
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

29th, October 2014 Chelsea

Hands Off In The Box: The Daily Mail's Campaign That No-One Wants

THE Daily Mail has campaign. It wants readers to: Join Sportsmail's Hands Off In The Box campaign by parading the logo at matches.... More »

29th, October 2014 Sports

Everton Balls: Steven Naismith Rubs It In with Burnley's 'keeper

IT is bad enough conceding a goal when you're a goalkeeper, as the only thing you're interested in is protecting the netting from bulging with a football hitting it. Well, things could be worse than letting a striker get the better of you.... More »

29th, October 2014 Reviews

Epic Fail: The Britsh Council Can't Spell EUROPE

Yes. If only you were there, EURROPE would be complete. *slow hand clap for the British Council... More »

29th, October 2014 Liverpool

Liveprool And Manchester United Balls: Luis Suarez Maintains He's No Racist

THERE'S been a lot of trouble around former Liverpool player Luis Suarez, the last being a rather peculiar bite on an opponent when Uruguay played Italy in the World Cup.... More »

29th, October 2014 Money 1

If You Want To Avoid Prostate Cancer You Should F*ck Your Brains Out

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28th, October 2014 Celebrities

Photo Of The Year: Arnold Schwarzenegger Mocks The Campus Anti-Smokers

Still smoking... More »

27th, October 2014 Reviews

Thought Crimes: Man Persecuted For Tiger Sex Tape Was A Victim Of Furry Fury

THE police said they found footage of a tiger have sex with a women on Andrew Holland's mobile phone. You read that right.... More »

27th, October 2014 Reviews

June Steenkamp's Book Washes Away The Rivers Of Bilge Around Reeva's Killing And Oscar Pistorius' Crime

WHEN Reeva Steekamp was shot dead by her famous lover, Oscar Pistorius, the media went into overdrive. Today, the Times features an extract when June Steenkamp's book, Reeva: A Mother’s Story... More »

27th, October 2014 Reviews 2

Human Rights Infects Ebola: US Nurse Kaci Hickox Sues For Being Quarantined

KACI Hickox had treated Ebola victims in Sierra Leone. Back in her native US, nurse Hickox was quarantined... More »

27th, October 2014 Politicians

FAIL: Elle Magazine Thanks 'David Miliband' Not Ed For Supporting It's Feminist T-Shirt Balls

Today ELLE magazine asks: "Why is David Cameron so afraid to call himself a feminist?"... More »

27th, October 2014 Sports

Flight MH17: Newcastle United Fans Prove The Football Family

JOHN Alder was a pasesnger on board Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 on July 17, 2014, the day it was shot down over Ukraine. Mr Alder, his friend and fellow Newcastle United fan Liam Sweene and 296 other people were killed. John and Liam were going to the match, on their way to see Newcastle United play a pre-season friendly in New Zealand... More »

27th, October 2014 Reviews

Fang Falls Into A Vat Of Raw Human Poo And Presents The Funniest Joke In The World

TO China for a prelude for the funniest joke in the world. Chi Fang was in a bar when his wife called. She wanted him home fast. So. Fang took a shortcut home over a bridge. He'd drunk a lot and felt ill. He stopped on the bridge to vomit.... More »

27th, October 2014 Reviews

Conformists Get A Tattoo: Rebels Get A Burqa, Hassidic Hat And Tie

THE Sun has news of the tattooed mum from Bournemouth, Dorset, who was "horrified in Marks & Spencer when a shop worker called her tattoos disgusting"... More »

26th, October 2014 Reviews 1

Every Westerner In A Keffiyah Supports Racism, Christian Repression And Pan-Arabism

The left's worst crime in the Middle East has been its support for the region's Arab-Muslim majority at the expense of its minorities. It has supported the majority's terrorism, atrocities, ethnic cleansing and repression of the region's minorities... More »

26th, October 2014 Royal Family 1

FAIL: The BBC Takes A Closer Look At The Queen's First Tweet

Let's zoom in... More »

26th, October 2014 Money

Amazon Loses $500 Million: Now, About That Tax Bill

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26th, October 2014 Sports

QPR Balls: Harry Redknapp Out, Tony Pulis In And Glenn Hoddle For Now

FOOTBALL Balls: In his Daily Mail Football Grapevine. Rob Shepherd has facts for QPR fans.. More »

26th, October 2014 Reviews

Parents Research Family Trees In Light Of New School Holiday Travel Rules

PARENTS can remove their children from class during term time and not be branded criminals under new guidelines. The Sunday Times looks at acceptable excuses... More »

26th, October 2014 Books 1

Russell Brand's Revolution: Using Rape And Hitler's Publisher To Spark The 'Divine'

RUSSELL Brand, age 39, has written Revolution, a book dedicated ‘To the divine, mischievous spark in you"... More »

26th, October 2014 Reviews

GCHQ's Search For Dyslexic Spies Is Progress

WHAT is dyslexia? Why is it treated as a handicap? Carola Binney writes on the search for dyslexic spooks... More »

25th, October 2014 Arsenal

Transfer Balls: Arsenal's Ozil To Manchester City And Other Beliefs

TRANSFER Balls: The Daily Express says "Mesut Ozil wants to quit Arsenal for Manchester City"... More »

25th, October 2014 Film

People Screaming In 1970s Horror Films

More »

25th, October 2014 Reviews

Co-Op Bans Sale of Eggs and Flour To 'Young' Great British Bake Off Fans

Halloween has a season? More »

25th, October 2014 Film

Crap Cockneys: And The Nominations For The Worst London Accent Are…

Cacknee geysers on film... More »

25th, October 2014 Money

Asda About To Get Screwed By Equal Opportunities Legislation

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