
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

21st, November 2014 Money

Academics Say: Poor People On Fuel Lead To Road Deaths

How can roads be made safer? Well, you could do what they've done in London and charge a high fee for cars to enter the 'nondom zone'... More »

21st, November 2014 Strange But True

Taco Bell Drive-Through Refuses To Serve Cyclists

TO, New Smyrna Beach, Florida, where the Taco Bell Drive Thru waiters have refused to serve man on a bicycle. Gabriel Harris, 33, wants to eat... More »

21st, November 2014 Reviews

Hacking Football Finally Reveals A Bout Of Old Style Racism

MALKY Mackay is now manager of Wigan Athletic. When his private text messages were aired, a few were shown to be offensive, revealing the then Cardiff City manager to be a grade A pillock. As a result of his offensive messages, Mackay lost out on the top job at Crystal Palace... More »

21st, November 2014 Politicians

The Mask Slips: Emily Thornberry Shows How Elitist Labour Is

EMILY Thornberry MP played her hand. To use the language of the anti-UKippers, the mask slipped. Thornberry portrayed Rochester locals as working class morons, the kind of dolts who drive white vans, love football and England... More »

20th, November 2014 Sports

Bad News: ITV want the Premier League highlights back

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20th, November 2014 Strange But True

Women Slept With Dead Mother For Five Years

When the daughter wouldn’t open the door, he called the police. They and the fire service were able to get the door open and discovered the body inside in a double bed which the daughter had been sharing... More »

20th, November 2014 Celebrities

The Video Bill Cosby Didn't Want You To See: Brett Zongker Makers The Ordinary Entertaining

WHEN the Associated Press sat down to talk with Bill Cosby about his new TV show, the conversation turned to allegations that he has sexually asaulted women... More »

20th, November 2014 Politicians

Labour MP Emily Thornberry Mocks Kent's White Working Class

Labour MP Emma Thornberry leaves her Islington zone and heads to Rochester in Kent. She is shocked. This is the "white man's gulch" the Daily Mirror warned her about... More »

20th, November 2014 Reviews

The 'Guardian Class' Want Video Games Rated For Sexism

In light of “Gamergate”, Sweden’s “government-funded innovation agency” Vinnova are looking at rating video games by their “sexist” content... More »

20th, November 2014 Reviews

Andreas Hykade Shows Us What It's Like To Be A Drug Addict

What is drug addiuction like? Well, coming off heroin is like having your skin peeled off. Another friend had repeated, hellish flashbacks... More »

20th, November 2014 The Consumer

Real Barbie Dolls Comes With Spots, Stretch Marks And Issues

Want to see the real Barbie doll? Nickolay Lamm wants to show us what a real woman as a plastic doll would look like. His Lammily doll has impetigo, a mole, wounds, bruises and - unlike Mr Stretch Armstrong - stretch marks... More »

20th, November 2014 Reviews

College Sex Modules: Univesity of Main Adopts The Nutzoid 'Yes Means Yes' Policy

Once upon a time college was fun and rebellious. Then it became about compliance... The University of Maine has adopted the ‘yes means yes’ consent policy... More »

20th, November 2014 Technology

REM, Depression And Genius: The Twenty-four Hour Mind

In Rosalind D. Cartwright's The Twenty-four Hour Mind: The Role of Sleep and Dreaming in Our Emotional Lives, she turns to a link between REM sleep and depression... More »

20th, November 2014 Strange But True

Pensioner Collected Hundreds Of 'Borrowed' Bicycles In His Apartment

EVEYONE needs a hobby... More »

20th, November 2014 Key Posts

Westminster Paedophiles: The Elm Guest House, Vishal Mehrotra And Whispers

THE Westminster Peadophile ring story continues to build... More »

20th, November 2014 Strange But True

Cambridge Man Arrested For Threatening Tesco Staff With Picture Of A Gun

TO the Tesco Extra store in Bar Hill, Cambridge... More »

20th, November 2014 Celebrities

The Sun Says: Sick Footballers Bully Gemma Collins By Comparing Her To Wayne Rooney And Shrek

GEMMA Collins is out the I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! jungle and the Sun says she's been bullied. No, not by a TV producer encouraging her to eat a kangaroo's anus. Gemma's been bullied by footballers on Twitter!... More »

20th, November 2014 Celebrities

Gemma Collins Gets £40,000 For Teaching Us How To Kill A TV Celebrity

WHY did weeping Gemma Collins quit the I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! jungle? ... More »

20th, November 2014 Madeleine McCann

Madeleine McCann: Robert Murat Is Back On The Front Pages

The latest no news... More »

19th, November 2014 manchester united

Manchester United Are One Justin Bieber Away From Total Victory

MANCHESTER United news: the club's executive vice-chairman told investors... More »

19th, November 2014 Reviews 1

Kyron Horman: Police Leave The Investigation To Sockpuppets And Haters

An up-date on the story of the missing child from Portland, Oregon... More »

19th, November 2014 Strange But True

Video: Spider Hauls A Shell Into A Tree For Shelter

SPIDERS are fantastic. They are also terrifying... More »

19th, November 2014 Reviews

Free Speech: Timothy Stanley On The Death Of Thinking At Oxford University

WHEN the Oxford University's compliant, scared, iliberal wimps and bigots censored an abotion debate, anyone sane should have noted that "Free speech is under assault on campus". Tim Stanley was one of the speakers who was shut down by the unenlightend, ignorant mob... More »

19th, November 2014 Celebrities 1

Change The Bleedin' Record: Bob Geldof's White Saviour Complex Dreams Of A Black Christmas

Bob Geldof walks into this international effort as a nostalgia act from the 1980s. He seems unaware of all the parodies of his charity singles... More »

19th, November 2014 Sports

Brass Banned: Let's Pray The Dire England Band Get The Chop After Scotland Game

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