
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

20th, January 2015 The Consumer

We done Carr watches for coming up with the most sexist and tacky advert yet

Huge congrats to Carr watches for coming up with the most sexist/tacky advert yet. More »

20th, January 2015 Liverpool

Liverpool Balls: Norwegian Fan Names His Daughter ‘YNWA’

COYR... More »

20th, January 2015 In Pictures

Artist gives abandoned kids' erotic play dolls a new makeunder

Can you scrub that disgarded Bratz doll into something less showy? One helping hand can. makes new clothes, shoes and haior for the dols who have been used by their owners.... More »

20th, January 2015 Reviews

Free speech: Saudi Arabia arrests man who filmed public beheading and Ireland's dream

Saudi Arabia is an ally of the UK, the country whose leaders cry "Je Suis Charlie"... More »

20th, January 2015 Key Posts

Anti-Semitism is justified: views on the war on Jews and its causes

Thoughts on anti-semitism. One thing a Jew cannot do is fail. The other thing a Jew can always do is be held responsible for what their co-religionists do.... More »

20th, January 2015 Liverpool

Liverpool Balls: Brendan Rodgers got Divock Origi on the never-maybe

Liverpool Balls: LFC manager Brenadan Rodgers has been talking about Divock Origi... More »

20th, January 2015 Celebrities 1

Celebrity Big Brother: The Sun's Katie Hopkins gets naked on Chegwin's Channel 5

Celebrity Big Brother is making news in the tabloids. In the Sun and Star (now the only paper for topless stunnas - watch those readership figures soar!). Both papers have a league table of how the housemates are getting along... More »

20th, January 2015 Reviews

Daily Mail Health Tuesday: street lights give you cancer and doctors cannot be trusted

It's Health Tuesday in the Daily Mail. What news ways to fall ill and die are there this week?... More »

19th, January 2015 Reviews 1

Page 3 is dead: Intolerance and prudes kill The Sun

Rumours are that The Sun newspapers will not logner feature topless stunnas on its Page 3. Birds and babes will remain on the page but wearing scanties. No nipples. .. More »

19th, January 2015 Reviews

Free speech: Clifford Chance lawyer pitches to open office in Islamic State

How to get ahead in legal... More »

19th, January 2015 manchester united

Manchester United balls: Radamel Falcao scores an unlikely hat-trick

Manchester United defeated QPR at the weekend. The game finished 2-0, with goals scored by Man United substitutes Fellaini and Wilson. Garth Crooks was watching. He heaps praise on United's Radamel Falcao, picking the stupendously well paid Colombian striker for his BBC column's team of the week... More »

19th, January 2015 Music

Fantastic! Ray Charles tries to get arrhythmic and tone-deaf English kids to sing ‘Hit the Road Jack’ in 1964

Hit the road Jack... More »

19th, January 2015 Arsenal

Arsenal balls: Flamini and Carzorla futures in jeopardy (and other Daily Mail clickbait)

Football fans love those player ratings that feature in newspapers. At home they compile league tables. It's a little known fact that clubs ask a random sample of 101 fans for their end-of-season results. The data dictates clubs' tranfer policies... More »

19th, January 2015 Strange But True 1

Other parents: Five-year-old boy given bill for missing school friend's birthday party

Ever invite someone to a party and have them not show up after saying they would? Ever sue them for the no-show?... More »

19th, January 2015 Celebrities

'You classist gimp': Read James Bunt's wonderful letter to Chris Bryant MP

Labour MP Chris Bryant told the Guardian that arts should not be about merit.... More »

19th, January 2015 Celebrities

Celebrity Big Brother is TV's moral compliance show: only the most intolerant survive

Big Brother should come with an "Approves by the Ministry for Morals" sticker.... More »

19th, January 2015 Arsenal

Transfer Balls: Manchester United's Radamel Falcao offers himself to Arsenal, Liverpool and Manchester City

Yeah. The player who commands a salary of - get this - £265,000 a week (!!), who has scored three times for Manchester United this season and has a history of injury is interesting Arsenal, Liverpool and Manchester City.... More »

19th, January 2015 Strange But True

Woman who wet her pants at scary theme park upset her photo is being used by company

n you identify someone by their crotch? What about if that crotch is wet?... More »

19th, January 2015 Technology

Grindr weakness lets homophobes keep tabs on you

Want to keep track of gays? That quesion to you ISIS and other violent homophobes. Anyone on Grindr, (the dating app with millions of monthly users) has a weakness. .. More »

19th, January 2015 Key Posts 2

When the Paris Mosque saved Jews from the Nazis with Muslim IDs

It was during World War 2 when French Jews were being rounded up for murder by Nazis that Si Kaddour Benghabrit, the rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris until 1954, acted... More »

18th, January 2015 Reviews

Free speech and mental Perdition: The self-censoring mind of a fanatic

Howard Jacobson writes in the Independent on ignorance, self censorship and the vanity of knowing your view and no other is right... More »

18th, January 2015 Strange But True

The Satanic Children’s Big Book of Activities Coloring Book: free to Florida's young Christians

Have you read the “The Satanic Children’s Big Book of Activities”? The Satanic Temple wants to give these pamphets to children in Orange County, Florida.... More »

18th, January 2015 Reviews 1

Daily Mail readers offer: a cut-priced cancer maker and juicer

Everything we know about fruit juice we learned in the Daily Mail... More »

17th, January 2015 Strange But True

Watch a thick-thighed woman steal a TV by hiding in up her dress

To Guapiles in central Costa Rica, where a woman is stealing a TV set by smuggling up the dress she is wearing. .. More »

17th, January 2015 Sports

Arsenal Transfer Balls: winger Edgar makes it 63 and counting

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