
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

26th, November 2014 Liverpool

Liverpool Balls: Simon Mignolet's Old Jokes Home

Liverpool goalkeeper Simon Mignolet has attracted the attention of ex-Reds ‘keeper Bruce Grobbelaar, who tells BBC Sport... More »

26th, November 2014 Key Posts

From #IS To #Ferguson: Drugged Jihadis Offer To Kill For Justice And Muslim Converts In America

Ferguson is burning. And on the web, a Islamic State jihadi makes the poepls burning and marching for justice an offer... More »

26th, November 2014 Reviews 1

Ferguson: Rioters Are Burning The American Dream

As Ferguson, USA, erupts all over the TV news, MOV-TV reports that many of the shops looted, smashed and burned are owned by people of ethnic minorities... More »

26th, November 2014 Politicians

Westminster Paedophiles: The D-notice, Sweating Cyril Smith And Rochdale Is Cleansed

Westminster Peadophiles: Anorak's at-a-glance look at the story of child abuse in the 1970s and 1980s in the media... More »

26th, November 2014 Strange But True

Rob 'Not A Nutter' Of Blackheath Is 'Desperately seeking Suzy' With Lampost Posters

Rob has been placing signs up in Blackheath, London, asking Suzy to get in touch. He is "Desperately seeking Suzy", telling her... More »

26th, November 2014 The Consumer

Cheese Big Enough To Kill A Man Arrives In Canada

How do you describe something big? Traditionally, fooball pitches, buses or St Paul's Cathedral have been used to describe a thing's length or height. But writing in the Ottwah Citzen, Alison Mah takes a new angle... More »

26th, November 2014 Strange But True 1

Nominative Determinism: Mr Phuc Kieu Arrested For Sex Crimes

Nominative determinism of the day is Florida resident Phuc Kieu, 58... More »

26th, November 2014 Reviews

Monopoly Game Row Leads To Domestic Violence Arrest

Today's mugshot features Alyssa Ferraro, 21, arrested after a row over a game of Monopoloy New Hampshire... More »

25th, November 2014 Celebrities

Terry Hall of The Specials Handles A Man In The Crowd Throwing A Can

I once watched The Alarm get pelted with bottles, cans and at least three big ceremaic cider jugs. They played on. Terry Hall, of The Specials, isn't going to take it. When a face in the crowd at Nottingham Rock City tosses a can toward sthe stage, Hall reacts... More »

25th, November 2014 Arsenal

Is Arsenal Boss Arsene Wenger doing a Brian Clough by staying too long?

More »

25th, November 2014 Celebrities

Casting Couch Bill Cosby Should Admit His Guilt And Prove Everybody Right: No Trial Required

Bill Cosby is under the cosh. The actor who played cuddly Cliff Huxtable in the Eighties - a kind of safe suburban Black Man Can Jumpers - is accused of being a rapist. No trial. Now arrest. No charges. Bill Cosby says he's innocent. But... More »

25th, November 2014 Sports

Newcastle United Balls: Faustino Asprilla Has A Range Of Condoms

Former Newcastle United favourite Faustino Asprilla offers us his “Tino” condoms for your good sexual health in Colombia, the Bigg Market and beyond... More »

25th, November 2014 Strange But True

That Headache Might Be A 4-inch Tapeworm Or 8 Maggots Eating Your Brain

That headache might not be a fatal, after all. It could be a 4-inch tapeworm living inside your skull... More »

25th, November 2014 Reviews

Fiat Justitia Ruat Caelum: Ferguson Burns As Darren Wilson Walks

The news is full of images of rioting in Ferguson, Missouri. The Grand Jury decided not to charge white Officer Darren Wilson in the fatal shooting of black Michael Brown... More »

25th, November 2014 Arsenal

In Arsene We Rust: Arsenal Will Ditch Wenger At The End Of This Season

Pressure builds on Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger.... More »

25th, November 2014 Strange But True 1

School Bans Trip To Nutcracker Baller Over Jesus Tree Fears

The Butler Elementary School field trip to see the ballet is back on. Sorry, kids... More »

25th, November 2014 Madeleine McCann

Madeleine McCann: Searching Barragem da Bravura For Signs Of A Story

Madeleine McCann: Anorak's look at the missing child in the news. Today the Mirror leads with a Madeleine McCann 'BOMBSHELL'... More »

24th, November 2014 Celebrities

Jack Monroe Uses Dead Ivan Cameron To Promote Her Wholemeal Pizzas

Celebrity chef Jack Monroe brignd a lump to the throat... More »

24th, November 2014 Arsenal

Klopp Balls: Dortmund Manager Wants Arsenal Job, Get Liverpool Job And Waits For Manchester United Job

The Daily Express has been planning Jurgen Klopp's future. Apparently, the German manager of Boruisia Dortmund is desperate to work in England.... More »

24th, November 2014 Books 1

Neal Cassady Shall Be Justified: Read The Joan Anderson Letter That Inspired Jack Kerouac's On The Road

In 1950 Neal Cassaday chocked down mouthfuls of speed and wrote a 16,000 words, 18-page letter to hgis friend Jack Kerouac. In it he recalled a trip to Denver and a dalliance with a Joan Anderson... More »

24th, November 2014 Reviews

Free Speech Dies At Sheffield University: Student Union Bans Eminem

You can ban free speech. You can send women to the back. But god help anyone who dare ban Eminem from the UK's University campuses... More »

24th, November 2014 Celebrities

Santa's 'Close Friend' Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen And The Papers Say The Rubbish Magical Journey Is 'Amazing'

Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen designed The Magical Journey, near Sutton Coldfield. And Santa Claus himself endorsed it... More »

24th, November 2014 Reviews

Australian Educators Steal Children's 'Inappropriate Food'

Remember when fat meant fun? In Western Australia, the food police are clamping down on inappropriate foods.... More »

24th, November 2014 Arsenal 3

David Seaman Is Why Arsenal Paid Paul Gascoigne's £50,000 Medical Bills: Spurs Are In The Clear

“I rang up their [Arsenal] physio Gary Lewin and told him I wasn’t feeling great. He said to go to hospital as he feared it was pneumonia..." More »

24th, November 2014 Key Posts 3

Westminster Paedos: Spartacus, The D-Notices, Martin Allen Returns And A Liverpool Shrine

Westminster child abuse: Anorak's at-a-glance look at the story of politicians sexually abusing children... More »