
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

17th, August 2014 Reviews

Persecuting Terrorists, Sex Offenders And Other Nudists In Malaysia, America And Northern Ireland

Nudes are under attack... More »

16th, August 2014 Chelsea 3

Transfer Balls: Mehdi Benatia Agrees Manchester City Deal But Joins Manchester United For £6m Less Than Chelsea Bid

TRANSFER Balls: A look at reporting on Roma's Mehdi Benatia and his move to Cheslea, Manchester United, Manchester City and, well, anyone... More »

16th, August 2014 manchester united

Manchester United Balls: Did A Bird Poo In Ashley Young's Mouth?

He shoots. He scores! More »

16th, August 2014 manchester united

Transfer Balls: Manchester United And The Marcos Rojo Spies

Sporting released a club statement in which they accuse an unnamed club of using an impromptu visit to the Jose Alvalade stadium to sneak the CEO of Doyen Sports (a monstrously powerful group of super-agents) in for a hush-hush meeting with Rojo by disguising him as an employee of the visiting club... More »

14th, August 2014 Reviews 3

Michael Brown: The Killing Of A Bolshie Unarmed Black Teenager In Photos

WHEN Michael Brown, 18, was killed by police in the Ferguson suburb of St Louis, Missouri, there was outrage... More »

14th, August 2014 Key Posts

10 Actors Who Swapped The Boards for the Bandstand

PART Kermit, part hipster, Michael Cera is loved by many (and he probably irritates a fair few too, but that's normal) and has starred in a bunch of films that make people in Converse Chuck Taylor's go weak at the knees... More »

14th, August 2014 Celebrities

The Huddersfield Examiner Picks A Great Day To Profile Cliff Richard's Dead Ringer

Former Longwood resident, Kytsun Wolfe, will perform in the region for the first time since he left to pursue his entertainer dream... More »

14th, August 2014 Liverpool 18

Liverpool Balls: Brendan Rodgers Wishes Alexis Sanchez Had A Telly

LIVERPOOL Balls and a daily look at the wisdom of Brendan Rodgers, who says... More »

14th, August 2014 Celebrities

Police Raid Sir Cliff Richard's Home In Investigation Over Alleged Child Abuse

From the shadows... More »

14th, August 2014 Reviews 1

ISIS Wins Because The Iraqi Army Won't Fight For A Country That No Longer Exists

AS ISIS butchers its way across Iraq, we wonder what happened to the Iraqi Army?... More »

14th, August 2014 Celebrities

Robin Williams Death Show: Fox News Milks The Dead "Coward' And Kicks His Kids In The Guts

Pass the bucket... More »

14th, August 2014 Strange But True

Mug Shot: Woman Really Enjoyed Breaking Father-in-Law's Windows

She told the arresting oficer, “This was fun and they are a bunch of bitches..." More »

14th, August 2014 Music

Marianne Faithful Knows Who Killed Jim Morrison

LOOKEE here: Marianne Faithful must have a new album coming out. .. More »

14th, August 2014 Arsenal 1

Transfer Balls Royal Flush: Edinson Cavani Wants Manchester United But Heads To Arsenal

Utter balls... More »

14th, August 2014 manchester united

Transfer Balls: Guess Who Manchester United Are Swapping For Arturo Vidal

Our headline invites you to 'Guess Who Manchester United Are Swapping For Arturo Vidal". Guess right and you could be a journalist with these fine newspapers... More »

13th, August 2014 Reviews 1

Associated Press Journalist Simone Camilli Killed In Gaza

War reporting... More »

13th, August 2014 NSFW

Grapefruiting: Auntie Angel's Oral Sex Trick That Makes Your Eyes Sting

AUNTIE Angel wants you to get your man “grapefruited”. Auntie Angel is an oral sex-ologist. She is not sponsored the Grapefruit Growers Society of America (at least not officially)... More »

13th, August 2014 Sports

West Ham Balls: Diego Poyet Says New Teammates Andy Carroll And Stewart Downing Are Crap

AND so it begins: the digital generation grows up and find their vapid utterances and dumb photos posted on Facebook and Twitter (but nor MySpace nor Bebo) coming back to kick them in the careers... More »

13th, August 2014 Reviews

Expressive Ecstatic Emotion of A Mental Illness In 1933

The agony... More »

13th, August 2014 Strange But True

Man Killed By Anal Vibrator

This must be a rather sad way to go, death by anally inserted vibrator... More »

13th, August 2014 Strange But True

Statue Of Jesus Christ Grows Human Teeth

THE 18th Century Mexican statue of Jesus Christ is kitted out with human teeth. Did they grow? Is the statue posssed? It is real human being dipped in a plastic resin? CNet reports... More »

13th, August 2014 Politicians

LibDems Align UK Government The Clerical Fascism Of Hamas And Want Israel Destroyed

The LibDems have a little problem... More »

13th, August 2014 Sports 3

Glenn Hoddle Wanted Spurs But God Chose QPR As His Punishment

GLENN Hoddle - the hymned Queen of Godlers Green - is back in top flight English football. The Daily Mirror notes his retusn as a QPR coach... More »

13th, August 2014 Reviews

Foreign Press Association Accuses Hamas Of Intimidating Journalists

What do we see..? More »

13th, August 2014 Reviews

Are Anti-Depressants Over-Prescribed?

ARE anti-depressants over-prescribed. Stephen Lawrie, Head of the Division of Psychiatry, Professor of Psychiatry and Neuro-Imaging, Director of PsySTAR at University of Edinburgh, takes a view... More »