
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

26th, June 2014 Celebrities

Game Of Thrones Photos: Cersei Lannister Gives The Queen The Death Stare Of Sardony

QUEEN Elizabeth II took a trip to the Game of Thrones set on a visit to Northern Ireland. Cersei Lannister was there... More »

25th, June 2014 Liverpool

Liverpool Balls: The Redemption Of 'Evil' Luis Suarez

As Luis mulls over the future, we take time to revisit the words used to annoint Suarez when he was welcomed back into the (swallows sick) 'football family' after his respective bans for biting and calling Manchester United's Patrice Evra a "negrito" over and over and over. That word is "redemption"... More »

25th, June 2014 Celebrities

Eli Wallach Takes Photos On The Set Of MacKenna's Gold, 1967

FLASHBAK to August 4 1967... More »

25th, June 2014 Reviews

Hacking: Rebekah Brooks And Andy Coulson - The Front Pages

MOST of today front pages concentrate on just one story: the hacking trial and Rebekah Brooks' aquittal... More »

25th, June 2014 Reviews

BBC Intern Spends Last Day In Job By Cracking 'Breaking News' Joke

Quitting your job in style.... More »

25th, June 2014 Technology 2

Other Parents: Instagram Mum Upset Over Rule-Breaking Photo Of Her Daughter Marlow

COURTNEY Adamo was kicked off Instagramme for posting a picture of her daughter Marlow. Yes, quite. We're uspet because anyone who feels a need to showw off their kids to strangers and who calls the progency Marlow represents that form of entertainment we call 'Other Parents'... More »

25th, June 2014 Flashback

A Victory Garden Inside A London Bomb Crater, 1943

Dig for victory... More »

25th, June 2014 manchester united 1

Transfer Balls: Manchester United Agree To Pay Southampton 's Luke Shaw Fee

More ballzzzzzz More »

25th, June 2014 Celebrities 1

Jimmy Savile Blows Smoke At Children Stuck Inside A Broken-Down Lift In 1973

FLASHBAK to September 7 1973... More »

25th, June 2014 Arsenal

Transfer Balls: Mario Balotelli Could Play In Defence For Arsenal

TRANSFER Balls: The maisntream media have been linking Mario Balotelli with move to Arsenal. The player hasn't said a word. Have Arsenal?.. More »

25th, June 2014 Money

Chelsea Clinton Doesn't Care About Money As She Earns $600,000 A Year

THIS is a fairly brazen piece of behaviour. Chelsea Clinton, daughter of Bill and Hillary, insists that she's not really motivated by nor worried about money. Which is interesting because she's on a $600,000 a year contract with NBC to do the odd bit of TV reporting now and again. Oh, and she's married to a finance whizz kid and lives in a $10 million apartment... More »

25th, June 2014 Celebrities

Jimmy Savile Stars In Junior School Play

THE young students at Scargill School in Rainham, east London, are rehearsing for the end-of-year show Lights, Camera, Action!. We join the action as the school caretaker cahracter, a Mr Jim Fixit arrives. He is, as the notes sugegst, ”ready for any challenge.” .. More »

25th, June 2014 Key Posts 13

Is Rock And Roll Dead? No. It Just Smells Bad

“ROCK and Roll isn’t dead. It just smells bad.” I am, of course, paraphrasing Frank Zappa’s famous response when asked whether jazz was dead. Who would have guessed that quote would be applicable to rock music just a few decades later... More »

24th, June 2014 Reviews

Transfer Balls: Ander Hererra Signs For Manchester United (Again)

Balls... More »

24th, June 2014 Money 2

Hypocrisy Takes Wing: The Greenpeace Manager Who Flies To Work

But when there's a Greenpeace manager who happens to live in Luxembourg but his work is in Holland it's fine for him to have a few flights a month to get between the two... More »

24th, June 2014 Liverpool 2

This Photo Proves Uruguay And Liverpool Star Luis Suarez Bit Italy's Giorgio Chiellini

Like most of you, when we heard that the Liverpool and Uruguay striker had bit an Italian, we thought... fantastic... More »

24th, June 2014 Music

Prince Decides He's Too Good For The Middle-Class Yoghurt Fest Called Glastonbury

Eavis confirmed that he was in discussions with Prince but that the singer got his nose out of joint during negotiations as he felt that the festival was using his name to advertise itself... More »

24th, June 2014 Reviews

Black Face The Poles: Eastenders Is Just Too White Moans BBC

THIS is an extremely strange complaint from the BBC here, that Eastenders is just too white for the part of London that it's supposedly about... More »

24th, June 2014 The Consumer

Hurrah! It's True! The Great British Breakfast Beats Hangovers

Given that it's the carbohydrates that are doing the work there you can increase the effect by adding a some chips to the meal: and making sure that your tea with it is nice and sweet.... More »

24th, June 2014 In Pictures 2

The Most Annoying Fans At The 2014 World Cup - A Photo Gallery Shaming

TICKETS? Yep. Flights? Yep. All you need now to really enjoy the Brazil 2014 World Cup is to wear a novelty hat. This will ruin the view for anyone and everyone behind you. But who cares - you'll get on the telly and everyone back home will know that a) your were there; and b) you're a selfish idiot... More »

24th, June 2014 Liverpool 1

Transfer Balls: Cheated Out Of His Arsenal Move Liverpool Want Luis Suarez To Shun Barcelona

TRANSFER Balls - with the Daily Luis Suarez... More »

24th, June 2014 Flashback

An Architect's Roadside Nightmare On the Road To Los Angeles In 1934

Hot dogs... More »

23rd, June 2014 Fashion 1

10 Reasons Aerobics In The 1980s Was Crazy Awesome

BY THE 1980s, the Baby Boomers, who had enjoyed the Sexual Revolution as trim youth, suddenly found themselves with a little extra weight as they entered their thirties. The alarm was sounded, and what followed can only be described as a cocaine-fueled mania. One manifestation of this fitness assault was an aerobics explosion. I don’t think anyone really knew what they were doing, but they looked wonderfully insane doing it... More »

23rd, June 2014 Celebrities 2

Thetans Attack: Tom Cruise To Play Scientologist In Star Wars

THERE'S rumours floating around which suggest that Scientologist Tom Cruise is in talks to make a cameo appearance in JJ Abrams' Star Wars: Epsiode VII movie... More »

23rd, June 2014 Gifs

David Whyte's Magical Mind-Bending Bees & Bombs Gifs

DUBLIN-based science student David Whyte posts these sort of geometric gifs at Bees & Bombs.. More »