey was made with Lego in mind: video

The clunking dialogue. The ability to fold yourself in half and turn your partner into an origami swan. The hands made for w***ing and clutching a 'martial sex aide'. Yeah. 50 Shades of Grey was made with Lego in mind... More »

6th, February 2015 Politicians 2

The UKIP trap: Labour MP Sarah Champion point scores on Rotherham child abuse

Nothing to see here... More »

6th, February 2015 Reviews

Daily Express never forgets Alzheimer's: Grapes fight memory loss (in rats)

The Daily Express explains to its readers why they can no longer recall why they buy 'the world's greatest newspaper' and fail to spot the same stories appearing year after year on its cover: they lost their grapes... More »

5th, February 2015 Reviews

TransAsia ATR 72-600 death toll is a sign of God's love, miracles and destiny

When a passenger plane crashes anywhere in the world the news is delivered in facts: flight number; number of passengers; the dead; the survivors; and departure time. Soon after the talk turns to the black box flight recorder. Will it tell us what really happened?... More »

4th, February 2015 Reviews

Daily Mail Health Tuesday: Fizzy water gives you cancer and selfies cause anorexia

It's Health Tuesday (delayed) in the Daily Mail. Let's look at new ways to fall ill and die in the paper of terror... More »