
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

14th, January 2015 Arsenal

Arsenal Transfer Balls: Perin, Gomis and Moreno arrive

Transfer Balls - Arsenal: To date Arsenal have been linked to - get this - 59 players. Not by some small websites. The mainstream media has said Arsenal are buying players in batches. And there are more... More »

14th, January 2015 Celebrities

A day in the life of Philippe Starck: the square oyster omelette and sex in a white truffle

A day in the life of Philippe Starck, as told to the Times... More »

14th, January 2015 Key Posts

Drop your #JeSuisCharlie sign: the free speech fundamentalists demand it

If you support campus speech codes, ban debate, participated in a campaign to get a TV or radio show off the air, drop your #JeSuisCharlie sign. More »

14th, January 2015 Reviews

Inappropriate BBC asks 'How welcome are Africans in the UK'

The BBC has tweeted a question: "How welcome are Africans in the UK?"... More »

13th, January 2015 Reviews

Charlie Hebdo: The BBC and New York Times reject Jew Suis Charlie and Muhammad's tears

The Charlie Hebdo cover is all over the web. For those of you have not yet seen it, it's here... More »

13th, January 2015 Reviews

CNN reports: attack on Paris kosher supermarket was an attack on Muslims who shop there

We go live to Paris, where CNN are by a kosher supermarket where people have been murdered. Some, like the French Preesident, say the attack on a kosher supermarket was driven by rabid anti-semitism. But CNN seeks to clarify. ... More »

13th, January 2015 Reviews

The incredible 30 linkbait phrases Buzzfeed uses to get clicks before your cat dies

What Buzzfeed character are you? More »

13th, January 2015 Reviews

Free speech is now compulsory: here are the rules

It is illegal to speak out aganst free speech... More »

13th, January 2015 Strange But True 1

Sex tip of the day: how to fold your penis into a human love chair

Sex tip of the day is provided by Nigeria's Pulse, in partnership with Origami Monthly: Some men believe that because of their penis size, they cannot enjoy sex or give pleasure to their women. But they are wrong as there are positions for every size... More »

13th, January 2015 Reviews

Phi Kappa Psi are criminals-in-waiting: University of Virginia implements nutzoid rules for innocent students

Now the story has been debunked, the Phi Kappa Psi is back in the game. But the rules have changed. Universersity president Teresa Sullivan has created a new Fraternal Organization Agreement Aimed to Enhance Safety.... More »

13th, January 2015 Reviews

Barack Obama backs San Antonio Spurs over free speech and Paris

So. Barack Obama wasn't at the Paris unity rally (formerly the rally for free speech)... More »

13th, January 2015 In Pictures

8 reasons you should not call Charlie Hebdo racist

If Charlie Hebdo is racist we're all shafted.... More »

13th, January 2015 Celebrities

Big Brother racism: Ken Morley needs to get cancer and jihad if he wants to be an anti-racist

Racism. It's big news. The Daily Mirror leads with it. No. not the top story about Islamists murdering Jews in Paris... More »

13th, January 2015 Reviews

Terror attack on US military: Pentagon denies retweeting Piers Morgan

The Daily Mail states the bald facts on its front cover. More »

13th, January 2015 Reviews

This week's Charlie Hebdo, featuring Muhammad: 'All is forgiven'

It's brilliant! More »

12th, January 2015 Key Posts 2

Anti-semitism is thriving: Jews of France keep a bag packed under the bed for the coming Exodus

France’s Prime Minister Manuel Valls is the Socialist son of Spnish immigrants. He sees the anti-Semitism... More »

12th, January 2015 Strange But True 4

Questions on Islam: 'Is it permissible to make snowmen?'

Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid is answering you questions on Islam. Under 'New Fatwas', the Sheikh talks about snow... More »

12th, January 2015 manchester united

Transfer Balls: Thomas Muller and Paul Pogba say the same thing to Manchester United

And Thomas Muller? "MANCHESTER UNITED are on red alert after Bayern Munich's Thomas Muller was offered to Real Madrid for £45m...." More »

12th, January 2015 Celebrities

Big Brother: 'pervy' Ken Morley never did call anyone 'Chalky' nor appear on Television X

Celebrity Big Brother got rid of Jeremy Jackson for "allegedly trying to grope Chloe Goodman in the house loo". And like you we have no idea who is is, either. It's now expelled Ken Morley. Why?... More »

12th, January 2015 The Consumer

Hipster hotel The Hoxton uses Charlie Hebdo murders to advertise its new Paris branch

Hipster hotel The Hoxton stands accsued fo using the m urders of Charlie Hebdo staff to advertise its business... More »

12th, January 2015 Books

2014 Bulwer-Lytton winner: 'When the dead moose floated into view the famished crew cheered...'

And the winner of the 2014 Bulwer-Lytton contest is: "When the dead moose floated into view the famished crew..." More »

12th, January 2015 Reviews

Free Speech: But not for Condoleezza Rice and Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Matthew Continetti nails the free speech phonies... More »

12th, January 2015 Reviews

Get Marc Jacobs to the Kurds now: because like the Nazis, jihadis look cool in uniform black

One reason the Brownshirts out-attracted the Communist youth street gangs was the Nazis’ investment in uniforms... More »

12th, January 2015 Celebrities

Anita Ekberg confronts the paparazzi in 1960

Face of the day: the late, great Anita Ekberg... More »

12th, January 2015 Strange But True 2

Woman regrets getting squirting penis tattoo on her shoulder

“I let my mates draw whatever they wanted. I have the word ‘Dyke’ on my ankle, and then one drew the penis on my shoulder. I knew what they were doing and didn’t mind at the time. It was just a joke and I thought it was funny. But..." More »